When Is Black Clothing Inappropriate?
When Is Black Clothing Inappropriate?

4 cases in which black clothes are inappropriate


Many women have a weakness for black in clothes. It is elegant, visually slim and almost always a win-win. However, there are cases when dark clothing is inappropriate.

It's summer outside


If the sun beats mercilessly and the heat is on the street, you will be extremely uncomfortable in dark clothes. It attracts the sun's rays and absorbs heat, and you are already hot. In summer, it is better to give preference to light colors. If black is your favorite color, and you can't imagine your wardrobe without it, at least choose light natural fabrics and loose fit of clothes.

Date coming


When going on a date, give preference to positive shades. This will be more correct psychologically and from the point of view of energy. Black attracts negativity, brings on all sorts of troubles, brings delays and difficulties in fulfilling desires. A romance that began with a date in a little black dress runs the risk of failure. If the relationship develops, it will be difficult and full of contradictions.

Even if you do not believe in omens, you should understand that on a date your partner expects lightness, good mood and warm emotions from you. Dark clothes, on the other hand, look overly dramatic, slightly distorting and making perception heavier. Why do you need unnecessary difficulties. Especially if it's a first date.

During illness


Since dark clothing is energetically attracting illness, it should not be worn if you already have health problems. By doing this, you can aggravate your condition and contribute to the development of the disease. Going to visit seriously ill relatives or friends in black is also not worth it. In our culture, it is the color of mourning. They will simply misunderstand you - they will think that you wish the patient's death.

In order not to annoy others and not to induce disturbing thoughts, dress in such cases neutral, without flashy shades and mourning hints.

During pregnancy


Pregnancy is a very important period for a woman. She must take care not only of herself, but also of the life that arises in her. It is helpful to surround yourself with positivity. Don't think bad and don't wear black. We are not encouraging you to completely exclude this color from your wardrobe. You just need to know when to stop.

If you dress from head to toe in all black every day, you can bring yourself to depression. Especially against the background of hormonal changes that always accompany pregnancy. Yes, and according to signs, a pregnant woman should wear light clothing to protect herself from misfortunes and troubles.
