How To Store Onions, Including Seedlings, Leeks, At What Temperature And Conditions Does It Lie Well In Winter + Photos And Videos
How To Store Onions, Including Seedlings, Leeks, At What Temperature And Conditions Does It Lie Well In Winter + Photos And Videos

Proper storage of onions and green onions: temperature, humidity, methods and proper storage locations

keeping onions at home
keeping onions at home

Every gardener knows that growing his own crop in the garden is half the battle. A very important, perhaps even key point is the knowledge of how to properly organize the storage of the harvested crop. In this article, we will talk about how to prepare for storage and preserve onions and green onions in winter until the next harvest.


  • 1 Storage conditions for onions in winter

    • 1.1 Storage in winter at subzero temperatures
    • 1.2 Preparation

      1.2.1 Related Videos

    • 1.3 Storing onions

      1.3.1 Basic methods

    • 1.4 How to store green onions and leeks properly

      • 1.4.1 Preparation
      • 1.4.2 Basic ways of saving
  • 2 Instructions for proper storage

    • 2.1 Onion sets
    • 2.2 Yellow onion
    • 2.3 White onion
    • 2.4 Red onion, including Crimean (Yalta)
    • 2.5 Leeks

      • 2.5.1 Storage in boxes on the balcony and in the cellar
      • 2.5.2 Refrigerated storage
      • 2.5.3 Video: how to store leeks
    • 2.6 Green onions

      • 2.6.1 Refrigerated storage
      • 2.6.2 Storage in the freezer
      • 2.6.3 Video: Storing Green Onions in the Freezer
    • 2.7 Peeled and chopped onions
    • 2.8 Pickled
  • 3 Problems and solutions during storage

    • 3.1 Midges
    • 3.2 Started to sprout
    • 3.3 started to rot

Storage conditions for onions in winter

How and where to store onions from the garden? What preparatory measures must be taken to preserve the harvest? We will outline the main points in this chapter. We will talk separately about the storage of onions and green onions, since these processes are fundamentally different.

Storage in winter at subzero temperatures


Onions: different varieties

Onions can be of different varieties, each variety has its own name. Let's conditionally divide all varieties according to their appearance (the color of their husks):

  • Yellow onions;
  • White onions;
  • Red onions.

Each type of onion has its own distinctive taste and quality characteristics. But the preparation for storage and the types of storage of such onions are basically very similar.


Usually onions are fully ripe by the end of August, and their green feathers begin to turn yellow. The onions are ready to harvest. To begin with, we dig it out of the garden, carefully digging it in with a shovel so as not to damage the bulbs and take it out of the ground. Next, we clean it from the ground, rinse it and dry it for two weeks in the fresh air or in a room with good ventilation. If the onion is completely dry, then it rustles when rolling and the onion neck becomes thin and dry, and makes a crackling sound. Next, cut the onion necks, leave the tails 3-4 cm in length. We also cut the roots without damaging the bottom of the onion itself.

All onions must be sorted. Select bulbs that are rotten, wet and damaged, that is, unsuitable for further storage. All strong onions with thin necks are ready for winter storage.

Related Videos

Storage of onions

At home, onions are stored at room temperature from 18 to 24 degrees in dark, dry places with good ventilation, with a humidity of 50-70%. It is desirable that this place is not in the kitchen, where the air temperature rises higher and frequent changes in humidity are possible.

You can also save the harvest at temperatures from -3 to +1 degrees in the basement, cellar, garage or balcony. In the case of a balcony, the storage space for onions during frosts must be additionally insulated.

Onions are stored in the refrigerator for only a few days in a peeled form, saving unused leftovers during cooking. The refrigerator is also useful for storing onion marinades.

A freezer for storing onions is used if the onions are peeled and chopped.

Basic ways

Onions are stored in various ways.

  • Knits.

    Bundles of onions
    Bundles of onions

    Storage of onions in bundles (pigtails)

    You can braid the bow in braids and hang it in the room, this method is good for red and Crimean onions, but can be used for other varieties.

  • Stockings.

    Nylon tights or stockings
    Nylon tights or stockings

    The bow can be stored in nylon tights or stockings

    Onions can be stored in old tights and stockings, it is important that each bulb is separated from the previous one by a knot, so moisture will be removed from it from all sides.

  • Grids.

    Nylon mesh
    Nylon mesh

    Onions can be stored in nylon nets

    Storing onions in nets is also common. This facilitates visual inspection of the onion when checking for rot.

  • Canvas bags.

    Canvas bag
    Canvas bag

    Storing onions in meshes

    Onions can be stored in small canvas bags so that the onion layer is no more than 30 cm in them. This will exclude the lack of ventilation, create conditions for airing the entire mass of onions.

  • Wicker baskets.

    Wicker basket
    Wicker basket

    Storing onions in wicker baskets

    Wicker baskets are well ventilated, which is important when preserving the harvest.

  • Low boxes.

    Low boxes
    Low boxes

    Storing onions in low boxes

    You can store onions in low boxes, the onion layer should be no more than 30 cm.

