Stones That Attract Loneliness
Stones That Attract Loneliness

3 stones that are considered "widows", and jewelry with them can attract loneliness


Gems are surrounded by many superstitions and superstitions. It has long been believed that each of them has special properties and is capable of significantly influencing fate. Some gems can bring negativity into the life of their owner. So, in order not to be left alone, you need to be careful when wearing jewelry made from certain minerals.



Until the middle of the 20th century, stone was considered a sign of wealth. Only wealthy people could afford it. But then they learned to create alexandrite artificially. After that, he gained notoriety. The death of Emperor Alexander also influenced the reputation.

Only once the jewelry was left to lie in the box. On this day, the king was killed. After a while, women who were expecting husbands from the war began to wear jewelry with alexandrite. Not everyone returned from the war, so the stone was called “widow's”.

Bad influence can be avoided if there is an even number of stones in the decoration.

Black Pearl


Even in the days of pirates, there was a beautiful legend, which said that white pearls are frozen tears of mermaid joy. And black - tears for the deceased loved one. Therefore, dark pearls prevented the emergence of a new couple in love.

It is also believed that the sea mineral destroys existing relationships. Someone remembers Princess Diana, who had many pearl jewelry. She is credited with another of his influence - selfishness. After all, she was not afraid to go against the crown for the sake of personal happiness.

When wearing pearls, remember that they don't like competition with other minerals. Therefore, you can combine several colors of pearls in your jewelry.



A variety of quartz used to be affordable, so people with different incomes could wear amethyst. During this period, a tradition arose to wear silver rings in memory of a deceased loved one. Quartz was soon considered a source of trouble. The widows who continued to wear the jewelry were promised eternal loneliness.

According to legend, such a gift acted like a love spell. The victim was attached to the giver with no chance of finding a family. But the reputation of the stone was whitewashed by the priests. Those who took a vow of celibacy wore a ring with quartz. Later, the church recognized him as "apostolic."

Silver reveals the magical features of amethyst, helping the wearer to become successful in love affairs. If the quartz is in a gold setting, then other minerals must be paired with it. Crystal, aquamarine, or diamond are best.
