How To Make Money On The Internet: The Best Ways To Quickly Get Real Money Without Investments For Schoolchildren, Mothers On Maternity Leave And Other Beginners
How To Make Money On The Internet: The Best Ways To Quickly Get Real Money Without Investments For Schoolchildren, Mothers On Maternity Leave And Other Beginners

How to make money on the Internet and not get on the "scam"

The Internet can bring not only income, but also profit
The Internet can bring not only income, but also profit

The majority of Internet users sooner or later come up with the idea that with its help you can not only have fun, but also earn income. This is especially true for those who have a lot of free time - mothers on maternity leave, students, schoolchildren, retirees. There are many web resources that allow you to make money, but you need to choose them wisely so as not to become a victim of scams.


  • 1 How much can you earn on the Internet per day
  • 2 A few tips for a beginner
  • 3 What methods are definitely not worth using

    • 3.1 Earnings on Forex
    • 3.2 Earnings on games
    • 3.3 Installing the program for auto-earnings
    • 3.4 Offer to make money on electronic payment systems
    • 3.5 Quick and easy money: financial pyramids
  • 4 How to learn how to make money on the Internet from scratch: real ways to get money without investment

    • 4.1 Video: how to register on WebMoney
    • 4.2 Earnings for schoolchildren and adolescents from viewing ads, clicks and likes
    • 4.3 Online work for students
    • 4.4 Working on the Internet for mothers on maternity leave
    • 4.5 Earnings for seniors on the Internet
    • 4.6 Types of online earnings for other categories of users

      • 4.6.1 On YouTube
      • 4.6.2 Video: how to make money on YouTube for a beginner
      • 4.6.3 On your website or blog
      • 4.6.4 As an administrator
    • 4.7 For beginner freelancers on exchanges
  • 5 In what currency is it better to take payment: rubles, dollars, euros
  • 6 What are bitcoins and how you can earn them

    6.1 Video: what are bitcoins

  • 7 Summary table of ranges of earnings for the specified methods
  • 8 Reviews

How much can you earn on the Internet per day

There are many ways to make money online. However, beginners should not rely on fabulous incomes, relying on reviews on the Internet and the words of friends. If you do not have experience and reputation, you can hardly expect a high salary right away.

Plus, there aren't many proven job options for newbies. On average, your daily earnings can range from $ 0.03 to $ 1.50. And this is in view of the fact that you will work very hard and almost all day. We repeat - big money will come to you only with the acquisition of experience and a high rating.

Payment system WebMoney
Payment system WebMoney

Before you start looking for orders on the Internet, you need to register an electronic wallet, preferably in the WebMoney system

A few tips for a beginner

Like any other work, online work requires certain conditions and technical support. So, for all types of earnings on the Internet, you will need:

  • Internet with high speed and preferably unlimited;
  • excellent antiviral system;
  • the ability to work at least 3-4 hours every day (otherwise "the game is not worth the candle");
  • understanding that you yourself set yourself the tasks that you must perform;
  • be careful when looking for a job on the Internet so as not to suffer from scammers.

Having found a certain web resource offering any kind of earnings, first of all, take the trouble to find reviews about it. And you need to do this on several sites, since the option of fake positive comments that were bought for money is not excluded.

The idea of making money on the Internet for beginners
The idea of making money on the Internet for beginners

According to some, making money on the Internet is as easy as picking up something that asks for itself.

What methods are definitely not worth using

Some options for working on the Internet not only will not allow you to earn money, but can also cause the loss of existing money and time. The first rule to remember before looking for a job on the Internet: never believe in the possibility of "freebies"! Otherwise, you will become a real treasure for the "scammers". To avoid this, first of all, do not rush to loud banners with phrases like: "Earn a million today!" “Quick money without labor!”, “How I make thousands of dollars a month online”, etc.