  • Cardboard boxes are also great for storing onions at home. It is recommended to make several holes in the side walls for ventilation.

    Carton boxes
    Carton boxes

    Storing onions in cardboard boxes

Important points:

  • Do not store onions next to potatoes and beets, as they absorb moisture and deteriorate.
  • It is important that the onion does not dry out. If in the storage place of onions the humidity is below 50%, then it is additionally sprinkled with husks, this helps it not to dry out.
  • Very high humidity is also dangerous, for example, in a cellar or in a basement. It is advised to keep boxes with sawdust or ash in such rooms. This method copes well with excess moisture in confined spaces.
  • During storage, it is recommended to sort out the entire onion several times, removing damp or rotten onions.

How to store green onions and leeks properly


Leek in the garden


Leeks and green onions are dug out of the garden. When stored in boxes in the cellar or on the balcony, the roots of the leek are trimmed, but feathers are left.

Green onions must be washed and cut off damaged and dry feathers, trimmed roots. After the onion must be dried from moisture. In this form, it is ready to be stored in the refrigerator.

Main ways to save

Leeks are stored in cold conditions, they can withstand temperatures down to -7 degrees. A cellar, balcony and refrigerator are suitable for this.

In the cellar and on the balcony, leeks are stored in boxes of sand.

Chives are kept fresh in the refrigerator and sliced in the freezer.

For storing green onion feathers in the refrigerator:

  • plastic or vacuum bag;
  • glass jar.

In the freezer, chopped green onions can be stored in plastic bottles and vacuum bags.

Instructions for proper storage

Onion sets

Onion sets
Onion sets

Onion sets have a bulb size of 1-3 cm in diameter

There is a way to grow onions in two years. In the first year, onion sets grow from seeds - these are small bulbs with a diameter of up to 3 cm. Onion turnips are grown from it the next year. Sevok is stored in two ways: warm and cold.

The warm method means storage at a temperature of 18-24 degrees. If in the future you do not intend to grow a full-fledged onion from the seed, then you can burn the roots, so the onion will be preserved better. Sevok, like any other onion, keeps well at a moisture content of 50–70%. This storage method is suitable for seedlings with a diameter of 1-3 cm.

In a cold way, seedlings with a diameter of less than 1 cm are stored until spring at a temperature of -1 … +1 degrees, since at high room temperatures it will simply dry out.

But most often, such small bulbs are planted in the ground in the fall in October or November so that they have time to take root, but do not germinate.

Yellow onion


Yellow onions

Onions can be of different pungency, distinguishing between sweet, semi-sharp and spicy. Spicy onions are best preserved, they have the toughest husks. The easier it is to peel the onion, the softer the husk, the sweeter the onion.

Onions keep well under two temperature conditions:

  • warm 18-22 degrees, humidity 50-70%;
  • cold -1 … 0 degrees - for sweet and semi-sharp onions, -3 … -1 - for hot onions, humidity - 75-90%.

A warm regime can be created at home, but it is better not in the kitchen, where the air temperature often rises above 22 degrees and frequent changes in humidity are possible.

Cold mode can be created on the balcony, in the cellar, underground, garage.

When stored properly, onions can last up to 240 days in good condition.

White onion

White bow
White bow

White onion

White onions are the sweetest of all onions. It is stored less than others, and is more likely to rot. The storage area must be well ventilated and dry. Storage temperature 18-22 degrees and humidity 50-70%. However, even following the above rules will not give a long-term good result. White onions are not bought for storage, it is better to cook them right away. Due to its short shelf life, white onions are not very popular among gardeners.

Red onion, including Crimean (Yalta)

Red onion
Red onion

Red onion

Red onions, like white ones, are sweet onions that, unfortunately, are not stored for long. The maximum is 120 days. The preferred storage method is at home. If possible, it is better to store such onions in bundles, Yalta (Crimean) onions are most often sold this way. And the advice from the sellers is always the same: you need to store the Crimean onions in a bundle, in a dry ventilated room.

Crimean bow
Crimean bow

Bundles of Crimean onions


Fresh leeks can be stored for up to 6 months. It tolerates frosts well down to -7 degrees.

Storage in boxes on the balcony and in the cellar

Leek in a box
Leek in a box

Leeks are kept in boxes

They store it together with the leaves, cut the roots a little without touching the bottom. Storage is organized in a large sand box. The sand is disinfected in advance, that is, calcined.

Spread sand 5–7 cm thick on the bottom of the box, place the leeks vertically in it, cover the spaces between the heads with wet sand. Store in cellars at a temperature of 0 … + 4 degrees and a humidity of 80–85%. You can store the boxes on the balcony, but in this case, cover the onions with a warm blanket to avoid too low a temperature.

Cold storage

When storing leeks in the refrigerator, you need to cut the roots off. Pack the washed and dried leeks in plastic bags and put them in the refrigerator, in a compartment where the temperature is maintained at +5 degrees and above.

If the leek is finely chopped and placed in a bag, then it can be stored for a long time in the freezer.

Video: how to store leeks

Green onions

Green onions
Green onions

Green onions are stored in the refrigerator

Green onions can be stored in different states, it all depends on what you want to use them for in the future.

