Flea Spray For Cats ("Fipronil" And Others): Instructions For Using The Product, Effectiveness, Reviews Of Veterinarians And Pet Owners
Flea Spray For Cats ("Fipronil" And Others): Instructions For Using The Product, Effectiveness, Reviews Of Veterinarians And Pet Owners

Flea spray for cats: efficiency and simplicity in one bottle

the cat itches
the cat itches

Cat owners are most often faced with the problem of fleas in their pets. Now there are a large number of special tools that are presented in various forms. Sprays are gaining more and more popularity due to their effectiveness and ease of use.


  • 1 Differences between sprays and other types of cat protection

    • 1.1 Types of flea sprays for cats
    • 1.2 Video: how to treat a pet with a flea spray
  • 2 Popular flea sprays for topical treatment of cats

    • 2.1 Frontline
    • 2.2 Phiprist
    • 2.3 Adams
    • 2.4 Bars
    • 2.5 Hartz
  • 3 Sprays for the treatment of premises and objects

    • 3.1 Noroclin Extra
    • 3.2 Combat
    • 3.3 Clean house
  • 4 DIY repellent spray

Differences between sprays and other types of cat protection

The spray differs from other protective drugs in the way the drug is delivered: it is in a container in liquid form and is supplied under pressure. The particles of the product are very small and can get into even the most difficult to reach parts. But the use of this type of drug requires accuracy, since there is a high risk of getting it on the mucous membranes of the cat.

After treating the animal with a flea spray, the parasites die almost immediately. The effect lasts at least 1–1.5 months.

Flea development phases
Flea development phases

In the fight against fleas, it is important to get rid of adults, larvae, and eggs.

A spray is often confused with an aerosol, but the latter is prepared from a concentrated insecticide solution and involves the use of a spray bottle to apply to the animal's fur. The medicinal liquid from the spray is supplied under pressure, which means it has a larger radius of particles hitting the surface (which is why the spray must be kept at some distance from the animal or its litter during processing).

The spray is also different from drops, which are more popular in the fight against fleas. The differences lie not only in the composition, but also in the method of application. The spray is applied to the entire body of the animal, while the drops are applied only to the withers.

A cat with a flea collar
A cat with a flea collar

A flea collar is used as a prevention of infection

Types of flea sprays for cats

There are two types of flea sprays:

  • for processing the animal directly (there are different preparations designed for the processing of adult animals and kittens);
  • for processing the premises.

Means differ in composition and aggressiveness. Moreover, if the former can be used to treat not only the animal, but also its house and premises, the latter is strictly prohibited from splashing on cats, since they are highly toxic.

When I fought fleas on my cats, the fight was not very successful. The fleas left the animal and settled in my carpets, while feasting on my blood. The next times I did not make such a mistake. Therefore, prevention concerns the treatment of not only the animal, but the entire apartment. I prefer to use the spray specifically for the treatment of premises, and I put drops of Bars on the withers of the animal. Others are allergic to my cats.

Video: how to treat a pet with flea spray

Popular flea sprays for external treatment of cats

The composition of sprays from different manufacturers may vary. The age of the animal can also influence the choice of the remedy.


Produced in a plastic bottle complete with a special attachment. The main active ingredient is fipronil. The action is aimed at paralyzing the nerve endings in parasites, because of which they die. The drug in small doses is absolutely safe directly for the cat, even if ingested, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore, poisoning is excluded. Fipronil has a similar effect.

The composition contains alcohol, to which cats can react with strong drooling. This reaction is normal and no treatment is required.

Front Line is cost effective. One 100 ml cylinder is enough to protect a pet weighing 5 kg for a whole year. The cost is about 880 rubles.


One 100 ml Front Line can is enough for a year

It is not recommended to wash the animal two days before and within two days after treatment. Additionally, you need to restrict the cat's access to the body by wearing a special collar that will prevent the animal from licking the product from the fur. This measure is needed within 30 minutes after processing.


The active ingredient is fipronil at a concentration of 0.25%. The product is available in bottles of 100, 250 and 500 ml. The kit includes a spray nozzle. Fiprist is active in all phases of the parasite's development.

