Signs Of What You Can And Cannot Keep In Your Wallet
Signs Of What You Can And Cannot Keep In Your Wallet

What is dangerous and what is desirable to carry in your wallet according to signs


According to popular beliefs, in order for money to always be found in a wallet, it must not only be beautiful and roomy, but also have the correct inner content. Some items carried in a wallet attract financial well-being, while others, on the contrary, drive away luck.

Photos of loved ones

Many people keep pictures of people dear to their hearts in their wallets, without thinking that this can cause a lack of money and many other problems in life.

Money requires attention and does not approve of other things that are dear to a person next to it. Because of this, "resentment" arises, and the financial situation worsens.

Tickets and checks

Any document confirming a purchase is a waste symbol, therefore it blocks the financial flow. Banknotes do not like to have shop receipts, receipts, tickets for travel or movies next to them. They begin to think that they are not appreciated, which is why they cease to be a frequent guest in the wallet.

To prevent this from happening, it is better to use a separate folder to store cash documents or put them in a bag pocket.


Money also does not like proximity to foreign objects, especially if they are not of any use.

Candy wrappers, unnecessary notes, blisters, old business cards, etc. should be thrown away immediately and not stored in your wallet.

Lucky bills


Serial numbered banknotes containing a long set of identical "lucky" numbers (7, 8 or 9) are a strong magnet for attracting money.

Best of all, eights, symbolizing infinity and constancy, manifest themselves. Lucky bill cannot be spent and transferred to other people.

Bay leaf

This spice has been used since ancient times in magic rituals and church rites.

You can store the sheet dry or fresh, preferably in a separate pocket so that there is no contact with the banknotes, and strangers cannot see it.


To always have money in your wallet, you should put a kernel or a bean pod in it. Such a neighborhood will not only attract material luck, but will save you from spontaneous spending and theft.

Instead of beans, you can use beans or other similar crops: peas, chickpeas, mung beans, soybeans, lentils.
