Russian Celebrities Married In The Church
Russian Celebrities Married In The Church

Russian stars who were married in the church to strengthen the family


Some celebrity couples seek to strengthen family relationships by getting married in a church. Sometimes the sacrament occurs after many years of marriage.

Mikhail Efremov and Sofya Kruglikova


Actor Mikhail Efremov married his wife Sofia Kruglikova after 15 years of marriage. The public learned about the event from Ivan Okhlobystin, who and his wife Oksana were invited to the ceremony as witnesses.

Okhlobystin on May 18, 2016 on Instagram wished Efremov and Kruglikova long and happy years of life. Sophia is the fifth wife of Efremov. The couple have three children together: daughters Vera and Nadezhda, the youngest son Boris.

Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin


For a long time, Maxim Galkin remained unbaptized. In 2015, he converted to Orthodoxy. On November 18, 2017, after 6 years of marriage, Alla Pugacheva got married with her young husband.

Alla Borisovna said that she deeply regrets the first wedding. Now her decision is conscious. This is a righteous act in the name of love. The prima donna asked the Almighty to prolong her happy life, to grant health and well-being to her husband and children.

The event took place in a church near Moscow with the closest friends. Pugacheva was dressed in a long elegant dress and a powdery veil.

Galkin appeared in a black suit and white shirt. Twins Harry and Lisa behaved strictly and ceremoniously, often baptized.

Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya


The famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko and his wife, producer Yana Rudkovskaya, decided to get married after 8 years of marriage. After getting married in 2009, the couple turned to church on September 15, 2017.

In the restaurant where the event was celebrated, the couple was congratulated by Valentin Yudashkin and Stas Mikhailov with their spouses, Sergey Lazarev, Philip Kirkorov and other celebrities.

Yana Rudkovskaya commented on the photo from the church posted on Instagram: "Together and forever."

Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov


The decision of Presnyakov and Podolskaya to enter into a legal marriage, and then get married, was influenced by conversations with priests. When Natalya decided to confess and receive communion, the priest refused her communion, saying that she was living in sin with a man.

In 2010, the couple got married in the temple of Cosmas and Damian. Since then, every year on July 12, this event has been celebrated in a close family circle.

Vladimir and Natalia said in an interview that after the ceremony, both felt a spiritual connection, quarrels became very rare. The wedding further strengthened their love.
