Table of contents:
- Kurilian Bobtail - furry with a curved tail
- Where does the Kurilian Bobtail come from?
- The specifics of the appearance of the Kurilian Bobtail
- Features of behavior and character
- Health of the Kuril bob-tailed cats
- How to choose a Kuril short-tailed kitten
- How to care for a Kurilian Bobtail
- Breeding the breed
- Owner reviews of Kurilian bobtails
2025 Author: Bailey Albertson | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:41
Kurilian Bobtail - furry with a curved tail

The little-studied Kurilian Bobtail breed unites long-haired and short-haired seals, which are distinguished by hare jumping ability and a short curved tail. Despite the semi-wild origin, animals show an agreeable character and devotion to the owner. In addition, these fluffy clever girls are easy to acquire, because the homeland of the Kurilian bobtails is Russia.
1 Where does the Kurilian Bobtail come from?
- 1.1 Photo gallery: Kurilian Bobtail in natural habitat
- 1.2 Photo gallery: representatives of related breeds: Kurilian Bobtail, Siberian cat and Japanese short-tailed cat
2 The specifics of the appearance of the Kurilian Bobtail
- 2.1 Photo gallery: varieties of tails in the Kurilian Bobtail
- 2.2 Video: Kurilian Bobtail: breed description
3 Features of behavior and character
3.1 Video: Kurilian Bobtail takes a bath
4 Health of Kuril bob-tailed cats
4.1 Video: grafting Kurilian Bobtail
5 How to choose a Kuril short-tailed kitten
5.1 Video: cattery of Kurilian Bobtail cats
6 How to care for a Kurilian Bobtail
6.1 Feeding the smokers
7 Breeding the breed
7.1 Castration and sterilization
- 8 Owner reviews of Kurilian Bobtails
Where does the Kurilian Bobtail come from?
Cats with short, broken tails appeared on the islands of the Kuril archipelago 200 years ago. Then these smart and dexterous animals were noticed by local fishermen. And they began to feed them so that furry predators would protect houses from rats and poisonous snakes.
Photo gallery: Kurilian Bobtail in natural habitat
Red-haired kurilian bobtail sitting on the rocks of a mountain river - Kurilian bobtails are skilled hunters
Red-haired kurilian bobtail floating on the river - Smokers are also great swimmers
Red-haired Kurilian Bobtail jumping with a snake in its mouth - These cute pussies are not afraid even of snakes
The Russians who appeared in the Kuril Islands also did not remain indifferent to these seals and even began to take animals away as pets to the mainland. So, thanks to geologists and the military, Kurilian Bobtails made it to Eurasia.
In 1980, felinologists became interested in the breed, who drew attention to the unusual curved tail. It was believed that such a specific part of the body became under the influence of radiation or other harmful influence from the outside. However, further research proved the completely natural origin of the genetic trait of the Kuril Islands.
In addition, Kurilian bobtails were mistaken for a variety of Japanese bobtail cats. But in the end, the professionals agreed that the Japanese bobtails were only the ancestors of the Kuril ones. And that's only half. After all, smokers find more similarities with Siberian purrs. And the latter are referred to as a breed crossed in their natural environment with the Japanese Bobtail.
Photo gallery: representatives of related breeds: Kurilian Bobtail, Siberian cat and Japanese short-tailed cat
Kurilian Bobtail stands and looks back - Kurilian Bobtail - a hybrid of two cat breeds
Siberian cat sitting in the grass - Siberian cats are the closest relatives and ancestors of the Kuril Bobtail
Black and white Japanese bobtail sitting, looking back -
Smokers inherited only a short tail from Japanese bobtails
In October 1991, the Soviet Felinological Federation (SFF) approved the breed standard for the Kurilian Bobtail
In 1994, the cats were recognized by TICA felinologists, and 1995 was a significant year for these purrs. Kurilians were officially recognized in the felinological world. First, this was done by the SFF, and then by the World Cat Federation.
In 2002, Kurilian Bobtails were recognized by such a respected organization as FIFe, which gave a new round in the development of the breed. But the champion status in TICA was recognized only in 2012. In addition, bobtail smokers have not yet been recognized by the authoritative CFA community.
Currently, these fluffy pets are becoming more and more popular, and no international exhibition is complete without representatives of Russian short-tailed cats.
The specifics of the appearance of the Kurilian Bobtail
At first glance, the Kuril bob-tailed cats, domesticated in the past, resemble a lynx because of the tassels on the ears. Powerful paws, wide head and thick hair also make smokers a small copy of these formidable predators.

