Plum Honey White: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews
Plum Honey White: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews

Plum Honey white - a generous variety with a very tasty name

plum white honey
plum white honey

Against the background of luxurious peaches, juicy pears and apples, the plum looks like a modest tree. But not honey white plum. This tree attracts attention both in spring, during flowering, and in summer, when it is strewn with a harvest of amber fruits. In addition, the variety is absolutely not capricious and adapts well to various conditions.


  • 1 Description of the yellow plum variety Honey White
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages - table
  • 3 Landing features

    • 3.1 How to choose the right planting material?
    • 3.2 Site preparation
    • 3.3 Preparing the landing pit
    • 3.4 Step by step planting process
    • 3.5 Timing of boarding
    • 3.6 Are pollinators needed?
    • 3.7 Photo: pollinators for Medova
  • 4 Plum care Honey white

    • 4.1 Cropping
    • 4.2 Practical tips for pruning plums - video
    • 4.3 Watering
    • 4.4 Weeding, loosening, mulching
    • 4.5 Fertilizers
    • 4.6 Application of fertilizing under a young non-bearing tree - table
    • 4.7 How to feed adult fruiting plum trees - table
    • 4.8 Preparing for the winter and is it necessary to cover the Honey White Plum for the winter?
  • 5 Diseases and pests

    • 5.1 Diseases characteristic of Honey white plum - table
    • 5.2 How does the disease manifest itself - photo gallery
    • 5.3 Pests and control of them - table
    • 5.4 How to recognize pests - photo gallery
  • 6 Harvesting

Description of the yellow plum variety Honey White

The word "plum" immediately pops up happy childhood years, low trees growing in every yard, and blue or purple sweet and sour fruits. But it turns out that there are many other varieties that differ in color and taste.

Plum fruits honey white on a branch
Plum fruits honey white on a branch

Plum Honey white wonderful variety with excellent taste

The tree has a high growth from 5 to 7 m. There are not very many branches, and they form a thin crown of a round or wide pyramidal shape. Flower buds are laid on annual growths. Despite the small number of branches, honey plum is very productive.

Flowering occurs a little earlier than other varieties, before the leaves appear.

Plum blossom
Plum blossom

Plum Honey white blooms very early

Honey fruits are often oval or round-pear-shaped. They can be called large - the mass of the fruit stretches up to 50 g. The dense yellow skin is covered with a white waxy coating. During the ripeness period, on the sunny side, a cover color in the form of an orange blush may appear.

The pulp is intense yellow, sometimes green-yellow, dense in structure, juicy, with a pronounced aroma. The taste is very sweet, but set off by a subtle sourness. Pleasant honey aftertaste. The round pit is of medium size and is difficult to separate from the pulp.

Plum fruit honey white
Plum fruit honey white

Plum fruits Honey white covered with waxy bloom

A distinctive feature of the Honey Plum is its excellent honey taste, unpretentiousness to environmental conditions and abundant fruiting. The variety also boasts excellent adaptability to almost any terrain.

Advantages and disadvantages - table

Advantages disadvantages

Excellent frost resistance and

tolerance to dry seasons

Tree too tall

making harvesting difficult

Large and tasty fruits The root collar is often undercut
Early ripening

Shade intolerant - may shed


Unpretentious care
Good transportability
Honey white plum
Honey white plum

Honey white plum - a high-yielding variety

Landing features

The health of the tree, and hence the stability of future harvests, depends on the correctly selected seedling, a suitable place for planting and the quality of the soil.

How to choose the right planting material?

The most crucial moment from which the planting process begins is the purchase of a seedling. Here are some guidelines to help you make the right choice.

  1. You need to buy seedlings only from trusted sellers, and best of all in special nurseries. Here they sell only varietal trees - grafted or grafted.
  2. First of all, you should pay attention to the root system. It should consist of several branches, at least 25 cm long. The more powerful and thicker the roots, the better. Naturally, they shouldn't be damaged.
  3. Examine the vaccination site. It should be completely covered with bark and have a slight bend. The vaccination site is located 10 centimeters above the estimated planting level.
  4. The bark of the trunk should be elastic, without damage. The height of the trunk is about 50 cm, the thickness is not less than 2.5 cm. In addition to 3 - 5 branches, up to 60 cm long, the seedling must have a central conductor.
  5. 2-year-old seedlings have the best survival rate.
Plum seedlings
Plum seedlings

Choosing a plum sapling is a responsible business

Site preparation

The choice of location is of great importance for the normal development of the plum tree. Still, despite the declared frost resistance, plum is a gentle and thermophilic plant. Therefore, for planting, you need to choose the most illuminated place, without shading - the plum does not like shade. The direction of the site is south or southwest. Also, the seedlings must be protected from the cold winds prevailing in winter and drafts. Buildings and fences located nearby are not welcome - they trap snowdrifts, which can cause crust to undermine.

