How To Make A House For A Barbie Doll With Your Own Hands From Different Materials
How To Make A House For A Barbie Doll With Your Own Hands From Different Materials

Making a house for Barbie with our own hands

house for barbie do it yourself
house for barbie do it yourself

Every girl dreams that her favorite Barbie doll has a beautiful and cozy home. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but the price is often not happy. We suggest you make a house with your own hands. You can easily cope with this, and your daughter will only be happy to help. In addition, for its construction, you can use almost everything that is at hand!


  • 1 Materials and tools
  • 2 House made of fiberboard

    2.1 Interior decoration

  • 3 From cardboard boxes
  • 4 Plywood
  • 5 From old furniture
  • 6 How to make a house for a Barbie doll with your own hands - video

Materials and tools

Whichever model of the house you choose, during construction and decoration you may need the following tools:

  • glue "Moment" or PVA, depending on the material;
  • Scotch;
  • scissors;
  • paints and brushes;
  • colored paper or anything that can replace it (stickers, wallpapers, pictures);
  • ruler or tape measure.

Scraps of fabric, fur or leather, beads and beads, bamboo sticks and whatever your imagination tells you will come in handy for interior decoration. But the main question is what to make the walls of the house from. It turns out that there are also a huge number of options here. You can use cardboard boxes, scraps of plywood, fiberboard or drywall, boards, and even old furniture!

house for barbie
house for barbie

You can even make such a house for a doll yourself from scrap materials.

The house can even be two- or three-story, horizontal (without a roof and with a top view) or vertical (with a removable front wall), simple or difficult to manufacture, requiring certain skills in carpentry. But in any case, building and arranging it with your own hands will be an exciting activity for the whole family. In addition, you can make furniture and furnishings for the dollhouse yourself using the same tools at hand.

House made of fiberboard

You can easily make such a model of a house from fiberboard or drywall by gluing the parts with PVA glue. Most likely, you will not even have to buy anything: many have surplus building materials after repairs. You will also need:

  • cardboard;
  • wallpaper;
  • colored paper;
  • bamboo slats (you can get them out of the hot plate).
exterior of the house
exterior of the house

A house for Barbie can be made of fiberboard or drywall by gluing the parts with PVA glue

The peculiarity of this house is that in addition to three floors, it has an attic. We proceeded from the following dimensions: height - 65 cm, floor area - 16 X 28 cm. You can calculate the parameters suitable for you and draw a diagram according to which you will make the house.

house scheme
house scheme

Calculate the parameters of the future house and sketch it on paper

Cut out the walls, roof and partitions between the floors according to the sketch.

house details for barbie
house details for barbie

Cut walls, roof and partitions between floors

Connect all parts with PVA glue.

Cover the roof of the house with corrugated cardboard.

roof of the house
roof of the house

Cover the roof of the house with corrugated cardboard

Trim the walls of the house from the outside with colored paper. Glue the bamboo strips.

outside walls of the house
outside walls of the house

Finish the exterior of the house with colored paper and bamboo strips

You can decorate the basement to make the house look more elegant. For example, glue on "bricks" pre-cut from colored cardboard.

basement of the house
basement of the house

The plinth can be decorated with cardboard 'bricks'

Glue the entire building onto a fiberboard or plywood frame. It should be larger than the floor of the first floor. Firstly, it will give the house stability, and secondly, it will be possible to organize a "flower garden" on the bed.

the body of the house on the bed
the body of the house on the bed

Glue the house to a fiberboard or plywood frame

Cut out window frames from thick cardboard.

window frames
window frames

Cut out thick cardboard window frames

They need to be glued on both sides.

doll house windows
doll house windows

Glue frames to windows on both sides

Make a balcony. Use thick cardboard for the floor and railings, simple toothpicks will serve as balusters.

balcony blank
balcony blank

Cut out the balcony door from thick cardboard

Wire hooks can be attached to the railing. Hang a cardboard box with toy flowers on them.

balcony decoration
balcony decoration

The balcony can be decorated with a toy flower garden

Insert the attic window.

attic window
attic window

Decorate the attic window

The front door is also very simple to make. It is enough to paste over the cardboard base with a picture cut from the advertising brochure. The handle can be made from plasticine.

house door
house door

A door cut from an ad catalog looks like a real one

In order to create the effect of a grassy lawn around the house, cover the frame with hard parts of ordinary kitchen scouring pads. Make flower beds from cardboard boxes and "plant" them with plastic or paper flowers.

Interior decoration

From the inside, the house should also be beautifully decorated to match its owner - the most beautiful and fashionable Barbie doll.

Cover the walls with wallpaper, colored or brown paper, it depends on the purpose of the room. Suitable for the floor are colored cardboard, cellulose kitchen napkin (it imitates carpet), fabric with a soft texture.

interior decoration of the house
interior decoration of the house

Finish the interior of the house with wallpaper, wrapping and colored paper, cellulose kitchen napkin

Ceilings can be pasted over with white paper.