Kurilian bobtails look like lynxes
And here is what the breed standard, updated by the WCF in 2001, provides:
- the weight of an adult cat is from 5 to 7 kg, the weight of a cat is no more than 5 kg;
- the size of the body is average, it is distinguished by a powerful skeleton and developed muscles;
- wide chest;
- a slightly curved back with a raised hip line;
- voluminous round paws, with the hind legs being longer than the front ones;
- trapezoidal, with protruding “cheeks” head, which has smooth outlines;
- large triangular ears are set far in relation to each other (4–5 cm) and tilted forward;
- rounded chin;
- nutty eyes of various colors, regardless of the color of the animal, heterochromia is allowed;
- the nose is of medium length and has a smooth and straight profile.
The world community recognizes bobtails from the Kuril Islands with short or semi-long hair. The latter, as a rule, have a thick "collar" and "pants". Animals can be of any color, except for:
- chocolate;
- cinnamon;
- lilac;
- colorpoint;
- faun;
- acromelanic;
- stewed;
- chinchillas.
White blotches on the chest, legs and abdomen are allowed, and various medallions are not excluded.
As for the growth of the Kuril beauties, felinologists have not yet developed an exact standard for him. However, domestic cats have been observed to grow much larger than their wild counterparts. And the better the conditions of detention, the more powerful the pet becomes.
Special attention should be paid to the breed-forming characteristic of smokers - a curled bushy tail. It is characterized by small size (from 1.5 to 13 cm) and elongated (in comparison with a fur coat on the body) wool.

Smokers' tails curl in several ways
Felinologists distinguish the following types of fracture of this feline body part:
- spirals - from 5 to 10 vertebrae twist both up and down, and then sideways;
- panicles - differ from spirals in a straight position;
- hemp - consist of two motionlessly fastened vertebrae;
- hooks - a kind of spirals when the tail is located along the back;
- spiral-type hemp, practically indistinguishable from ordinary hemp to the touch, the difference can be seen only on x-ray;
- spirals twisted to the side;
- hemp with shoots;
- "Pushed back" bobtails - refer to the shortcomings of the breed and are discarded during breeding.
Photo gallery: varieties of tails in Kurilian bobtails
Kurilian bobtail stands showing its tail - The Kurilian Bobtail's panicle tail
Kurilian bobtail stands on the shore of a reservoir - Chicken with a hemp tail
Red-and-white Kurilian Bobtail stands looking in front of him - Kurilian Bobtail kitten with the tail pulled back
An interesting feature is that each cat has tail wrinkles strictly individual and as unique as fingerprints.
In addition to the "delayed" bobtails, smokers take the following physical features for shortcomings:
- shortened hind legs;
- the tail has less than two vertebrae;
- too arched back;
- thin physique;
- crook in the nose.
Kuril cats with the following characteristics are not allowed to participate in exhibitions:
- missing tailbone;
- spinal deformities;
- tail curvature;
- no kinks in the tail;
- long (more than 15 cm) tail.
There are 9 breeds of bobtail cats in the world - these are American and Thai (Mekong), Karelian and Japanese short-tails. Less common are snowbob varieties (from Alaska), oriental bobtails (from the UK), ouhibobs (a cross between Siamese and Manx), and even toy bobtails. These include the purr bred on the islands of Kunashir and Iturup of the Kuril archipelago. However, Kuril bob-tailed cats differ from other similar pets by their devoted disposition and pronounced hunting instinct. Outwardly, it is also the most massive of all Bobtail breed with a kind and open "facial expression".
Video: Kurilian Bobtail: breed description
Features of behavior and character
Kurilian Bobtails do not like to be alone, these pets prefer to constantly "chase" the owner or someone from the family. Other pets living in the same house with a smoker are also subject to surveillance.

Kurilian Bobtails love children and big companies
From their wild ancestors, the fluffies inherited a love of water, which in a city apartment manifests itself in the form of a regularly arising desire to splash under an open tap or in a drinking bowl-fountain
Remained with bobtail pets and the instinct to jump as high as possible. Therefore, in order to avoid injuries to the animal and damage to furniture, you need to take care of purchasing special poles with several sections for climbing and resting.
In addition, Kurilian bobtails are excellent rat-catchers, and in their natural habitat, both squirrels and hares serve as prey for purrs
Kittens of the breed are distinguished by their curiosity and sharp mind. Thanks to her developed intelligence, she smoked, it was easy to teach the rules of conduct in the house and even simple tricks.
The undoubted advantages of Russian short-tailed cats include:
- protective instinct, the desire to drive away strangers from their territory;
- the ability to get along with other pets and young children;
- playful and active character;
- good intuition, because of which the animal senses in advance the weather changes and natural disasters;
- inability to leave specific marks on walls and furniture;
- love for trips to nature and travel;
- unpretentiousness and cleanliness.
But the lack of the breed, many owners call too strong attachment to man, literal pursuit on the heels.
In addition, smokers:
- against the background of the "defender" instinct, they are unkind to guests and strangers in the house (they can even attack);
- they do not like gripping and excessive caresses; they prefer high backs of sofas and doors to sitting on their knees;
- sometimes have difficulty having a bowel movement;
- love to "talk", making sounds of curling, loud sniffing, growling, creaking, hissing and insistent meowing;
- can cause allergies, especially during shedding.
Video: Kurilian Bobtail takes a bath
Health of the Kuril bob-tailed cats
Since the breed is semi-wild, Russian bobtails are extremely rarely exposed to diseases. Excellent health helps seals live a long, rich life, which lasts 15–20 years.