The site should be even, it will be even better if the plum is planted on a small hill. This will avoid flooding during rainy periods and after massive snowmelt. Groundwater should pass at a level of 1.5 - 2 m from the soil surface.

The plum tree is demanding for soils. Suitable for him are fertile, well-conductive soil - loamy and sod-podzolic. It grows well on drained peatlands, but liming must be carried out on them before planting.

Planting honey white plums is traditionally carried out in pre-prepared planting pits. For spring planting, work begins in the fall, before the onset of frost. For autumn planting - 2 weeks before the proposed procedure.

Plum tree
Plum tree

Plum Honey is best planted in a well-lit area.

Planting pit preparation

  1. The soil is dug up and freed from plant residues.
  2. The dimensions of the pit on fertile soils are 60 cm deep and 70 wide. On heavy and flooded soils, the dimensions increase by about 30 - 40 cm and a drainage layer of broken brick and coarse sand must be laid at the base of the pit.
  3. The deposited fertile soil layer is mixed with 15 kg of compost or 10 kg of rotted manure, 500 g of superphosphate and wood ash are added each (it can be replaced with 60 g of potassium sulfate). 300 g of dolomite flour or slaked lime are added to acidic soils.
  4. The finished soil mixture is poured into a pit and poured into 2 buckets of water. In the subsequent period, the land acquires the necessary structure and will not subside after planting.
Planting pit preparation
Planting pit preparation

The landing pit is prepared in advance

Step-by-step planting process

  1. Before planting, the roots of the plum are dipped in a mash from the ground, which in consistency resembles sour cream. This will keep the roots from drying out.
  2. The soil mixture in the pit is raked in the shape of a cone. From the north side, a stake is driven in, the height of which should not exceed the height of the trunk.
  3. The root system is carefully placed along the sides of the hill with the ends pointing down. They are covered with soil that does not contain fertilizers. Tamp down slightly.
  4. A watering hole is made around the seedling and 2 - 3 buckets of water are poured into it.
  5. After settling the soil, the root collar should be 3 - 5 cm above the soil level. If the earth has subsided too much, then it is filled up to the desired level.
  6. The seedling is tied to a support with a soft rope.
Plum planting
Plum planting

After planting, the plum needs to be watered

Landing dates

Landing dates directly depend on the climatic conditions of the region. In the southern regions, it is best to plant in the fall. October is the most suitable month, before the onset of frost plums Honey white will have time to take root and adapt. In mid-latitudes, spring planting is preferable. In mid or late April, the weather is favorable for the successful implementation of the process. During the growing season, the seedling will finally get stronger and calmly survive the winter period.

Are Pollinators Needed?

Necessarily needed. Plum Honey white is self-fertile and without the participation of other varieties blooming at the same time with it, you can not wait for the harvest. Suitable pollinators for Medovaya will be Vengerka early Donetsk, Renklod Karbysheva, Vengerka Donetsk.

Photo: pollinators for Medova

Early Hungarian plum
Early Hungarian plum
Early Hungarian plum
Plum Renklod Karbysheva
Plum Renklod Karbysheva
Plum Renklod Karbysheva
Plum Hungarian Donetsk
Plum Hungarian Donetsk
Plum Hungarian Donetsk

Plum care honey white

A healthy, well-groomed plum will always delight you with a generous harvest and will not cause much trouble.


The procedures associated with the formation of the crown are carried out in the second post-planting year. Pruning is carried out in early spring - in late March, early April. It will take 5 years to form a longline plum crown.

  • From 5 to 7 well-developed branches are left as a base. They should be at an angle of 45-50 from the trunk. Incorrect angle of inclination is corrected with ropes. The branch is tilted at the desired angle and fixed with a rope.
  • The lower tier is made up of 3 branches. Further, each tier consists of 2 branches located at a different level.
  • The branches of the base should be directed in different directions and be at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

Further care consists of the following types of pruning:

  • Thinning. Upward-growing shoots and extra branches are removed.
  • Shortening. The gains of the last year are shortened so that young fruit branches develop next year.

Practical tips for pruning plums - video


Plum Honey white tolerates hot dry summers well. But there are times when watering is necessary:

  • immediately after flowering;
  • when the ovary is formed;
  • during the ripening period of the crop;
  • autumn water-charging irrigation.

