Types Of Women Who Do Not Seek Marriage
Types Of Women Who Do Not Seek Marriage

They exist: 5 types of women who are not particularly eager to get married


Contrary to the widespread stereotype, not all girls are eager to get married as soon as possible. In modern society, there are 5 types of women who do their best to avoid marriage.

Business lady

Despite the fact that many women try to combine career and family, not everyone succeeds. Finding a balance is rare, so problems often begin at home or at work.

The main reason for the difficulties is the unwillingness of women to get bogged down in everyday life, to stand at the stove, cooking borscht, etc. Business women are so busy that they simply have no time to engage in personal life. In addition, business women know the value of money, they really do not want to part with it when dividing property (in case of divorce).

Lover of freedom

It is believed that most men are ready to postpone the wedding until the last, just not to part with their freedom. But even among women there are many who think the same way.

This is not surprising, because most often it is on women's shoulders that all the care for life, children and husband falls. It is not for nothing that household chores are called "the second shift", from which almost no woman can get rid of. But there are ladies who are not ready to put up with this state of affairs, so they deliberately avoid marriage.

With negative experience of marriage


If a woman got married unsuccessfully and could not leave a man for a long time, then, having received the long-awaited freedom, she is unlikely to soon want to look for a new spouse.

Negative experience leaves a strong mark on the human psyche, so even a meeting with a worthy man will not help radically change the situation. To start moving on and thinking about marriage again, a girl will have to spend a lot of time and energy.

Too picky

If a woman is extremely pragmatic about marriage, she will always evaluate a man, namely, his ability to pay, education, having his own home and even his appearance.

At the same time, she is unlikely to surrender to feelings or look for "true love", because it is more important for her to live a secured and comfortable life. More often than not, women who reject all "unsuitable" candidates are left without a husband at all.

Romantic princess


Girls who live in the illusion that one day a prince on a white horse will appear in their life, who will conquer her himself, often remain without a man. In our time, the opinion that a woman should play a passive role in a relationship has long faded into the background. Therefore, many men themselves are waiting for the initiative from their chosen ones.

If a woman for some reason refuses to marry, it is important to accept this decision. There is nothing wrong with that, because modern people can easily afford life outside of marriage.