Nature awarded Kurilian Bobtails with good health
To maintain immunity and protect against diseases of Kuril cats, it is necessary to regularly anthelmintic (at least 1 time in six months) and give mandatory vaccinations.
Vaccination takes place as follows:
- the first vaccination of a kitten should be done at the age of 8–12 weeks;
- further revaccination is carried out after 3 weeks;
- after which the cat is vaccinated every year at the same time in order to prevent diseases.
It is important to remember that vaccination should not be carried out when the animal is not healthy or the kitten's teeth are changing. And two weeks before visiting the veterinarian, the pet needs to be rid of worms and parasites on the wool (fleas and ticks).
The main vaccines for the Kurilian Bobtail remain vaccinations, which are used for other cats as well - against rabies, panleukopenia (distemper), respiratory diseases, as well as against leukemia and infectious peritonitis
Despite the measures taken, representatives of the breed in adulthood can sadden the owners with the appearance of certain ailments - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, problems with urination. And kittens often have difficulties with defecation. These are associated with the specific structure of the tail of smokers. Therefore, in case of restless behavior of the baby next to the tray, you need to inspect the pet and remove excess feces from under the tail.
At the same time, the bobtail gene does not in any way affect the health of the fluffy animal.
Video: grafting Kurilian Bobtail
How to choose a Kuril short-tailed kitten
Breeding of Kurilian Bobtails is carried out in Russia by both nurseries and private individuals. In the latter, the cost of kittens is much lower, but the guarantees of the health and purity of the breed are less.

A Kurilian Bobtail kitten can be easily purchased in Russia
The cost of kittens starts from 10, and in some regions - and 18 thousand rubles. In addition, it varies depending on the place of purchase.
In addition, the class also affects the price of the animal - a pet (as a pet) will cost less than a breed (for breeding) or show (exhibition).
The largest kurilians' nurseries are located in megapolises - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg.
Choosing a kitten even from one litter, you can notice the individuality of each individual. Differences are manifested both in color and in the form of kinks on the tail.
When buying a Kurilian Bobtail, it is important to pay attention to the health of the animal, as well as to the presence of a pedigree and a veterinary passport. You also need to ask if the parents are representatives of the same nursery. Especially if the purr is purchased for breeding or competition. After all, when partners from different nurseries are crossed, the purity of the breed deteriorates.
The danger of buying from private individuals is the possibility of fraud, because changes in the shape of the tail at the embryonic stage can also occur in ordinary seals that are not purebred
In order not to be mistaken, you need to pay attention to the following:
- coat color (should be allowed by the standard);
- tail length and shape (should not be too short or long);
- not fully retractable claws on the paws.
Video: kurilian bobtail cattery
How to care for a Kurilian Bobtail
The breed is notable for its cleanliness and a constant desire to "bring beauty", to lick. Breeders associate this behavior with echoes of the wild past. Indeed, in the natural habitat, it is important to remain unnoticed in order to save life. And smells can "give out" presence.

Kurilian bobtails - notable cleanliness
The fluffs are bathed at least once every two months, and if the coat is very thick and long, then more often (every month). Do not indulge your pet's desire to splash in the water, because frequent baths dry the skin and worsen the quality of the coat.
If a short-haired smoker is purchased as a pet, then there will be no problems with the fur coat. During moulting, these seals' fur falls off in moderate amounts.
The situation is different with long-haired purrs. In order for the coat to be well-groomed, you need to comb the animal 1-2 times a week using a special brush with long sparse teeth. A positive feature of the Kurilian bobtails is the inability of their fur to fall into shreds and tangles. But this fact should not negate the regular care of the pet's fur coat.
It is also advisable to do grooming (a complex of cosmetic and hygienic procedures) for a fluffy animal every six months. Especially during the hot season. This will make life easier for both the pet and family members.
If necessary, you need to clean the corners of the eyes of the purr with a cotton swab dipped in warm water, and carefully remove the accumulated dirt from the ears with a cotton swab.
When choosing a toilet for a Kurilian Bobtail, you need to pay attention to the shape of the tray and the size of the filler. For short-haired pets, both semi-closed and open toilets are suitable. The filler is also selected at the discretion of the owner. But for long-haired smokers it is better to purchase open trays and filler with large particles. It is desirable to choose the composition of the filler from high quality wood.
It will not be difficult to train a cat to the toilet, because these bobtail purrs are very smart. It is enough to put the pet in the tray two times in a row after eating, as the animal will understand and accept the new rules.
Feeding the smokers
Since smokers are born hunters, the diet of domestic short-tails should also contain a large amount of meat. However, you cannot transfer your pet to a completely meat diet. After all, such a diet can lead to protein poisoning.