Among such risky and useless ways to earn money, we highlight:

  • work on the Forex exchange;
  • earnings on games;
  • installation of programs for auto earnings;
  • an offer to make money on electronic payment systems;
  • financial pyramids.

Earnings on "Forex"

An attempt to make money on Forex is dangerous because you will inevitably have to invest your own funds, and at the same time considerable ones. While there are tons of resources out there today that offer courses on training strategies for operating on this exchange, the likelihood that they will help you is extremely small.

To really make money in this way, you need remarkable knowledge of the modern world economy and politics, the ability to think strategically and the willingness to go bankrupt at any moment. Advertising assures that with a downloaded application with a minimum investment, you will receive a lot of money. But for the most part, your profit is a matter of chance, and behind the thousands who have become rich are millions of impoverished people.

Earnings on "Forex"
Earnings on "Forex"

The Forex exchange is one of the most risky ways to make money on the Internet, although it is often presented as the easiest way to get rich.

Earnings on games

This type of online work is a dream come true for any gamer, because everyone would like to have fun while earning money. And it seems that everything sounds quite logical when you are offered to withdraw game money earned in the process of gaming into real currency. That being said, you need to invest your funds to receive investments from them. In fact, all this is needed to promote the game and attract new users.

In fact, when the moment of withdrawal comes, you will receive a notification about:

  • hacking the system or your account;
  • blocking your account;
  • missing hidden points for withdrawal, which no one knows where to earn;
  • the usual impossibility of withdrawing money.

The main feature of games with withdrawal of money is that for the first time you can always withdraw the invested or earned money. This is done to convince the current and potential participants of the game in their honesty. But subsequent conclusions become impossible.

Installing a program for auto earnings

In loud and attractive advertisements, you are offered to download a special program that allows you to earn fabulous money. All you need to do is download a profitable application and install it on your computer. Needless to say, this program is often paid?

In addition, by installing unknown files to yourself, you risk becoming a victim of hackers and spammers. They may be able to reveal your payment details, confidential documents, and more. Not to mention, you can infect your computer with dangerous viruses.

Car earnings on the Internet
Car earnings on the Internet

A classic form of fraud for beginners - auto earnings programs

An offer to make money on electronic payment systems

For some novice Internet users, it seems quite logical to make money exactly where real money is spinning - on electronic payment systems. This is what scammers can profit from.

So, you may receive a letter by e-mail, allegedly from the site where you opened the wallet, asking you to clarify your username and password. Don't even read such letters. If you have any doubts, write to the technical support service of your payment system.

You may be prompted to download a paid web wallet hacking program. This is complete nonsense - no one would entrust their money to a system that cannot protect them from such programs. And the whole Internet would be “buzzing” about such an event. You may also be offered to buy wallet numbers, where there are large amounts of money, which is also one hundred percent "lohotoron".

Quick and easy money: financial pyramids

All of these online structures are built on the promise of huge profits from a small investment. The system participant is offered to invest money and attract new users, from whose deposits he, in turn, will receive a certain percentage.

A peculiarity of financial pyramids: the first participants actually receive their interest for a certain period of time, so that they have confidence in the organizers. In addition, it is an incentive to attract new users.

How to learn how to make money on the Internet from scratch: real ways to make money without investment

Although there is a huge risk of coming across scammers on the Internet, there are also honest ways of making money. For beginners, the following are good:

  • clicks, reading emails, viewing ads;
  • file hosting, photo and video hosting;
  • work in social networks;
  • writing texts;
  • writing comments and reviews;
  • keeping your blog, etc.

At the same time, certain types of online earnings are suitable for specific categories of users.

Video: how to register on WebMoney

Earnings for schoolchildren and adolescents from viewing ads, clicks and likes

Even at a young age, it is quite possible to make money on the Internet, especially since such work is not legally limited by age. There are, of course, resources, access to which is allowed only from the age of 18, but their creators managed to protect themselves with the phrase that the site is intended for viewing by persons who have reached this age.

