Japanese Laundry Powder: Features Of The Product, Popular Manufacturers, Safety And Effectiveness Reviews
Japanese Laundry Powder: Features Of The Product, Popular Manufacturers, Safety And Effectiveness Reviews

Japanese powders, or Safe, inexpensive and high-quality laundry

Japanese laundry detergent
Japanese laundry detergent

Japanese household products are becoming more and more popular. The quality and effectiveness of washing powders in liquid and dry form are noted by those who have already tested these products. But not everyone understands what are the features of Japanese products and whether they are really as safe as the manufacturers claim.


  • 1 Features of Japanese powders

    • 1.1 Safe composition
    • 1.2 Cost effectiveness

      1.2.1 Table: Comparison of consumption of Japanese CJ Lion Top washing gel and Tide powder

    • 1.3 Safety for the environment
  • 2 Review of funds

    2.1 Table: Comparative characteristics of popular Japanese powders

  • 3 Rules for the use of Japanese powders
  • 4 Reviews

Features of Japanese powders

Japanese detergents for washing clothes are valued for their safe composition, environmental friendliness and economy. These are the main benefits of most liquid and dry powders made in Japan.

Safe composition

The cleaning base of Japanese-made laundry detergents is vegetable raw materials - enzymes of protease, lipase, etc. In the composition of liquid and dry powders there are no toxic substances that increase the effectiveness of washing, but negatively affect a person:

  • zeolites - widely used in various industries, medicine, salty, porous compounds containing silicon and aluminum, they are safe for the environment (do not lead to pollution of natural waters), but do not completely wash out from tissues, often cause allergic reactions, especially in children, accelerate wear of parts of washing machines (due to the fact that they are abrasive);
  • phosphates - inorganic salts of phosphoric acids, which are included in powders to soften water and enhance the quality of washing, they pollute water bodies, cause allergies and impair metabolic processes with frequent contact of human skin with them;
  • phosphonates are also salts of phosphoric acids, but organic, therefore, they have the same danger as phosphates with the only difference - their concentration in powders is lower, because less phosphorus gets into the water, which means less harm to the environment will be done.

The listed components of detergents irritate the skin, especially in people prone to allergies. With constant contact with things washed using powders with such substances in the composition, a person's immunity gradually decreases, the normal functioning of the kidneys and other internal organs is disrupted, as well as metabolic processes.

Manifestation of allergy on the skin of the child's legs
Manifestation of allergy on the skin of the child's legs

In children, people with weakened immunity, the elderly, phosphate powders often cause allergic reactions on the skin

Economy of funds

All powders made in Japan are concentrated. Despite their high cost, in the end we get good savings, since the expense is small.

Opened powder container and measuring spoon
Opened powder container and measuring spoon

For the convenience of dosing powders, many of them have a measuring spoon in the packaging.

Table: Comparison of consumption of Japanese CJ Lion Top washing gel and Tide powder

Name of funds The amount of laundry (when washing in a machine) - the rate of consumption of the product (with medium dirt) Handwash
Washing gel CJ Lion Top
  • 3 kg - 30 ml;
  • 4 kg - 40 ml;
  • 6 kg - 43 ml.
1 teaspoon in 10 liters of water.
Tide powder 4-5 kg - 150 g. 50 g per 10 liters of water.

Safe for the environment

The special composition of Japanese powders makes them environmentally friendly. Its components are biodegradable, therefore, after washing, they decompose into substances that are harmless to the environment. In addition, they are safe for the environment for the following important reasons:

  • due to the absence of phosphates and phosphonates, they do not pollute natural water bodies - they do not cause water bloom, do not reduce the amount of oxygen dissolved in it, thereby not exerting a negative impact on the aquatic environment and its inhabitants;
  • due to the absence of zeolites in the powders, the air is not saturated with dust (this feature is more noticeable in closed rooms, where air exchange is much weaker than in open spaces).
Blooming water
Blooming water

The presence of phosphate powders negatively affects the environment, for example, leads to water bloom

Funds overview

There are Japanese powders from different manufacturers on sale. The most popular are the following:

  1. Shabondama Snoul. This is a powder soap, completely natural, without toxic additives. The product washes laundry efficiently, even in cold water. After its application, there is no residual smell of the product on the laundry.

    Shabondama Snoul Powder Soap
    Shabondama Snoul Powder Soap

    Shabondama Snoul has a concentrated composition, therefore it is consumed economically

  2. Nissan Fa-fa. Children's powder with a floral aroma and natural composition. Washes stubborn stains of protein origin, washes out completely, does not cause allergies on the skin of the child.

    Nissan Fa-fa
    Nissan Fa-fa

    Nissan Fa-fa is used to wash white and colored baby clothes

  3. NAN Kaori Bio. The product contains natural cleaning ingredients. And also a water softener and fabric softener are added to it, so there is no need to additionally use these products during the washing process.