At these moments, up to 5 buckets of water must be poured under each adult tree, and when the fruit ripens, the amount of moisture can be increased. The soil should be moistened to a depth of 40 cm, this is where the main root mass is located.

When humidifying, be sure to take into account precipitation. If they are not enough, the number of waterings can be increased. And if the weather is rainy, then you should not additionally moisten the soil.

Watering the plum
Watering the plum

Pour at least 5 buckets of water under one plum tree

Weeding, loosening, mulching

These 3 tricks help keep your trunk circle in order.

During weeding, weeds are removed, which can become a breeding ground for harmful insects.

Loosening is carried out after watering and complete absorption of moisture, otherwise a crust forms on the soil surface. But there are rules for loosening.

  • This procedure for honey white plum is necessarily carried out from May to June, during the shoot formation and fruit pouring.
  • And then they try not to disturb the soil cover, this will ensure better ripening of the fruits.

In addition to loosening, mulching is carried out. The trunk circle is covered with a layer of peat, organic waste compost, wood shavings or straw. Mulch prevents excess moisture loss and restricts weed growth.


If, when planting, all the necessary fertilizers were introduced into the ground, then the plum begins to fertilize only 2 or 3 years after planting.

Top dressing for a young tree and an adult fruiting tree is somewhat different.

Fertilizing under a young non-bearing tree - table

Period Fertilizer type Method of application
Early may

60 g of urea containing the maximum amount of

nitrogen is diluted in 30 l of water. The norm is 10 liters for one


After moistening the soil.
First half of June 120 g nitrophoska per 30 liters of water.
Mid august 40 g of potassium sulfate in 30 liters of water.

How to feed adult fruiting plum trees - table

Period Fertilizer type Method of application
Before the kidneys open

Urea or nitrate 25 g, ammonium sulfate 60 g, a bucket of rotted manure are added per 1 m 2

Manure for digging, fertilizers are diluted in water.
In the spring, to increase the harvest

2 - 3 top dressing with 0.5% urea solution with an interval

of 7 - 10 days.

Foliar top dressing.
In autumn Potassium fertilizers - 45 g, phosphorus - 80 g per 1 m 2. For digging.
Carbamide - nitrogen-containing fertilizer
Carbamide - nitrogen-containing fertilizer

Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are very necessary for plums in spring

Preparing for winter and is it necessary to cover the Honey White Plum for the winter?

This is an important period in the life of a tree, especially a young tree. How well the preparatory stage will pass will depend on losses or painlessly the plum will survive the winter.

  • Be sure to carry out the autumn root feeding of plums, combining it with digging.
  • If the autumn is dry, water the tree well so that the roots are properly saturated with moisture.
  • Clean the bole on old trees. This is done during the period when the leaves fall. Then pieces of old bark and leaves are collected and burned.
  • Whitewashing the trunk. You can buy the mixture in the store or prepare it yourself by stirring 200 g of copper sulfate in 10 liters of hot water, adding mullein, clay and lime.

If the tree is mature and healthy - no, no additional shelter, except for a good layer of mulch, is needed. You can additionally protect the trunk from rodents.

The situation is different with young seedlings. If the tree is planted in the fall, then in the first winter you can protect it from the prevailing winds with a piece of slate. The trunk and longline branches are tied with any breathable material (old nylon tights, burlap, pieces of rags). The roots are covered with a thick layer of mulch. In addition, branches of young trees must be tied together so that the strong wind does not damage them.

Preparing a seedling for winter
Preparing a seedling for winter

The trunk of a young plum must be covered with any material that allows air to pass through.

Diseases and pests

Plum variety Honey white shows good resistance to diseases and pests. But poor care can negate the initially inherent immunity.

Diseases Specific to Honey White Plum - Table

Diseases Symptoms Control methods Preventive measures
Fruit rot

It affects fruits on the tree and

during storage. A small

brown spot gradually

spreads throughout the fruit.

The pulp becomes unsuitable

for eating.

In the spring, in the pink bud phase, process

plum with 1% Bordeaux mixture or

Chorus (according to the instructions).

In autumn, after harvest, process

copper sulfate, Cuproxat or other

copper-containing preparation

(according to the instructions).

Spring pruning of plums,

improving ventilation

and lighting of the crown.

In the fall, remove and burn everything

diseased branches, fruits.

Caring for the trunk circle,

feeding plums with



Spots appear on the leaf between the veins, gradually

turning into pads.

The plum weakens, the leaves fall off.

When the first signs of the disease appear

treat the tree with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

You can use Topaz or Vectra according to the


20 days after the first spraying

should be repeated.