Has a paralytic effect, as a result of which the parasites die. Not absorbed into the systemic circulation. It accumulates in the wool, which means it is able to have a preventive effect. The duration of the effect is up to 40 days.

For one treatment, 3–6 ml is sufficient per 1 kg of animal body weight. This amount equals 6–12 strokes of the spray head of a 100 ml bottle.

Application process:

  1. Shake the bottle well before use.
  2. Hold it upright when spraying.
  3. The treatment should be carried out all over the body, directing the sprayer against the fur, while the bottle should be placed at a distance of 10–20 cm from the surface to be treated.

    Phiprist spray
    Phiprist spray

    Spray Fiprist against the fur of the animal

  4. Until the agent on the wool has completely dried, it is strictly forbidden to let the animal close to sources of open fire and heating devices.

One of the advantages of Fiprist is the absence of side effects, although we must not forget about the individual intolerance of the components. Contraindications are infectious diseases and age less than 7 days.

It can be used to treat cats and dogs, while the tool actively copes with other parasites, for example, ticks.

The cost of a 100 ml bottle is about 800 rubles.


The product can be used to treat animals over three months old. The active ingredient is pyrethrin. He is able to paralyze the nervous system of fleas, which leads to their death. To get rid of parasites completely, a single application is enough.

Spray Adams
Spray Adams

Spray Adams can be used on kittens from three months of age

The line is represented by products for animals with short and long hair, as well as with a reduced concentration of the active substance, which makes it possible to use the drug for the treatment of pregnant, weakened and old animals.

The agent is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, therefore, when ingested, it does not cause poisoning. Nevertheless, it is worth preventing this by using a special cap within 30 minutes after processing.

The cost of the funds is about 1200 rubles.


The active ingredient is fipronil (0.3%). The agent acts on the nervous system of parasites, paralyzing them. Due to its ability to accumulate in hair follicles, sebaceous glands and on the upper layer of the epidermis, Bars creates a protective layer that lasts for 4 weeks.

The drug should not be used on cats less than 10 weeks old. In addition, contraindications are pregnancy, lactation, any other diseases and general weakness.

Spray Bars for cats
Spray Bars for cats

Leopard is able to rid not only fleas, but also from other parasites

The dosage of the drug depends on the body weight of the animal and the density of its coat. On average, the indicator is as follows - 0.5-1 ml per 1 kg of body weight. This amount corresponds to 2-4 clicks on the head of a 100 ml balloon. The treatment is carried out on dry animal hair; it is not recommended to bathe it two days before the procedure. It is necessary to process the skin, for which the wool is gradually pushed apart. After processing, the agent must be allowed time to dry, then the animal must be combed. Over the next two days, you need to monitor so that the animal does not get wet.

There are no side effects provided that the recommended dosages are observed. Individual intolerance is possible, which can manifest itself as vomiting, increased salivation and lacrimation.

The cost of Bars is democratic, only about 200 rubles per 100 ml bottle.


The product has age restrictions - it cannot be used on animals under 12 weeks old.

Made on the basis of tetrachlorvinphos (concentration 1.08%). Apply the product from a distance of 15 cm from the coat, making sure that the coat is completely saturated with liquid right down to the skin.

Hartz is active against parasites at all stages of development. Forms a protective layer preventing re-infection.

Hartz flea spray
Hartz flea spray

After using the Hartz spray, a protective layer forms on the cat's body

How to apply:

  1. Shake the bottle before use.
  2. When processing, it must be kept strictly vertically at a distance of 10–20 cm from the skin of the animal.
  3. After processing, the animal's hair must be dried with a towel, and then carefully combed with a special brush.
  4. Within two days after treatment, it is not recommended to stroke the cat, as well as to let children near it.
  5. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated, but not earlier than after 7 days.

The product is moisture resistant, so slight wetting of the animal does not reduce the therapeutic effect.

