What Mistakes Cause Wrinkles Around The Eyes To Appear Ahead Of Time
What Mistakes Cause Wrinkles Around The Eyes To Appear Ahead Of Time

5 mistakes that can cause wrinkles around the eyes prematurely


The thin skin around the eyes is more prone to fading than other areas on the face. There are 5 main mistakes that can speed up this process and lead to early wrinkles.

Remove makeup with whatever comes close to hand

Many makeup removers have a "avoid eye area" instruction.

This means that the composition contains aggressive components that can provoke additional dryness, irritation of mucous membranes and delicate skin.

It is necessary to choose special cosmetics with a note that make-up can be removed from both the face and eyes. If there is no such clarification, it means that you cannot use the tool in any case.

For face make-up removal we purchase one thing, for the eyes - another. This is a mandatory rule. There are many universal products on the market, you just need to carefully study the recommendations on the packaging.

Wash your face with hot or cold water

The delicate skin around the eyes reacts very sharply to both cold and hot water.

In the morning, when there is no decorative cosmetics on your face, you can wash yourself with mineral water or hydrolat.

Especially well hydrolates of rose, immortelle, parsley, witch hazel, chamomile and cornflower moisturize and tone the skin. It is worth washing with water at room temperature.

Don't wear sunglasses

This accessory serves to protect the orbital area from premature expression lines that occur if you actively squint.

Wide frames with maximum fit would be a good option. These models protect the eyes and the skin around them.

Rarely moisturize skin


A big mistake is made by those who don't use a moisturizer.

Due to the fact that the area around the eyes is practically devoid of fatty layer, it constantly needs additional nutrition and hydration, especially during the heating season.

For the orbital area it is better to choose a separate cream - not the one for the face.

Ideal would be a remedy with hyaluronic acid in the composition, with coconut, argan, almond, wheat germ or castor oil.

Go to bed without removing your makeup

The composition of cosmetics often contains talc, zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, kaolin. These ingredients, when left on the skin for a long time, slow down the regeneration processes.

Cell regeneration is especially active at night.

Particles of mascara can get on the mucous membrane and cause a number of unpleasant diseases - from conjunctivitis to blepharitis.

To maintain eye health and allow the skin to recover at night, it is imperative to remove all makeup and only then go to bed.
