How To Choose An Orthopedic Mattress
How To Choose An Orthopedic Mattress

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Choosing an orthopedic mattress

Girl stretching while lying on the bed
Girl stretching while lying on the bed

The popularity of a healthy lifestyle is growing day by day. A person strives to have quality rest, think positively, and eat right. Healthy sleep is no less important for a person. It is he who gives strength to the body, increases the functionality of the immune system. The key to sound sleep is a good mattress. Today, many people opt for orthopedic mattresses that can provide the spine with the necessary support. For a person resting on such products, the lower back is perfectly kept in the required position.

You should choose an orthopedic mattress not for its presentable appearance, but for its characteristics. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account both the weight of the future owner of the mattress and the structure of his body.

High-quality orthopedic mattresses do not lose their anatomical effect in any position of the body. They repeat all its curves, fixing and relaxing at the same time. A mattress that is too firm can be a significant obstacle to a comfortable position for a person. Too soft mattresses do not have the ability to quickly recover their shape, which leads to unwanted dents.

In orthopedic mattresses, medium hardness is encouraged. It is achieved by a number of techniques, both layering and memory effect.

The girl lies on an orthopedic mattress
The girl lies on an orthopedic mattress

High-quality orthopedic mattresses do not lose their anatomical effect in any position of the body. They repeat all its curves, fixing and relaxing at the same time

The quality of the mechanical impact of the product must be accompanied by its hygiene. This is possible when the mattress is impregnated with special compounds capable of repelling dust and having anti-allergic properties.

Environmental friendliness of the product is no less important. Mattresses made of natural material are recognized as the best. The composition of such a filler should be at least fifty percent. When filling the mattress with natural latex or coconut coir, the product has a cotton and linen mattress topper. These materials are expensive but very healthy. A wide range of mattresses with various fillings is presented on the website of the Aelita company

Fur mattress topper
Fur mattress topper

Mattresses made of natural material are recognized as the best.

The length of the mattress is of no small importance. With the right choice, it will exceed the height of the owner of the mattress by a couple of tens of centimeters. No need to save on product thickness. The thicker the product, the easier it is to match the shape of the body.

For obese people, harder mattresses are recommended, and for thin people - soft ones. This is because a hard mattress can cause spinal curvature in a thin person.

The orthopedic mattress has several layers. They are located on the base and are interlayers. Layers allow the mattress to quickly recover and return to its normal shape.

When choosing a product, you can focus on the characteristics of the old mattress. Its advantages should be taken into account and the disadvantages should not be repeated. In addition, the new mattress should be better and more comfortable than the old one.