  • Collect and burn the leaves.
  • Dig up the near-barrel



spot or


Leaves, young

shoots, buds, flowers are affected. In spring, very

small brown-red spots appear on the leaves

. Then they grow, dry up and crumble.

Holes are formed in their place.

Treat in early spring

iron vitriol. Solution - 300 g per

10 liters of water.

In the beginning of blooming buds -

1% solution of Bordeaux liquid.

Cleaning and destruction of fallen


Sanitary pruning of plums

Plum pockets

The fruits grow ugly

without forming seeds.

The surface is covered with a

coating of fungal


1% Bordeaux liquid in the

rosebud phase.

Sanitary pruning and

destruction of diseased branches.

How does the disease manifest itself - photo gallery

Fruit rot
Fruit rot
Plum fruits infected with fruit rot
It looks like rust on leaves
Hole spot
Hole spot
Leaf affected by perforated spot
Plum pockets
Plum pockets
Plum pockets make the fruit look ugly

Pests and control of them - table

Pests How they manifest themselves Control measures Prevention
Plum sawfly

The pest caterpillar develops

in the fruit, damaging it.

The first treatment is carried out a couple of

days before flowering, use a 10% solution of Karbofos

or Benzophosphate.

The second - after the end of flowering

(Rogor, Gordona, Cydial).

The third - a month before harvesting

(Metaphos or Phosphamide).

For preventive purposes, in early

spring, the plum can be sprayed

with a solution of wormwood tincture

(2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

You should follow the simple

rules of agricultural technology.

It is worth taking care of the birds, they

will help cleanse the garden of

harmful insects.

Comma shield

The proboscis pierces the leaves and

bark of the plum, sucking out the juices.

In places of greatest concentration, young shoots die.

Fitoverm has proven itself well.

They are also treated with Korbafos-500, Rogor-S, Novaktion.

The spray solution is prepared

according to the instructions.

When buying a seedling, carefully

examine the tree.

With a small amount, the pest is

removed mechanically.

Treat the tree with soapy

water - 10 g of soap per 10 liters of water.


Aphids multiply very quickly and a

huge colony is able to

literally drink all the juices from a

young seedling.

Plum is treated with Aktara, Konfidor or Karbofos.

The advantage of Aktara is that the

drug is not washed off by rain.

In the fall, sanitize

plums - remove dry, damaged branches, peel off old

bark and destroy. Treatment with the following composition

will help reduce the spread of aphids


dilute 3 tbsp of potassium sulfate in a bucket of water.

The trunk circle must be

cleaned of weeds.

Bud weevil The pest gnaws buds, buds, damages leaves.

A week before flowering, process with Inta-Vir or Metaphos. Repeat


several times during the summer.

Treat the buds with a solution of

laundry soap or ash.

Plant onion

or garlic strips.

Shake the bugs onto a clean, light-colored

cloth and destroy.

How to recognize pests - photo gallery

Plum sawfly
Plum sawfly
The plum sawfly caterpillar destroys the fruit from the inside
Comma shield
Comma shield
Large accumulation of comma scale
A large colony of aphids greatly weakens the tree
Weevil damages buds and buds


Plum Honey white belongs to the early varieties. Harvesting begins in late July and extends to early August. They begin to collect fruits from the lower branches, gradually moving towards the top of the tree. Due to the height of the Honey Plum, harvesting will not be complete without a ladder. One tree is capable of producing a very generous harvest - up to 35 kg of juicy fruits.

When storing plums, carefully remove them from the tree along with the stalk, taking care not to damage the wax film that covers the fruit. Place the crops in boxes, the bottom of which is covered with paper. There should be no more than 3 layers. Collect only in dry weather.

The fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 weeks. In storage at a temperature of 0 to 2 ° C and at a humidity of 90%, the harvest will last up to 2 months. Longer storage of plums is possible only when the fruit is frozen (after defrosting, it does not flow and does not lose its taste).

Plum Medova white is a dessert variety, the taste of which is estimated at 4.5 points. Therefore, it is better to use a juicy fruit fresh - it is tastier and more beneficial. In addition, many goodies for the winter can be prepared from plums: preserves, jams, pie filling, compote, marshmallow, juice.

Honey White Plum Blanks
Honey White Plum Blanks

Plum Honey white is good not only fresh, but also in blanks

The unpretentious Honey white plum generously thanks the attentive owner with an abundant harvest of delicious fruits not only in the south of the country. The variety can give good yields in more northern regions. Moreover, temperature drops do not affect the quality of the fruit. And this is an indisputable advantage of a heat-loving plant.
