Table of contents:

British Fold Cat: Breed Features, Description Of The Character And Behavior Of The British, Photos, Choice Of A Kitten, Owner Reviews
British Fold Cat: Breed Features, Description Of The Character And Behavior Of The British, Photos, Choice Of A Kitten, Owner Reviews

Video: British Fold Cat: Breed Features, Description Of The Character And Behavior Of The British, Photos, Choice Of A Kitten, Owner Reviews

Video: British Fold Cat: Breed Features, Description Of The Character And Behavior Of The British, Photos, Choice Of A Kitten, Owner Reviews
Video: British shorthair kittens of a rare color 2024, April

British Fold: the cat that doesn't exist

British fold kitten looking sideways, tilting its head
British fold kitten looking sideways, tilting its head

British Fold cats appeared at the end of the 20th century as a result of an experiment by a group of felinologists from Russia. And although this breeding program has not received further development, among pet lovers, interest in purrs with a gray fur coat and ears pressed to their heads has been preserved for more than twenty years.


  • 1 Where did British folds come from?
  • 2 External features of the breed

    2.1 Photo gallery: types of colors of the British Fold cat

  • 3 The nature of British Fold cats

    3.1 Video: British Fold cat playing with a ball

  • 4 Health issues
  • 5 Acquisition of a British Fold kitten

    5.1 Video: Blue British Fold kittens

  • 6 Keeping a British Fold cat

    • 6.1 Hygiene procedures
    • 6.2 Feeding
  • 7 Features of breeding British Fold cats

    7.1 Video: British cat immediately after castration

  • 8 Owner reviews

Where did the British folds come from?

Initially, the ears lowered forward were the breed-forming sign of the Scottish cat. And the latter was known in Great Britain in the middle of the 19th century.

British fold cat lies on the gray floor
British fold cat lies on the gray floor

British Fold cats - descendants of Scottish cats

Some written sources report the arrival of fold-eared seals to Foggy Albion from China. Others argue that France is the homeland of such fluffs.

One way or another, but interest in the breed began to grow among breeders only after the Second World War. The beginning of the development of the Scottish variety of the purr was the appearance in 1959 of the offspring of a cat with ears pressed to its head, belonging to Mr. William Ross. And since 1961, these cute creatures began to spread throughout Europe.

At the same time, the history of the British shorthair cat developed, the first exhibition of which took place back in 1871 under the supervision of the breeder Harrison Fair. Further, in 1950, the breed was recognized by American felinological organizations and since then began to spread throughout the world.

After the 1990s. both British and Scottish cats came to the territory of Russia, the question arose about expanding the population of both breeds. For this purpose, the breeders decided to cross the representatives of two varieties of purr. So the breed of British Fold cats began to develop. The difference between the newly appeared pussies was a short, "stuffed" coat on a massive body (the heritage of the "British") and ears bent forward (like the "Scots").

The young breed began to be in demand among ordinary people, but in 2004, the world felinological community issued a ban on the crossing of British and Scottish cats. The reason was the negative impact of such breeding on the health of the pets. Such purrs are often born with sore joints and a stiff coat.

Thus, until now, British Fold cats are considered an unofficial breed, and many breeders generally refer these fluffy cats to culled Scottish cats.

External features of the breed

In addition to the main distinguishing feature obtained as a result of natural mutations (drooping ears), British Fold cats are distinguished by a strong, stocky physique. Among breeders, this feature is called the cobby-type feline body.

British Fold cat lies on a shelf against the wall
British Fold cat lies on a shelf against the wall

British Folds are very stocky cats

With this structure of the skeleton, the body of the purr takes on the form of a square, and all parts of the body are powerful and heavy.

So, the head of the British Fold cat is quite round, with pronounced cheekbones and a wide bridge of the nose. The rounded eyes are far apart and have a bright iris color. Most often these are amber and honey shades, but there are also greenish eyes, and even multi-colored ones.

Other distinctive features of the appearance of the British Fold are:

  • shortened neck;
  • wide chest;
  • massive shoulders;
  • short powerful legs;
  • thick tail, widened at the base.

In addition, this unrecognized cat breed is classified as a "heavyweight". After all, an adult male reaches a body weight of up to 8 kg, and a female is slightly less - 6-7 kg. In this case, the growth at the withers of the animal is no more than 30 cm.