Natural food is important for Kurilian Bobtail
Other nutritional features of Kurilian Bobtails are called:
- availability of clean drinking water;
- adding complexes with calcium and phosphorus to the diet when feeding only with natural food;
- the inclusion of hard pieces in the composition of dishes - cartilage, bones, chicken ventricles;
- if the food is ready-made (dry or canned), then preference should be given to high-quality premium or super-premium species;
- to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body, two or three times a week, the cat needs to be given refined fish;
- all food must be boiled thoroughly.
Smoked meats, sweets, flour products and milk are prohibited for bobtail cats. Bread and pastries, as well as raisins, avocados and nuts, should also not be given, as this food can cause digestive upset and stool problems in cats.
The feeding regimen includes two meals a day, 160–180 g per serving for adults. Kittens are given food four times a day, and the portion is calculated based on body weight. The volume of food eaten at a time should not exceed 5% of the animal's weight. This rule is also true for mature purrs.
Breeding the breed
When the question of breeding Kurilian Bobtails arises, one must take into account the mandatory requirement of the international felinological standard - the prohibition of crossing with any other breeds. Indeed, even the appearance of offspring from parents from different islands (one from Kunashir, and the other from Iturup) can have undesirable results - too long a tail or a complete absence of it.

Breeding Kurilian Bobtails does not always give the expected results
However, some breeders deliberately breed cats from different catteries, explaining this by the desire to avoid inbreeding and to add variety to the breed qualities.
For mating, cats are given at the age of 1 year, but cats mature a little later - by 1 year and 1 month. However, experienced breeders prefer to untie females only by the age of two, when the cat's genitals are finally formed.
In order to mate animals, you need to contact the appropriate club of Kurilian bobtails. The organization will check the pet's veterinary passport, pedigree and mating permit, exhibition diplomas and the purr itself.
Pussies are allowed to cross:
- not having close relatives;
- with the same coat length;
- disease-free;
- with a tail that meets the requirements of the breed standard;
- compatible by blood group (cats have two of them - A and B, the latter is rare).
Mating takes place on the territory of the seal in 2-3 days from the beginning of estrus.
A cat's pregnancy lasts 62–66 days, usually five kittens are born in a litter. Each newborn smoker has strictly individual features and unique tail curves.
It has been noticed that cats with short tails (of the "stump" type) give offspring with shortened tails when crossed with long-tailed cats (like a retracted bobtail or panicle). And the most stable genetics are those with spiral tails.
Castration and sterilization
When the Kurilian Bobtail is purchased only for the joy of the owners without the purpose of breeding, it is better to castrate the animal (remove the internal genital organs) or at least sterilize (to tie the canals and fallopian tubes).

Castration will help the Kurilian Bobtail to cope with the natural instinct of reproduction and make the animal even more affectionate
The optimal age for surgery is the period before puberty. Most often, smokers are castrated and sterilized when cats are 8-12 months old.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia, after which the pet wakes up in about 2-4 hours. The final restoration of vital activity occurs only on the second day.
After returning home, you need to carefully monitor the state of the purr, protecting your pet from hypothermia and drafts. It is also important to keep track of your smoker's regular urination.
Owner reviews of Kurilian bobtails
As a rule, the owners speak with the most flattering words about their bob-tailed seals from the Kuril Islands. After all, these smart and clean animals have a kind, sociable disposition and obedient character.

Kurilian Bobtails are a great choice for lovers of furry cats
According to the author, smokers will become the best friends for active owners who prefer travel or fishing. In addition, these bobtail cats will perfectly fit in a private house. After all, such large animals require a lot of free space and outdoor conditions for regular walks. Small rodents will not let the purr forget their hunting instinct.
The Kurilian Bobtail is a cat breed that suits every pet lover. Because these short-tailed cats get along with the elderly, and with children, and even with dogs. And caring for pussies does not require special skills and abilities. It is enough just to follow the general rules that apply to other representatives of domestic cats. And the price of kittens is democratic, which makes the breed available on the territory of Russia.
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