There are no side effects, but with individual intolerance or overdose, skin irritation, increased lacrimation and salivation, tremors, and vomiting are possible. In such cases, the use of the product should be discontinued and immediately contact the veterinarian.

The cost is about 500 rubles.

Room and object sprays

Additionally, it is recommended to handle all objects with which the cat comes into contact - her toys, bedding, upholstered furniture. For this, special sprays are suitable, which cannot be used to treat the animal itself.

Noroclin Extra

It is produced in 200 ml metal bottles. The liquid is transparent. The active ingredients are methoprene and permethrin.

This product should be sprayed at a distance of 50 cm from baseboards, furniture, carpets and other places where parasites can live. The drug can be toxic to animals and people, so you need to take precautions, for example, perform the treatment in a well-ventilated area using protective equipment, and 30 minutes after the procedure (when all the treated surfaces are dry), perform a wet cleaning.

Noroclin Extra
Noroclin Extra

Noroclin Extra should be sprayed at a distance of 50 cm from the treated surface.

The cost is 560 rubles for a 400 ml bottle.


The drug is based on permethrin and tetramethrin. A whole line is produced with a similar name, each of the means is able to fight fleas of various stages of development. The most effective is Superspray Plus, which contains insecticides cyphenotrin and imiprotrin. Within 5-10 minutes, it destroys all parasites present in the room, including flying and larvae.

Flea Combat
Flea Combat

The Kombat spray series fights fleas and other parasites in the house

You can process upholstered furniture, textiles and clothing, as the product does not stain or spoil the fabric.

Has a Kombat and disadvantages. The main thing is the lack of a preventive effect: after processing, wet cleaning is required, so the entire product is removed from the surfaces. Because of this, the risk of re-infection increases.

The cost is from 250 to 600 rubles.

Clean house

The drug is made in Russia. One of the disadvantages is inactivity against flea eggs, therefore it is recommended to combine with other means or repeat the treatment after a while. The main active ingredients are tetramethrin and cypermethrin. A feature is the decomposition of components under the influence of external factors to inactive within two to three hours. Thanks to this, wet cleaning after processing is not required.

Spray Clean House from fleas
Spray Clean House from fleas

After spraying Clean house no wet cleaning required

The cost is about 500 rubles for a 600 ml cylinder.

DIY repellent spray

Industrial products help to quickly rid the animal of fleas, but they can be toxic if overdose. To prevent infection, you can use a self-made repellent spray - the product is safe for the animal and its owner, and is also much cheaper than industrial options. To do this, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. extract of witch hazel (this ingredient is sold in pharmacies and has a bacteriostatic and soothing effect, relieves irritation after bites of fleas and other parasites);
  • 1 lemon;
  • lavender (fresh, dried, oil or extract - repels parasites (and fleas, and ticks and mosquitoes).

    Repellent Ingredients
    Repellent Ingredients

    Lavender repels parasites and witch hazel extract has a calming effect

Additionally, you need to prepare a container and a spray bottle. Now you can start preparing the repellent:

  1. Pour lavender and sliced lemon with water. Put the container on fire, then cook for 30 minutes after boiling.

    Ingredients in a saucepan
    Ingredients in a saucepan

    Lavender can be used in any form

  2. After readiness, strain the product.

    Sieve ingredients
    Sieve ingredients

    The prepared product must be filtered

  3. Add witch hazel extract to the liquid.

    Containers with liquid ingredients
    Containers with liquid ingredients

    Witch hazel extract is added at the very end

  4. After that, the tool is considered ready. It needs to be poured into a spray bottle.

    Ready solution
    Ready solution

    The finished solution has a pleasant pink tint

You need to use the product before each walk - spray liquid from a distance of 20 cm from the animal's fur. The effect can be enhanced if the procedure is periodically repeated during a walk.

Fleas bring discomfort to the animal, making it itch all the time. A large number of them can lead a cat to exhaustion. Therefore, the fight against them must be regular and effective. This is why many pet owners opt for spray insecticides that are easy to spray on their fur. In addition, such products are more economical to use. And if you are worried that they are too toxic, then you can make your own natural flea spray.