The pet's fur coat deserves special attention - it is plush, with a short nap and a thick undercoat, it makes the purr look like a bear cub

The colors for the British fold have a wide range, resulting from crosses with exotic representatives of other breeds, and has 180 variations. The most classic is the blue color of the fur coat, in addition to which there are:

  • monochrome colors - black, black and white, cream, purple, chocolate;
  • smoky tones - when the villi are white one third from the base;
  • tortoiseshell color - red, blue or chocolate spots are located on a black background;
  • color-point - color like Siamese cats with darkening in the area of the muzzle, ears, paws and tail;
  • bicolor version - the white fur coat is decorated with red, blue, black or even tortoiseshell spots;
  • tabby - striped color with brightly defined borders of the pattern and the letter "M" on the forehead, classic for color.

Photo gallery: types of colors of the British Fold cat

Black and white british fold cat lies on a beige background
Black and white british fold cat lies on a beige background
Bicolor color is very common among lop-eared "Britons"
Smoky fold kitten lies on a green checkered blanket
Smoky fold kitten lies on a green checkered blanket
Smoky British Fold cats have a mysterious look
British fold tabby cat sits on a white sheet
British fold tabby cat sits on a white sheet
Tabby color makes British Folds almost indistinguishable from Scottish cats
The muzzle of a fold-eared tortoiseshell cat
The muzzle of a fold-eared tortoiseshell cat
Tortoiseshell coat color is a rarity among British Fold cats
British fold lilac cat lies on a white terry towel
British fold lilac cat lies on a white terry towel
The lilac color gives British Folds a delicate look
Black fold british cat lies on a white floor
Black fold british cat lies on a white floor
Black Fold British cats look very brutal
Color-point British Fold cat sits and looks down
Color-point British Fold cat sits and looks down
Color point makes fold-eared "Britons" look like Siamese cats

The nature of British Fold cats

Plush purrs with ears pressed to their heads are loved by many pet owners for their friendly, calm disposition and ability to avoid conflicts.

British Fold cat lies sideways on the floor, basking in the sun
British Fold cat lies sideways on the floor, basking in the sun

British Fold cats are distinguished by a balanced character

These calm animals easily allow children to play with them and only with an extreme degree of aggression from the latter will they release their claws for self-defense.

The British "hang-ups" become attached to the owner with all the devotion that a representative of the feline family can experience. Moreover, only the one who gives the pet food will be chosen as a “mom” or “dad”. Therefore, it is advisable for the same person to deal with the issues of feeding the purr.

With other pets, there are no problems in communicating with unrecognized "folds" - there are cases of strong friendship even with dogs.

But cats are at first wary of strangers, but after a while they get used to it and even allow themselves to be stroked

Among other things, the following positive traits are inherent in the behavior of British Fold Purrs:

  • cleanliness (ready to lick and wash all day);
  • curiosity (they can even stand on their hind legs to examine an object of interest);
  • not intrusiveness (they know how to study independently and often prefer the loneliness of a noisy company);
  • affectionateness (they often come up to household members to rub their feet and purr).

At the same time, these cats also have several negative qualities in their character:

  • inactivity (constant dormancy);
  • indiscriminate food (often leads to overeating and obesity);
  • dislike of excessive "squeezing" (it is difficult to force to sit on the lap of even the owner).

In addition, due to the underdeveloped vestibular apparatus, British Fold cats are afraid of heights. This is a definite plus for the owners - the pet will never show the desire to jump from cabinets to tables and other furniture. That is, dishes and houseplants will always be safe.

Despite their rather phlegmatic disposition, plush purrs are considered skillful hunters. And if the cat lives in a country house with the ability to go outside, this predator will spend hours tracking down the prey it likes from a secluded place.

Video: British Fold cat plays with a ball

Health issues

Since the British "folds" have turned out as a result of interbreed incest, the likelihood of genetic diseases among the representatives of this species of felines is very high.

British fold cat lies on a red blanket, looking up
British fold cat lies on a red blanket, looking up

British Folds are susceptible to genetic skeletal diseases

So, with age, osteochondrodysplasia may appear, which is expressed in lameness and deformation of the bones of the skeleton (hands of the paws, vertebrae). This ailment is incurable, so it is important to regularly visit the veterinarian if the kitten's parents were two lop-eared individuals. If one of the parents had straight ears, the likelihood of pathology is significantly reduced.

