How To Wean A Cat And A Cat To Tear Wallpaper And Furniture, Features Of Weaning Kittens And Adult Animals, Useful Tips And Tricks, Reviews
How To Wean A Cat And A Cat To Tear Wallpaper And Furniture, Features Of Weaning Kittens And Adult Animals, Useful Tips And Tricks, Reviews

How to stop a cat from tearing furniture and wallpaper

Cat tears furniture
Cat tears furniture

Damage to furniture and wallpaper by cats is a common and very unpleasant phenomenon. For this reason, many people hesitate to have pets. Fortunately, the situation is fixable: most animals can be weaned from bad habits, and in extreme cases, you can use alternative methods.


  • 1 Why cats tear furniture and wallpaper
  • 2 How to protect your house from a cat

    • 2.1 Methods of weaning
    • 2.2 Switching attention
    • 2.3 Alternative methods
  • 3 What methods will not help wean a cat
  • 4 Will trimming your nails help
  • 5 How to wean a cat from jumping on walls
  • 6 Repairs to protect walls and furniture
  • 7 Features of training kittens
  • 8 Professional advice
  • 9 Cat owner experiences

Why cats tear furniture and wallpaper

In their natural environment, cats grind their claws on trees, rocks and earth during hunting, running and other vigorous activities. This is required to maintain optimal length and sharpness. If the animal does not shorten the claws on its own, they will begin to twist in a spiral and eventually claw into the paw pads. Ingrowing causes discomfort in pets, a change in gait, and severe pain. Insufficiently sharp claws can cause injury or hunting failure. Although cats have become pets, instincts and the need to shorten the length have not disappeared.

Ingrown claws in a cat
Ingrown claws in a cat

A specialist should deal with the removal of ingrown claws: only he can remove all the fragments from the wound and prevent infection

Additionally, spoiling your cat's furniture and wallpaper is a way to relieve stress and overexcitement. If the animal is too playful, reacts sharply to birds flying outside the window, or is simply uncomfortable for some reason, it will look for a way to release energy. Wallpaper and furniture can be some of the tools. In such cases, the bad habit is preceded by hyperactive behavior, and after damage to property, the animal calms down a little.

Another reason that prompts a cat to tear furniture is hunting instincts. The need to catch game from domesticated animals has disappeared, but pets still maintain the skills. One of them is clawing. In the process of sharpening them, the pet learns to control the muscles that are responsible for retraction.

Reflective film on windows
Reflective film on windows

In some cases, films on the windows help to solve the problem: they prevent overly playful cats from watching the birds outside the window, and also prevent the play of sunlight on the walls.

On the paw pads of cats are glands that secrete an odorous secret. With its help, animals leave scent marks, indicating that this is their territory. If the cat begins to tear furniture and wallpaper when another pet appears in the house or in the neighborhood, this version should be considered. Also, this reason is relevant if a bad habit appeared in adolescence. In some cases, the problem can be solved with castration. If the operation was performed too late, additional weaning measures will be needed.

How to protect your home from a cat

It is necessary to wean a cat from a bad habit in a complex way. The surface should be made unpleasant for sharpening claws, that is, exclude motivation, use punishment, offer the animal an alternative option and reinforce the correct actions. If all else fails, you can turn to alternative methods.

Weaning methods

Weaning methods can be conditionally divided into 2 groups. The former imply punishment. Because of them, the cat creates negative associations. By themselves, they will not help to completely get rid of the problem, since the animal will sooner or later find another suitable surface, but punishment accelerates the switching of attention to the scratching post. Other ways to remove motivation from the animal. Let's consider the first group first.

Fisher discs
Fisher discs

Fisher Discs are a ready-made soundtrap available at the pet store

The cat correctly perceives the punishment only if it follows immediately after the offense and does not depend on the owner. Otherwise, the animal may associate what is happening with its last action or interpret events incorrectly. For example, if a cat is punished by its owner, it will decide that it is okay to tear up wallpaper and furniture, but only so that no one sees it. To exclude the occurrence of such associations, it is necessary to use sound or water traps.

The principle of the structure of the structures is approximately the same: in both cases, you need to fix the threads so that the cat, starting to play pranks, touches them. When the mechanism is triggered, the trap will fall next to the animal and either splash it with water or frighten it with noise. The container should not touch the pet, as this may injure him. Traps are most often constructed from empty cans of nuts, buttons or cereals, as well as plastic cups filled with water. You can purchase a ready-made version at a pet store.

You can self-punish your pet using a spray bottle or noise traps when it starts tearing up furniture, but this is not always effective. Most often, cats simply begin to hide from their owners and sharpen their claws at night. Noise and water traps should not be used when training elderly, pregnant or weakened animals. It is advisable not to leave the cat unattended, as it can swallow strings or gnaw the jar and be injured.

