How To Wipe Hair Dye From The Skin Of The Face, Hands, Nails Or Other Parts Of The Body + Photos And Videos
How To Wipe Hair Dye From The Skin Of The Face, Hands, Nails Or Other Parts Of The Body + Photos And Videos

How to clean hair dye stains on skin and nails

Hair dye stains on the skin
Hair dye stains on the skin

When dyeing hair at home, most women face the problem of the appearance of spots on the head, hands, nails and other parts of the body. How to wipe the paint off the skin and avoid a similar situation in the future?


  • 1 Ways to remove paint that are unsafe for skin and nails

    1.1 How to remove hair dye stains from the body - gallery

  • 2 How to remove stains from the face, neck and ears

    • 2.1 How to clean skin stains with makeup remover
    • 2.2 Toothpaste is an unusual remedy that helps clean up stains on the face
    • 2.3 An effective way to wipe off traces of paint: use petroleum jelly or vegetable oil
    • 2.4 Harmless Homemade Skin Cleanser - Lemon
    • 2.5 How to remove baking soda stains
    • 2.6 Unusual way: using paint residues
    • 2.7 Professional Contamination Removers
    • 2.8 How to get rid of stains with improvised means - video
  • 3 Remove paint stains from hands and nails
  • 4 Prevention of stains after self-dyeing hair
  • 5 More tips from the forums

Ways to remove paint that are unsafe for skin and nails

There are many popular ways to treat hair dye stains on your face, hands, and nails. Many of them are unsafe, so be careful: the stain will disappear soon, but the skin may hurt for a long time. We have collected funds that are not recommended for use:

  • acetone. It is sometimes advised to use it for cleaning hands and nails with ingrained hair dye. However, this product can cause burns. Be very careful when using acetone, but rather try nail polish remover instead, which is milder.
  • alcohol. They can also dry out your skin and cause irritation or burns.
  • vinegar. Strong agent that can burn the skin and cause an allergic reaction.
  • hydrogen peroxide. It is advised to apply it both to the face and head, as well as to the hands or nails. Only a 3% solution can be used for these purposes, otherwise you risk overdrying the skin.
  • baking soda. In popular practice, there are special recipes for soda baths for hands and face, but girls with dry skin should refrain from using them.

How to remove hair dye stains from the body - gallery


Caution! Acetone can burn your hands

Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide should be 3%, be careful
Alcohol is not safe for hands and face
Baking soda
Baking soda
Baking soda can irritate dry skin of the face and hands
Vinegar essence
Vinegar essence
Acetic acid causes severe burns on the skin

How to remove stains from your face, neck and ears

If the paint stain is still fresh, plain water can remove it. Moisten a cotton swab and rub the problem area. Fresh stains can be easily washed off.

A cotton pad moistened with water
A cotton pad moistened with water

It is very easy to remove fresh paint stains with a swab moistened with water

If the water doesn't work, add soap and wipe the problem areas, gently massaging the skin.

How to clean stains from skin with makeup remover

Any cosmetic toner or make-up remover milk is suitable for cleansing.

  1. Squeeze some cleansing milk onto your fingers.

    Make-up remover milk
    Make-up remover milk

    Squeeze the milk into the palm

  2. Apply the product to the stain and massage.

    Applying the product to the stain
    Applying the product to the stain

    Apply and massage until the paint comes off completely

  3. Then remove the loose paint with a cotton swab.

    Paint on a cotton pad
    Paint on a cotton pad

    Loose paint will remain on the cotton pad

Such a remedy will gently cope with trouble and take care of the skin of the face and neck.

Toothpaste is an unusual remedy that helps clean up stains on the face

The toothpaste has whitening properties and is safe for the skin of the face and neck. And the result of its application pleases all lovers of dyeing their hair on their own.

  1. Apply toothpaste to the stain and rub vigorously.

    Toothpaste on the skin
    Toothpaste on the skin

    Apply toothpaste to the stain

  2. Remove the paste with paint residues with a cotton pad.

    Cotton pad
    Cotton pad

    Remove the paint paste

  3. Rinse off residues with water.

    Clean skin
    Clean skin

    After treatment, the skin becomes clear

An effective way to wipe off traces of paint: use petroleum jelly or vegetable oil

Vaseline or any vegetable oil works well for stubborn paint stains. The cleaning process takes time, but you will love the result.