In addition, British Fold cats are prone to typical diseases of all purrs:

  • viral infections (cat colds) - disappears on their own within two to three days, otherwise you should see a doctor;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (heart pathology) - long-term treatment (throughout life) and is supportive;
  • polycystic kidney disease is an incurable disease, with maintenance therapy, cysts stop growing;
  • nail fungus - can be cured with special antiseptic and antifungal solutions;
  • infestation with parasites (worms, fleas) - preventive measures for deworming and getting rid of ectoparasites should be mandatory for representatives of the breed.

To maintain the health of your teddy pet, you must regularly visit the veterinary clinic for vaccinations. Vaccinations begin at the age of 2.5 months and then every 3-6 weeks until the kitten is 15 weeks old.

This is followed by a comprehensive annual vaccination against respiratory tract infections, panleukopenia, ringworm and rabies

If you follow the rules for caring for a pet and carefully monitor the health of the British Fold Purr, the animal will live up to 12-15 years.

Purchase of a British Fold kitten

Since the breed is very common, despite its unrecognized status, there will be no difficulties with finding a pet.

British Fold kitten sitting on a turquoise towel
British Fold kitten sitting on a turquoise towel

British Fold kittens are sold by many private breeders

The main thing in this matter is the cost for which breeders are willing to give a plush purr. Since it is forbidden to breed and send such cats to exhibitions, the British "folds" are sold exclusively in the pet category. Accordingly, the price should not exceed 2-5 thousand rubles. per individual. If the seller insists on a significantly higher price and provides a pedigree marked with BRI (breeding permission), then it is worth considering fraud. Or that a blue Scottish Fold cat is being sold under the guise of a British. However, the color of the fur coat can be any, which aggravates the problems with breed identification.

In order not to be mistaken in the choice, you need to keep in mind the following differences between British Fold cats and Scottish ones:

  • The "British" are massive and stocky, and the "Scots" are graceful and flexible;
  • in British purrs, the nose is straight and without a sharp transition from the bridge of the nose to the tip (there is also no fossa);
  • the tail of the unrecognized breed is thickened and rounded at the end, while the “Scots” have a tapered end of the tail part of the body.

You should buy a kitten not earlier than the time the baby is 1–1.5 months old. This is due to the physiology of the auricles. After all, all kittens in the litter are born with straight ears, and the latter begin to go down only on the 21st day of life of the purr.

In addition, when choosing a kitten, you need to pay attention to the animal's appearance and behavior:

  • the eyes and ears of the fluffy must be clean, without pus and mucus;
  • the tummy does not have pathological swelling (evidence of helminth damage);
  • the fur is evenly distributed over the body, without shreds and bald patches.

It is imperative that the breeder requires a pet's veterinary passport and pedigree to identify a tendency to hereditary diseases.

Video: blue British fold kittens

Keeping a British Fold cat

Representatives of this unrecognized breed of the cat family are distinguished by their love of cleanliness and are ready to wash or lick their fur all day.

British Fold cat sits on a curbstone, leaning forward
British Fold cat sits on a curbstone, leaning forward

British Fold cats are very clean animals

British Fold Catofeys demand the same reverent attitude to their appearance from their owners.

Hygiene procedures

A fastidious British cat with lowered ears will be very happy if his plush fur will be combed at least twice a week. A dense, dense undercoat needs to be treated with a soft massage brush with rounded teeth.

British Fold cat lies with its front legs stretched out
British Fold cat lies with its front legs stretched out

British Fold cats should be cared for in the same way as other purrs.

And water procedures should be limited once every six months so as not to disturb the structure of the coat and not to deprive the coat of "stuffing".

Also, caring for a British Fold cat includes the following procedures:

  • clipping of nails once or twice a month (with the obligatory use of a scratching post);
  • cleaning the ears twice a month (with a cotton swab dipped in a special solution);
  • cleansing the eyes from dirt daily (with a cotton pad and drops);
  • brushing your teeth daily (for the prevention of tartar - with a special brush and paste);
  • removing hairballs from the stomach every two weeks (with a special paste or cat grass).

If you accustom your pet to all cleansing measures from the first weeks of life, then hygiene will not cause discomfort to the purr in the future.

A toilet for a British Fold pet should be organized away from drafts and noisy household appliances, perhaps even using the master's bathroom. The tray can be any - both open with low sides, and closed. Since the animal is quite careful about the administration of natural needs and at the same time loves solitude. It is desirable to use clumping options (woody and bentonite) as a filler. Pour the contents into the tray in a layer of 50-60 mm, then the paws of the fluffy will always be dry and clean. And the cat will be able to delve into the tray in plenty.