Orange peel
Orange peel

The peel can be spread against a wall or on the upholstery to scare the cat away, but the peel needs to be changed approximately every 1–2 days as the smell fades quickly

Unpleasant odors can discourage the desire to scratch wallpaper and furniture. It is impossible to pick up a universal repulsive scent, so in each case you will have to look for an individual approach. You can use perfume or cologne that your cat doesn't like. Vinegar and citrus fruits often scare animals away. Cats don't like harsh odors.

Applicator Kuznetsov
Applicator Kuznetsov

You can fight a bad habit using spiked applicator mats: you should fix them on the wall or furniture so that the animal loses interest in the surface

The cat's favorite surface can be covered with foil or wax strips, as well as pasted over with double-sided tape. To protect furniture, there are also special rugs, through which a weak electrical discharge is applied when touched. When using these traps, it is advisable to observe the cat, as it can eat foil or tape. Unpleasant tactile sensations will make the animal look for another place to sharpen its claws or completely temporarily abandon manicure.

Switching attention

Since feline instincts do not go anywhere, it is advisable to offer the pet a "legal" alternative that will suit both him and the owner. Scratching posts of various sizes and shapes act as such an option. For those who like to climb, there are huge playgrounds. The classic version is a scratching post. Those who like to pick up the wall can be offered special overlay plates. Playful cats will appreciate the large mouse-shaped scratching posts. You can even make your own jute or sisal fixture.

Scratching post with a ball
Scratching post with a ball

Cats are more willing to sharpen their claws on scratching posts with toys, as they turn the process into entertainment

It is also advisable to acquire toys, including interactive ones, and pay more attention to the cat. If the animal implements hunting instincts or relieves stress with the help of wallpaper and furniture, this will help normalize its well-being and eliminate irritability.

Alternative ways

Extreme measures are the use of anti-scratches and surgery to remove claws. Both methods are undesirable and have side effects, so we recommend avoiding them. Anti-scratch caps are put on the cat's claws with glue and prevent damage to furniture and injury to family members, but stress the pet by not being able to retract the nails. This can lead to the emergence of new bad habits. In some cases, cats even chew off the caps along with their claws.

Anti-scratch cat
Anti-scratch cat

Some cats successfully get used to anti-scratching, others change their gait and have problems with the musculoskeletal system, so it is better not to experiment

The operation to remove the claws allows you to permanently get rid of scratches and prevent damage to furniture, but it causes suffering to the animal itself. Part of the finger is amputated together with the nail plate, leaving the flesh unprotected. This can be compared to the removal of the last phalanges from a person. The cat does not die and even stops tearing the wallpaper, but it experiences severe pain when walking. After the operation, the animals almost always refuse the trays. Even the grill causes discomfort, and sand particles and wood granules can cause injury. My friend faced a similar problem when she removed her cat's claws. Due to stress, the pet began to gnaw the wallpaper, so it was not possible to resolve the issue of damage to property, but the animal's condition worsened. The main thing is that now nothing can be fixed, therefore, before the operation, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

What methods will not help wean a cat

In the case of cats, corporal punishment is useless. Even if they are done on time, for an animal such a method of influence brings only suffering and stress. An aggressive pet will actively oppose it. Even if he does not attack, he will begin to mark territory even more often, fearing for his status. A cat inclined to obey will be afraid of its owner after being beaten. The reaction is quite understandable: the animal does not show any aggression and recognizes the owner's authority, but they continue to beat him.

In a natural environment, the leader ceases to punish the guilty member of the pack when he begins to obey. Atypical behavior causes confusion and the emergence of psychological disorders, including stress, because of which the need for energy output only increases.

The kitten lies on its back
The kitten lies on its back

Turning over on your back is a sign of submission; a cat lying on its back should never be punished

You must be consistent when weaning an animal. You can't bring up a pet only occasionally in a good mood, and in the evening after work, relax and let your pet tear the wallpaper. Any violation of the prohibition makes the cat understand that she can achieve her goal with sufficient persistence. This completely nullifies the progress and makes the animal more annoying.

It is strictly forbidden to use mustard, pepper and other dangerous seasonings during weaning. It is possible that the animal will associate pain when licking or sniffing only with its last action. In addition, hot spices act more strongly on cats than on humans due to their more sensitive senses. The use of seasonings can lead to partial or complete loss of smell, as well as taste and visual disturbances.