From cardboard boxes

For such a house you will need:

  • cardboard boxes - by the number of rooms;
  • glue - you can use a stapler or double-sided tape;
  • wallpaper, colored paper, magazine clippings, organza, fabrics for decoration.
  1. Connect the boxes together. You can make the house several stories high if space permits. In the resulting design, cut out the doors and windows. Decorate each room by pasting the walls with wallpaper, the floors with fabric. Hang organza trimmings on the windows.
  2. Decorate the house from the outside. For this, use wallpaper or paper with a stone or wood pattern.
  3. Arrange toy furniture. Done! Barbie can move into her new cozy home.

    house of boxes
    house of boxes

    A Barbie house can be made from several boxes

If this model is too large for your living space, you can make a foldable house that is easy to make and very compact. To do this, it is enough to connect two cardboard sheets crosswise into the grooves. Cut doors in the walls, cover the "rooms" with wallpaper and pictures, and celebrate housewarming with your favorite doll and her friends.

just a house made of cardboard
just a house made of cardboard

Make a compact cardboard house by joining two cardboard sheets crosswise into the grooves


This option is more difficult than the previous ones, you will need patience and the ability to work with tools.

plywood dollhouse
plywood dollhouse

A plywood dollhouse is more difficult to manufacture, but the result is worth the effort

For a plywood house you will need:

  • a hammer;
  • jigsaw;
  • nails;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • paint;
  • wallpaper or adhesive film.

Think over the layout of the house. Saw parts out of plywood. Use the drawings below or come up with your own project. You can change the dimensions as you wish. Just remember to keep the proportions.

Doll house drawing
Doll house drawing

Doll house drawing

Be sure to sand all surfaces so that your child does not get hurt by burrs while playing. Collect all parts as planned

House build plan
House build plan

Collect all parts according to plan

Attach the back, front and side walls to the top of the base. Cut out the windows. Their dimensions are 9 X 6.25. A triangular window is the same width as the others, and its shape and height must be calculated according to the angle of the roof.

front side of the dollhouse
front side of the dollhouse

Cut out the windows

A house made of plywood must be hammered together with nails.

Cover the gaps between the parts with a primer.

Paint the outside of the house a suitable color.

painting the house
painting the house

Paint the house outside

Paint the inner surfaces, wallpaper or self-adhesive foil - if desired.


Paint, wallpaper, or self-adhesive tape for the dollhouse room

Felt, fleece or carpet can be laid on the floor. Furnish your home and invite Barbie for a housewarming party!

You can make the front wall of the house look like opening doors

front wall of the house
front wall of the house

The front wall of the house opens like cabinet doors

A regular Christmas tree garland will provide lighting in the rooms.

lighting in the doll house
lighting in the doll house

With the help of a Christmas tree garland, you can make lighting in the house

From old furniture

Consider the option of creating a home for Barbie from an old chest of drawers. Please note that such a massive thing will require a lot of space in the room, there can be no talk of its mobility or compactness. But such a house is strong and durable.

old chest of drawers
old chest of drawers

An old chest of drawers is a great base for a doll house

First of all, compare the height of the doll and the boxes. Our chest of drawers will turn out to be a two-story house in which each floor is equal to the height of two drawers. Barbie will be able to stand upright without reaching the ceiling with her head.

doll in dresser
doll in dresser

Calculate the height of the future rooms according to the size of the doll

Remove excess partitions. Do this carefully, do not damage the inner surfaces of the dresser.

the inside of the dresser
the inside of the dresser

Remove all excess inside the dresser

The recesses that formed in the places of the former partitions must be processed. To do this, you can glue wooden slats of the desired size in them. Press them down and wait for the glue to dry completely. You can put something heavy on top or use clamps.

processing the chest of drawers from the inside
processing the chest of drawers from the inside

Cover the formed recesses with strips.

When the glue is dry, flatten the surfaces. Fill all cracks, damages on the outer and inner surfaces of the chest of drawers with a thin layer of putty. When it's dry, sand the dresser until smooth. The doll house is almost ready, now you need to paint it inside and outside in two layers. It is best to use white paint for this.

body painting
body painting

Smooth surfaces, sand and paint dresser white

It remains only to arrange toy furniture, hang mirrors and paintings on the walls. On the first floor of our house there is a living room and a kitchen, and on the second there is a bedroom.

ready house for barbie
ready house for barbie

Arrange furniture, hang pictures and mirrors on the walls

How to make a house for a Barbie doll with your own hands - video

As you can see, creating a house for Barbie with your own hands is not so difficult. You can think of your own way. Believe in your strengths and do not be afraid of difficulties, especially since your daughters will certainly want to help you build a cottage for their girlfriend. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments. Good luck and easy work!