When it comes to food, British Fold Catofees do not have a taste for gourmands. Which is often the reason for gaining excess weight.

British fold kitten sits in a pink basket
British fold kitten sits in a pink basket

British Fold cats gain extra pounds easily

Therefore, it is important to keep track of the feeding sequence and portion size. Despite the fact that it is necessary to give food to the purr three to four times during the day, the gourmet should receive no more than 150-200 g of food at one time.

British "folds" are fed both premium ready-made feeds and natural food. It is important to separate these foods to keep your pet's digestive system healthy.

If the animal is determined to eat dishes from natural products, then the owner should always add vitamins and minerals to the menu.

But what should be included in the cat's diet:

  • lean fresh meat (beef, chicken);
  • boiled meat and poultry (rabbit, turkey);
  • boiled fish without bones and fins;
  • hard-boiled eggs of chickens and quails;
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin);
  • fresh vegetables and herbs (cabbage, cucumbers, parsley);
  • cereals (oats, rice, millet);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir).

But it is better to give fatty sour cream no more than twice a week in order to avoid stress on the liver.

It is imperative to provide the plush purr with round-the-clock access to clean drinking water.

It is forbidden to feed the British Fold cat with spicy, salty and smoked food. It will spoil the condition of the pet's stomach and confectionery products, bread, fresh milk, as well as alcohol and spices.

Features of breeding British Fold cats

Often, representatives of the breed are sold already castrated and sterilized, since the breeding of unrecognized purrs is prohibited by the world felinological community.

British fold kittens playing with balls of colored wool
British fold kittens playing with balls of colored wool

Breeding British Fold kittens is not officially engaged

However, if the owner is lucky enough to get an individual that has preserved reproductive functions, you can think about the possibility of procreation by a plush pet. In this case, it is important to remember about the impossibility of crossing two lop-eared animals. Otherwise, the offspring will turn out to be unviable and have pathological disorders in genetics.

Sexually mature British "folds" become at the age of 7-9 months. However, it is better to mate not earlier than 10 months for cats and one and a half years for cats. Since it is by this period of life that the animal's body will be sufficiently ready for reproduction and bearing offspring.

Pregnancy of a fold-eared "British" lasts 64-68 days, 3-4 kittens are born in the litter. As a rule, they all have straight ears, like the "daddy".

Experienced breeders do not recommend knitting lop-eared "British" more than three times a year, otherwise there is a risk of giving birth to sick kittens.

If the owner does not have a goal of breeding fold-eared British cats, it is best to attend to the question of neutering or neutering the animal

The age at which such an operation can be performed, thanks to modern medical technologies, starts from 2 months after the birth of the purr. Removal of the genitals and their ligation is done using laparoscopy, so the recovery period is limited to 1–2 weeks for cats and 3-5 days for cats.

Before going to the clinic, you need to unload the pet's digestive tract (do not feed for 12 hours). And a month before an important event, it is imperative to chase away and rid the coat of fleas.

In addition, the "British" do not tolerate anesthesia, so it is necessary to provide proper care for the purr after returning from the veterinarian. Every half hour you need to offer the cat to drink and accompany you around the house throughout the day. This will avoid unnecessary stress on the pet's body and will insure the pussies from falls or injury.

Video: British cat immediately after castration

Owner reviews

Since the unrecognized breed is very widespread due to its relative cheapness, the opinions of the owners of the British Folds can be found enough. As a rule, most of them speak of a calm character and, at the same time, an independent disposition of plush purrs.

British fold cat lies on a white leather sofa and looks down
British fold cat lies on a white leather sofa and looks down

British Folds are one of the favorite cats among ordinary people

According to the author, British Fold cats will be great pets for elderly single people and families with small children. Since the phlegmatic and judicious lifestyle of these animals is in the best possible way consistent with the atmosphere in the house and those and other groups of the population. For middle-aged purring lovers, plush cats will help brighten up boring evenings. And in a house with young pranksters, the independent behavior of the "hang-up" and the ability to hide from intrusive attention in time will clearly explain to the younger generation how to properly handle animals. At the same time, it will be possible to avoid dangerous injury to both children and the pet.

British Fold cats are among those purrs that almost all pet lovers want to have. After all, such an unassuming and friendly creature does not cause trouble to maintain and is ready to join with pleasure during a rest after a hard day at work.