Cold storage

If you want onions for your salad, you need to keep them fresh.

Fresh onion feathers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one and a half months at a temperature of + 1 … + 8 degrees. Feathers must be strong and intact. Onions are pre-washed and dried. Then they are placed in bags or in glass containers.

  • Plastic or vacuum bag. By storing onions in bags, which are placed in the refrigerator in advance for 15 minutes. Next, fresh dry onion leaves are placed in these bags and put into the refrigerator. During storage, the onions are sorted every two weeks in order to select rotting feathers. Onions in this way can be stored for up to a month and a half.
  • Glass jar. The storage method is suitable only for short onion feathers completely without kink fit in a jar. The washed and dry fresh feathers are put in a jar, covered with a lid and stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Chopped green onions can still be put in a glass jar and covered with vegetable oil, so that it covers all the feathers. Store a jar of onions in oil in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. Onions in oil are ready to eat after 3 days.

Green onions in oil
Green onions in oil

Chopped green onions in oil

Freezer storage

Frozen green onions
Frozen green onions

Store chopped green onions in the freezer

If you are going to use green onions in the preparation of main courses and soup, then you can chop them and put them in the freezer. To prevent the onion mass from freezing into one lump, the feathers are pre-cut, placed in a bag in a thin layer and put into the freezer. After the frozen onion can be poured into a common bag. This will keep the onion crumbly. Green onions are stored in the freezer for up to one year at a temperature of -8 degrees.

You can put shredded onions in the freezer in a plastic bottle.

Video: storing green onions in the freezer

Also, green onions can be dried and stored in canvas bags, glass or plastic containers at room temperature for up to two years.

Glass jar
Glass jar

Dried onions can be stored in a glass jar for up to two years.

Peeled and chopped onions

Peeled onions
Peeled onions

Peeled onions can be stored in the refrigerator

Often during cooking, it turns out that there are already plenty of onions, and a whole extra onion has been peeled or chopped. In such cases, the product will help preserve the refrigerator.

If you have a whole peeled onion or half left, you can use the following effective ways to preserve it.

  • Salt. Pour salt into the container, cut the onion and put it cut-side down, put the container in the refrigerator. In this form, the bulb will last from 5 to 8 days.
  • Vegetable oil. Oil the cut onion, place in a container and refrigerate. The bulb will not go bad within a week.
  • Water. If the peeled onion is placed in water and refrigerated, it can last up to two weeks, provided that the water changes every day.
  • Cling film. Wrap the peeled vegetable in plastic wrap and it will be fresh for another 4-5 days.
  • The chopped onion can be saved in the freezer. You need to store chopped onions in bags in layers no thicker than 5 cm. In this form, it will serve you up to one year.

If chopped onions are dried in the oven or in an electric dryer and put in a dry place in canvas bags or plastic containers, then they will serve you for about two years as a delicious seasoning.


Pickled onions
Pickled onions

Pickled onions are stored in a cool, dark place

Any onions and green onions can be pickled. In the marinade, the main ingredient is table vinegar or apple cider vinegar. You can pickle whole onions, or you can already chop them.

In the marinade, green onions are stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Pickled onions are best stored in a cool, dark place. Jars of pickled onions unopened sit quietly for six months.

Problems and solutions during storage

Over a long period of onion storage, various unpleasant situations may arise that endanger the safety of the harvested crop. Consider the most common problems in the storage of onions.


The appearance of midges in places where onions are stored indicates that the onions are stored in the wrong conditions and have begun to rot. The first step is to sort out the onions and find all the spoiled onions. Put a piece of cotton wool moistened with essential oil, for example, juniper, in the place where midges accumulate. You can also add needles or chopped basil leaves. These smells keep insects away.

Started to sprout

Onions sprouted
Onions sprouted

Sprouting onions

Germination of onions suggests that the place of storage is high humidity and the wrong temperature regime. For example, onions can begin to sprout in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. There is high humidity and low temperature - the necessary conditions for shooting a bow are created! Unfortunately, there is nothing to stop the onion sprouting, you can only sprout it and use its green feathers. You can also chop the sprouted bulbs and put them in the refrigerator or pickle them. For the remaining non-sprouted bulbs, the storage conditions must be changed. Keep it dry and warm, ventilated, or colder and less humid.

Started to rot

Rotten bulbs
Rotten bulbs

Rotten onion infested with pests

Onions begin to rot if attacked by pest larvae or the root onion mite. The rotting process begins with improper storage of onions: high humidity and incorrect storage temperature. If you notice rotten bulbs in the onion storage box, the whole mass must be urgently sorted out. In the process, remove all suspicious ones, even with a barely noticeable process of rotting of the bulb, this will help you save the remaining crop. In the future, adjust the storage conditions of the onion and sort it at least once a month.

There are enough ways and options for storing onions in order to choose the most convenient one for you. Knowing the basic prohibitions and important points, it is quite possible to save onions until next spring. Store the onion in suitable places for it in terms of temperature and humidity, occasionally check its safety and you will succeed!