Fortunately, making money on the Internet is not often associated with web resources that are not intended for school age. The best online experience for students is viewing ads, clicks, and reading emails. To do this, it is enough to have a good Internet, a lot of time and a web wallet to be able to withdraw the earned money. Examples of sites where you can work this way are SEOSPRINT, PROFITCENTER, WMmail, WMZONA, etc.

One of the sites where you can make money on clicks
One of the sites where you can make money on clicks

An example of one of the resources where you can make money on surfing. Such sites are an extremely profitable promotion tool for site owners.

You can get more tangible income on click-through sites by attracting referrals - people registered under your referral link. You will receive a percentage of what they earn.

Earnings in social networks are also very attractive for schoolchildren. For him, you will need to have an account in any or several social networks and register on a site that offers such work - socialtools, Advego, Twite. Ru, vktarget, etc. Among the actions performed:

  • joining groups;
  • posting tweets and posts;
  • likes;
  • comments;
  • reposts, etc.

Online work for students

Having a higher level of education and outlook than schoolchildren, students can expect a higher level of income. If you don't feel like bothering, they, of course, can also work on social networks and earn on clicks. However, if they have certain skills and writing talent, they can, for example, earn money on a copywriting exchange, which is an intermediary between customers and performers.

The essence of the work is writing original texts (copywriting) or rewriting existing ones in your own words (rewriting). To do this, it is not at all necessary to study to be a journalist or editor, it is enough just to have experience in the past of writing good essays. And another fundamental quality is literacy. On exchanges, you can also write comments, translate texts and much more. The level of your earnings directly depends on the rating on the exchange and the number of work performed. Time-tested resources include, TextSale, Etxt, TextSale, Copylancer.


The work of a copywriter or rewriter is time consuming and requires perseverance, literacy and a lot of time

Working on the Internet for mothers on maternity leave

This category of Internet users is perhaps the most limited in time, since mothers can work on maternity leave only when they are not busy with their child and household chores. For this reason, time-consuming and low-income earnings are not suitable for them.

Before looking for a job, decide how much time you can devote to it so as not to overestimate your strength and not let the customer down. The latter is fraught with loss of trust on the part of the employer and loss of earnings. First, decide whether you will make money on your hobby or existing knowledge or are ready to learn new things.

On your handmade hobby, you can earn money by selling your creations on the Internet or by creating master classes that can be sold through copywriting exchanges. If you want and have the necessary skills, you can write articles on content exchanges. If you are a specialist in some industry, for example, accounting or law, you can give advice online, blog or simply do the work remotely.

If you strive for self-improvement or want to take your hobby to a more professional level, be prepared to learn. For example, you can take photography courses if you are fond of photography, and sell your images through photo banks - resources that offer unique photographs.

Earning money for pensioners on the Internet

Let's make a reservation in advance that such work, of course, is suitable for fairly young pensioners who have mastered the basics of working on a computer and the Internet, or are mentally ready to master such skills. It is clear that age and self-respect will not allow retirees to sit for hours and earn pennies on clicks. It is more advisable to try to make money on what you do well.

People with experience in narrow fields will be in greatest demand. Retirees can write articles based on their professional experience, be consultants in a certain area on various sites and forums. You can also make good money on reviews and recommendations (sites OTZOVIK,, Tutux, etc.). At the same time, you receive money for each view of your review.

Earnings on reviews and comments
Earnings on reviews and comments

Seniors can make money by leaving reviews of products and services on different sites

Types of online earnings for other categories of users

There are universal types of online earnings that are available to a person of any age, regardless of education.

On YouTube

A very promising form of income for everyone is on YouTube. To profit from you, you will need to create your own channel and periodically post original videos on it. After the promotion and recruitment of at least a few thousand subscribers, you can count on advertisers coming to you or you can choose an affiliate program. It is on advertising that you will receive the main income, although some penny will please you after each video viewing.