    NAN Kaori Bio
    NAN Kaori Bio

    NAN Kaori Bio - concentrated Japanese powder based on herbal ingredients and soap

  4. Emaar Kao. Gel for washing colored laundry, has a conditioning effect. It is perfectly washed off, does not wash out paint from fabrics, and has a low consumption.

    Emaar Kao
    Emaar Kao

    Emaar Kao - Conditioning Liquid Concentrated Powder

  5. Acron Lion. The liquid detergent is intended for washing woolen and delicate fabrics. Also effective in cold water. Has a convenient dispenser.

    Acron Lion
    Acron Lion

    The Acron Lion delicate wash gel packaging has a dispenser

  6. Attack Bio. The powder is intended for washing children's and adult clothes. In addition to high-quality stain removal, including stubborn dirt, the product removes unpleasant odors and conditions the laundry.

    Attack Bio
    Attack Bio

    One pack of Attack Bio 0.9 kg is designed for 23 washes in the machine

  7. CJ Lion Top. The powder is multifunctional, as it contains water softeners, which increase the life of the machine, as well as bleach, so there is no need to use it separately. The product washes out well, does not irritate the skin.

    Cj lion top
    Cj lion top

    CJ Lion Top washes and bleaches fabrics

  8. Rocket Soap. Japanese baby powder washes well, whitens and softens clothes. Can be used to care for baby and adult linen. It is hypoallergenic.

    Rocket soap
    Rocket soap

    Rocket Soap can be used to wash clothes for adults and children

  9. Miyoshi. The powder does not irritate the skin, it is perfectly washed out. After washing, the laundry does not have a strong aroma, it is soft and clean. The product has a natural composition - pure soap and alkaline components.


    Miyoshi is a powder soap for laundry that is suitable even for allergy sufferers

Table: Comparative characteristics of popular Japanese powders

Product name and release form Structure Profitability approximate price
Shabondama Snoul Powder Soap. Pure soap (99% sodium aliphatic) Consumption rate: 35 g for 4-5 kg of linen. Packing 1 kg - 450 rubles.
Powder for washing baby clothes Nissan Fa-fa.
  • 20% soap;
  • sulfates;
  • carbonate alkalis;
  • bleach.
20 g by 4.5 kg. 900 g - from 450 rubles, 4 kg - from 1400 rubles.
Powder for washing colored clothes NAN Kaori Bio.
  • Surfactants (cleaning ingredients, surfactants);
  • oxygen bleach;
  • rinse aid;
  • water softener;
  • sulfates.
30 g per 4.5 kg. 700 g from 200 rubles.
Liquid detergent for washing colored laundry Emaar Kao.
  • Surfactant (19% polyoxyethylene alkyl ether);
  • stabilizer;
  • perfume.
40 ml for 4.5 kg of laundry. 500 ml - 455 rubles.
Liquid detergent for delicate and woolen clothes Acron Lion.
  • Surfactant;
  • stabilizer;
  • softener;
  • dispersant.
30 ml for 4.5 kg of laundry 500 ml - 320 rubles.
Attack Bio Powder.
  • up to 15% anionic surfactant;
  • nonionic surfactant;
  • polycarboxylate;
  • soap, enzymes, perfume;
  • optical brightener.
40 g by 4.5 kg. 1 kg - from 550 rubles.
Washing gel CJ Lion Top
  • 21% surfactant;
  • water softener;
  • sodium fatty acids;
  • enzyme;
  • alkaline substances (carbonates);
  • bleach.
40 ml for 4 kg. 900 ml - 400 rubles.
Powder for washing baby clothes Rocket Soap.
  • soap;
  • Surfactant (9% polyoxyethylene alkyl ether, alkanol fatty acid amide);
  • sodium salt of a fatty acid; propylene glycol.
30 g for 4–5 kg. 1 kg - 740 rubles.
Powder for washing baby and adult clothes Miyoshi. Pure soap (potassium salt with 60% fatty acids) and alkaline components. 35 g by 4.5 kg. 2.16 kg - from 1100 rubles.

Rules for the use of Japanese powders

A feature of Japanese laundry detergents is their concentrated composition. Therefore, the only difference in the way they are used, in comparison with the products of other manufacturers, is the need to use less quantity per wash. Consumption rates are always indicated on the packaging, usually in the form of a table.

Instructions for using the powder on the package
Instructions for using the powder on the package

Even if all the labels on the packaging are in Japanese, it's easy to understand how to use the powder: a convenient table clearly shows this

The recommended water temperature for washing is 30–40 degrees.


The natural composition and the absence of phosphates are the main differences between Japanese powders. Since most of them are concentrated, along with safety for human health and the environment, they are also characterized by economy. It is a profitable and sensible alternative to the usual powders, especially necessary for the care of the linen of young children and people prone to allergies.
