Where To Keep Money In Feng Shui So That There Are More Of Them
Where To Keep Money In Feng Shui So That There Are More Of Them

Where according to feng shui you need to hide money so that it multiplies


The ancient Chinese art of feng shui helps not only in organizing the space in the house, but also in achieving a variety of financial goals - whether it be attracting material success or increasing existing income. But for this you need to properly organize the storage of money.

Into an expensive box

It is believed that money comes to the house, where it is carefully stored in a beautiful piece of furniture. For example, in an expensive box.

The rule also works in the opposite direction: if you put money in an old box or wrap it in paper or newspaper, money energy will stop flowing into the house, and over time, financial problems will only increase.

Into a porcelain vase

A porcelain vase is another great place to hide. Solar energy can also enhance the energy of money, therefore it is advised to put the vase on the windowsill.

And so that the financial flow only multiplies, try to replenish the vase at least once a day.

In a red envelope

The color red in Chinese tradition attracts wealth. Therefore, if you prefer to put money in an envelope, make sure that it is red.

In the piggy bank opposite the mirror

If you traditionally put money in a piggy bank, place it in front of a mirror: it is believed that money reflected in the mirror will thus attract new ones.

In a pot in the kitchen

The kitchen is a place where the whole family gets together and enjoys delicious food and pleasant communication, experiencing positive emotions. Therefore, from the point of view of feng shui, this is the most successful place to store money savings. In this case, instead of, for example, a flower pot, you can use any other dish.