Video: how to make money on YouTube for a beginner

On your website or blog

On such resources, you will also receive profit from the number of visits or clicks on existing advertising. However, before that, you will have to invest a lot of money in the promotion of a website or blog. In addition, the information on it will need to be constantly updated, attracting visitors in order to increase your rating.

As an administrator

An administrator on web resources can be required in a group or community of VK, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, online store, etc. His task is to fill the resource with information, place advertisements, moderate the community, answer user questions, etc. Full the list of duties can only be told by the employer, he also determines your salary, as in a real workplace.

For beginner freelancers on exchanges

Although freelancers are nominally everyone who works on the Internet, in fact they are called those who specialize in a particular industry, being a professional in it. The most in demand specialties in the field:

  1. work with text (copywriters, rewriters, translators, content managers, etc.);
  2. web design and graphics (web designer, illustrator, banner maker, 3D designer, etc.);
  3. programming (webmaster, programmer, tester);
  4. management (project manager, editor);
  5. Internet advertising and site promotion (marketer, site optimizer, link manager);
  6. work in social networks (SMM specialist, social networks specialist, website optimizer for social networks).
Man behind laptop
Man behind laptop

The highest paid on the Internet for work related to web technologies

The safest for the performer are specialized freelance exchanges:, Weblancer, Work-zilla, Kwork. You can work as you would at a regular job - according to the schedule or get paid after completing a specific project or assignment. A prerequisite for attracting clients on the freelance exchange is creating a competent portfolio, where your best work is presented.

In what currency is it better to take payment: rubles, dollars, euros

During registration on some sites to earn money, in your account you will need to choose in what currency you want to receive payment. Most often, the choice is between rubles and dollars. On the one hand, when exchanging from dollars to rubles, you will lose some percentage of your profit.

But on the other hand, “bucks” in our country are of constant value, so it is more important to make money in the US currency. But the euro, although it is more expensive than the dollar, is not very preferable, since this currency is very unstable due to problems in the European Union.

What are bitcoins and how you can earn them

Bitcoins are a cryptocurrency that only exists on the internet. It differs from other electronic money like Yandex. Money, WebMoney or QIWI in that it is not backed up by real means, that is, it is completely virtual. You will not be able to withdraw bitcoins to the card, but you can pay online for purchases.

One bitcoin (btc) equals approximately $ 13,000, but its rate fluctuates constantly, like other currencies. One unit of currency can be split into smaller ones, the so-called satoshi (named after the creator of this monetary unit, Satoshi Nakamoto). 1 satoshi is equal to 0.00000001 btc

You can start mining or mining bitcoins at any time. To do this, just run a special script on your computer, which is available in the public domain. Where do bitcoins come from? It is the currency that comes from mathematical calculations.

Video: what is bitcoin

Summary table of ranges of earnings for the specified methods

In order for you to more realistically imagine the level of income while working on the Internet, we present to your attention the table of earnings.

Type of online work Earning Range
On clicks, viewing ads and reading emails $ 1 to $ 5 per month
Photo and video hosting, file hosting $ 10 to $ 50 per month
Working in social networks and making money on posting of various kinds $ 10 to $ 200
Writing reviews and comments Earnings depend on the number of views and your rating. Up to $ 9 on average for every 100 views
Rewriting and copywriting $ 10 to $ 300 per month
Filling sites (site administrator, content manager) $ 50 to $ 500 per month
Blogging, YouTube channel or own website $ 10 to $ 10,000 per month
Freelance From $ 50 to almost infinity
On bitcoins Unpredictable earnings that can range from 0 to 21 million bitcoins per month.


The Internet provides unlimited opportunities for earning money in any field and all that is required of you is to use your existing skills and knowledge wisely. Of course, it is possible that, having understood how great the competition is here and how you have to fight for each task or project, you will quit online earnings. But it is quite possible that after 2-3 months of sleepless nights and the first money earned, you will catch courage and decide that freelancing is your destiny.