Vaseline will tackle tough, unwashable paint


  • lubricate your fingers with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil;

    Vegetable oil
    Vegetable oil

    Dip your fingers in vegetable oil or petroleum jelly

  • apply to skin;

    Removing paint stains with Vaseline
    Removing paint stains with Vaseline

    Apply petroleum jelly to the stain and rub

  • let it sit for a few hours, then remove the remaining dirt with a cotton swab.

    Remove the oil
    Remove the oil

    Remove oil and paint from your forehead with a cotton pad

Harmless homemade skin cleaner - lemon

Lemon has whitening properties, so it is considered a good remedy for dye stains on the skin. Moreover, it is harmless. Follow the instructions to wash your face or neck.

  1. Cut off a slice of lemon and attach it to the stain of paint.


    Apply a lemon wedge to the stain and massage until the stain disappears

  2. Rub until it disappears completely, the paint will remain on the lemon.

    Lemon with paint
    Lemon with paint

    Remains of paint on lemon

  3. If the stain does not completely disappear, it will definitely become less noticeable. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

    Clean skin
    Clean skin

    Lemon cleaned a stain of paint from the skin of the face

How to remove baking soda stains

It is advisable to use soda to get rid of paint stains only for girls with oily skin, otherwise you can get irritated.

  1. Make a gruel by mixing baking soda and water.

    Soda gruel
    Soda gruel

    Make a gruel by mixing baking soda and water

  2. Apply the composition to the contaminated area of the face.

    Soda gruel on paint stain
    Soda gruel on paint stain

    Apply baking soda to dirt and rub

  3. Rub well, remove the rest with water.

    Cotton pad
    Cotton pad

    Remove the baking soda with a cotton pad dipped in water

  4. Apply face cream to moisturize your skin.

Unusual way: using the leftover paint

Use residual paint to remove dried-on stains from your face or neck. Surprisingly, the fresh hair color changing solution easily removes stubborn dirt.

Hair dye
Hair dye

Leftover hair dye can help remove stubborn stains


  • if unused paint remains in the tube, apply a little on the stain;
  • rub with massaging movements, as if washing your head. The paint will foam and wash away the old stain;
  • wash off the remains with soap and water and lubricate your face with cream.

Professional stain removers

You can wipe the stains with Curl - a cold perm. Professionals use it to cleanse the skin after dyeing hair.


Curl - a means for cold perm, perfectly copes with old stains of hair dye

Just a couple of drops are enough to remove the stain. The curl must be applied to a cotton pad and wipe the dirt well, then rinse with soap and water.

Removers - professional means for removing makeup and paint from the skin - quickly and effectively deal with stains. Their only drawback is the high price.

Color remover
Color remover

Professional decolourants quickly remove paint residues on the skin

How to get rid of stains with improvised means - video

Removing paint stains from hands and nails

In order to remove paint stains from your hands, all of the above methods are suitable. If the products are applied to the scalp pointwise, then the hands can be “soaked” in the bath. This applies to methods with kefir and soda.

Any nail polish remover is suitable for cleaning nails.

Nail polish remover
Nail polish remover

Nail polish remover can help remove paint on your nails


  • apply nail polish remover to a cotton pad;

    Cotton pad and nail polish remover
    Cotton pad and nail polish remover

    Apply nail polish remover to the swab

  • apply it to the nail that has stained, and wait a little;

    Removing the stain from the nail
    Removing the stain from the nail

    Wipe the nail with liquid

  • remove the remaining paint with a cotton pad, the nails will become clean again.

    Clean nail
    Clean nail

    Nail polish remover helps to remove hair dye stuck in the nail

Preventing the appearance of stains after self-dyeing hair

Agree that it is much easier not to solve a complex problem, but to prevent its occurrence.

  1. Almost all paint packs have a very good advice: before dyeing your hair, apply a greasy cream to the skin around it. This is a good protection against deep pigment penetration.
  2. If you paint at home, then do not put off scrubbing the fresh stain "for later". Better to put a saucer of water on the table in advance and put cotton pads.
  3. The good plastic gloves that come with the hair dye will help protect your hands and nails. If they are not there, you can take the usual household ones.

A few more tips from the forums

No one is immune from hair dye stains, whether you paint at home or in an expensive salon. Take care of your appearance even before staining, then the risk of passing several days with a multi-colored forehead or hands will decrease many times. And if you are already in an annoying position, try one of the safe ways.
