How To Use A Shower Cap At Home
How To Use A Shower Cap At Home

7 useful household uses for a shower cap


A shower cap is a faithful assistant in everyday life that can simplify your daily life if you know how and where to use it correctly.

To protect shoes

The first use of this bath accessory was as shoe covers. Place your hats over your shoes.

Protection from dirt, puddles, paint and other sources of pollution is provided to you. Now your shoes will always be clean.

For seed germination

To help the seeds sprout faster, you will also need a shower cap. Many sprouts require high humidity. In such an environment, they germinate well.

If there is no special film or glass on hand, cover the seed boxes with shower caps. This will create a favorable atmosphere inside for seed germination.

To protect your tablet

Cookbooks are a thing of the past. In the age of information technology, advanced housewives watch recipes for various dishes right on their tablet. It often happens that drops of water and food residues fall on the screen when the housewife touches it with her hands.

In order not to stain the screen of your gadget, simply put on a transparent and thin bath hat, which will provide excellent screen protection from various kinds of dirt.

For storing shoes

To save space in your wardrobe and get rid of a bunch of annoying large shoeboxes, shower caps come to the rescue.

You can pack one pair of sneakers, shoes, boots and any other footwear in them.

For flowers

A shower cap is especially useful for those who grow indoor plants.

If you accidentally poured more water into the pot than required, just put the oilcloth product on the flowerpot. Polyethylene will help to retain excess moisture, and thus you can save the surface of the furniture from excess moisture.

For fresh food

To prevent food leftovers from spoiling in the refrigerator and their smell from spreading throughout the chamber, put a hat on the container.

If, for example, you have not finished your salad, then simply cover the top of the round container with food leftovers with a bath hat. He will cope with the task in the same way as cling film.

For decoration

The transparent shower cap looks a bit like a jellyfish. If you decide to make a decor for the children's room with your own hands and cannot find a suitable idea for it, then you should purchase several hats and make real jellyfish out of them.

You can hang crafts with threads to decorate your baby bed or even make a homemade chandelier. In any case, it will turn out original and unusual.