Will clipping your nails help

It is difficult to say in advance whether timely clipping will help wean a cat from a bad habit. A positive result is observed in about 50% of cases. Most likely, trimming helps those animals who spoil furniture solely for sharpening their claws. If the cause is related to stress or instinct, the cat will still find a way to scratch the wallpaper and sofas. The stripes will become wider due to the new shape of the claws.

Correct claw trimming
Correct claw trimming

Cutting the claw at the wrong angle or damage to the blood vessels will cause pain, which will cause the animal to further resist during the procedures

It is important to cut a cat's nails only with the help of a special device - a claw cutter. In most cases, pets are fine with standard small tools, but larger animals (such as Maine Coons) may need medium ones. Aggressive animals are fixed with a towel to avoid injury. Try to keep the nail clipper parallel to the fingers at a slight angle. Otherwise, the plate may delaminate. You only need to cut off the part in which there are no blood vessels. In the case of transparent claws, they can be seen during examination, the owners of black cats will have to be careful. After the procedure, it is advisable to offer your pet a treat in order to consolidate positive associations.

How to stop a cat from jumping up walls

Before weaning, it is necessary to determine the cause of the negative behavior and eliminate it. If the animal lacks games and physical activity, you need to deal with it more often or purchase interactive devices with balls, mice, labyrinths, etc. In the case of territorial marks, castration can help.

The cat climbs the curtains
The cat climbs the curtains

The use of shelves, scratching posts and play complexes at the same time will help preserve the curtains.

Jumping onto the wall without parallel damage to the furniture may be due to the desire to climb up. Cats love to watch from above. This way they feel safe and can spot an impending threat in time. Instead of a wall, the cat can use a play set or shelves. The animal will agree to a replacement much more willingly if balls, mice, etc. are attached to the structure. You can attract the pet's attention with the help of treats. If the area is limited, scratching posts can be used so that the cat can freely climb the wall.

Repair to protect walls and furniture

If your cat does not respond well to retraining or renovations are planned, you should consider wall decoration materials and choosing new furniture. In the latter case, it is recommended to purchase sofas and armchairs with jute or sisal plates for sharpening claws. You can fix such devices yourself. It may not look as neat as standard furniture, but the cat will not ruin the upholstery. However, this method has a significant drawback: the animal decides that it is possible to tear all the sofas and armchairs.

Protective fabric cover for furniture
Protective fabric cover for furniture

Protective covers will help you come to a partial agreement if the cat is not at all interested in scratching posts

On sale you can find a special anti-vandal fabric that protects furniture from cats. Additionally, there are the same wallpapers. A feature of these materials is increased wear resistance and smoothness. Cats fail to catch their claws on the surface. It is highly likely that the pet will stop tearing furniture and wallpaper, since this will no longer be enjoyable.

Some cat owners prefer to paint their walls. This helps in most cases, but not always such a repair looks aesthetically pleasing. In addition, the animal can still stubbornly scratch the walls. I was once advised to use decorative plaster. She looked beautiful until the cats began to vigorously strip her. A more reliable option is to use durable panels. If an alternative is available, the cat will likely prefer a more comfortable scratching post over plastic or metal. You can place panels only on the bottom, and leave wallpaper on the upper half of the wall. Thus, you can choose a good design solution, the appearance of the rooms will not suffer. Sometimes the walls are also finished with laminate.

Wall decoration with tiles
Wall decoration with tiles

Ceramic tiles can help discourage your cat

It is not recommended to use textured or overly dense and soft wallpapers. It is more pleasant for cats to scratch such material due to the heterogeneous surface and the complete immersion of the claw, so it will be more difficult to wean the animal. In addition, the wallpaper will have to be changed quickly.

Features of training kittens

The learning process of kittens is different due to the peculiarities of their perception. Up to 3 months, animals cannot be punished, as this can cause moral injury. Until this age, such measures are ineffective, since the pet simply does not understand what they want from him, and is quite ready to obey. Toddlers are strongly encouraged to use scratching posts and reinforce the habit with praise and treats. It is strictly forbidden to use noise and water traps. They can injure the animal and cause behavioral disorders.

It is not recommended to give old furniture to kittens instead of scratching posts. An older pet will sooner or later start to spoil other property. The cat will think that since that old couch could be scratched, then there is nothing wrong with her scratching the new chair. If the kitten has already been allowed to tear furniture, then it is necessary to wean off the bad habit completely, that is, those things that replaced the scratching posts should be removed.

Professional recommendations

Cat owner experience

Damage to furniture and wallpaper is a completely fixable problem, but for the sake of property you will have to find a common language with the cat. Strict prohibitions and harsh measures of restraint in this case will not help and will only aggravate the situation. Only a reasonable integrated approach will help to cope with the situation.