Table of contents:
- Ivermec for the treatment of tick-borne skin diseases in cats
- Dosage forms of Ivermek
- How does Ivermek work
- Indications for use
- Application of Ivermek
- Contraindications and side effects
- Drug-drug interactions
- Storage conditions and shelf life
- Analogues and approximate cost of Ivermek
- Cat owners reviews
- Veterinarian reviews
2025 Author: Bailey Albertson | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:40
Ivermec for the treatment of tick-borne skin diseases in cats
Ivermectin may be prescribed to treat skin and ear diseases caused by mites. Knowledge of the characteristics of the drug will allow you to use it more confidently and safely.
1 Dosage forms of Ivermek
- 1.1 Ivermec gel
- 1.2 Ivermek spray
- 2 How Ivermek works
- 3 Indications for use
4 Application of Ivermek
4.1 Preventive use
- 5 Contraindications and side effects
- 6 Drug-drug interactions
- 7 Storage conditions and shelf life
8 Analogues and approximate cost of Ivermek
- 8.1 Table: Comparative overview of treatments for tick-borne skin infections in cats
- 8.2 Photo gallery: Medicines for the treatment of tick-borne skin lesions in cats
- 9 Reviews of cat owners
- 10 Veterinarian reviews
Dosage forms of Ivermek
The Ivermek remedy is a medicine with a wide range of antiparasitic effects; it is produced by Nita-Pharm LLC (Russia). For the treatment of cats, the following release forms are used:
- gel used externally;
- spray used for cutaneous spraying.
Previously, a solution of Ivermek was also used to treat cats, which has a detrimental effect on both ticks and helminths. Currently, the manufacturer does not recommend its use for the treatment of companion animals, since there are safer products that are not inferior in effectiveness.
Ivermek gel
1 ml of Ivermek-gel contains:
active substances:
- ivermectin - 1 mg;
- lidocaine - 50 mg;
- panthenol - 15 mg;
- hydrogenated polyoxyethylated castor oil -115 mg;
- poloxamer 407 - 170 mg;
- glycerin - 40 mg;
- benzyl alcohol - 20 mg;
- citric acid - 7.2 mg;
- sodium phosphate disubstituted, 12-aqueous - 40.4 mg;
- distilled water - up to 1 g.
Ivermek gel is a jelly-like substance devoid of color or with a slight yellowness, slightly cloudy and flickering in the rays of diffused light.
Ivermek-gel is produced in plastic tubes with a capacity of 30 ml, provided with annotations for the use of the product.
Ivermek gel is effective against mites and promotes the healing of skin lesions
Ivermek spray
1 ml of Ivermek-spray contains:
active substances:
- Ivermectin - 2.5 mg;
- lidocaine hydrochloride - 20 mg;
- chlorhexidine bigluconate - 0.5 mg;
- dexpanthenol - 10 mg
- Cremophor RH 410 -120 mg;
- water for injection - up to 1 ml.
Ivermek spray is presented as a completely transparent liquid, colorless or with a slight yellow tint. Ivermek-spray is packed in glass bottles of dark color with a capacity of 30 ml, equipped with screw caps, as well as spray nozzles. Each bottle is placed in a cardboard box and is provided with an annotation for the use of the medication.
Ivermek spray destroys mites, accelerates skin regeneration, and is also active against secondary flora
How does Ivermek work
The composition of the produced forms of Ivermec include ivermectin, which acts against sarcoptoid and demodex mites and their larvae, which cause skin diseases.
Ivermectin interrupts the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles, which paralyzes and kills ectoparasites and helminths.
Ivermec is effective for otodectosis in cats
Ivermectin, included in the external forms, is practically deprived of the opportunity to penetrate the systemic circulation. It accumulates in the outer layer of the skin - the epidermis, hair follicles and glands that produce sebum; destroys ticks while maintaining the effect for 5-7 days. Dosage forms of Ivermek for external use do not affect helminths.
Lidocaine, included in the spray and gel, has an analgesic effect, reduces itching and reduces the likelihood of self-harm during scratching. Dexpanthenol accelerates the repair of damage to the skin. Chlorhexidine contained in the spray acts against the secondary microbial flora.
Indications for use
The indications for the use of Ivermec are tick-borne infestations:
- sarcoptic mange;
- otodectosis;
- notoedrosis;
- demodicosis.
Ivermek is an effective remedy for demodicosis in cats
Application of Ivermek
The use of each form has its own characteristics.
Using Ivermek spray:
- Ivermek spray is applied to previously prepared skin lesions, free from crusts and inflammatory exudate, trying to ensure uniform coverage with the capture of adjacent unchanged zones 1–2 cm long;
- the dose of the medication used should not exceed 0.2 mg / kg of body weight of the cat; dosing of the product is provided by a spray nozzle, one press on which sprays 0.125 ml of spray. In other words, in order to prevent an overdose, the number of “allowed” clicks on the spray nozzle must be calculated in advance, and in no case should it be exceeded when processing;
- in the presence of lesions located on the eyelids and on the nose, the spray is applied with fingers protected with gloves, with light and rubbing movements;
- the spray is sprayed from a distance of 10–20 cm, holding the aerosol torch vertically;
- the processing is carried out by first putting on medical gloves on oneself and a protective collar that prevents the product from licking off on the cat;
- it is permissible to spray the aerosol indoors only with very good ventilation, it is better to do this outside the house. Existing aquariums or bird cages are removed from the room or closed to avoid spray on their inhabitants;
- for lesions with notoedrosis, sarcoptic mange and demodicosis, the agent is used 2–4 times every 3-5 days. If the affected area is large, then, in order not to cause an overdose of Ivermek, first, only one half of the body is treated, and then, after a day, the rest.
- for the treatment of otodectosis, a double treatment of the skin of the inner surfaces of the ears is carried out, having previously cleared them of sulfur and inflammatory exudate. Usually 4 clicks on the aerosol nozzle are enough. The interval between treatments is 3-5 days.
Ivermek is effective for notoedrosis in cats
Use of Ivermek gel:
- Ivermek-gel is applied to the previously prepared areas of skin lesions, capturing the adjacent unaffected skin by 1–2 cm when applying the preparation. Applying the gel, they form a thin even layer;
- to avoid overdose, apply the gel to an amount of 0.2–0.3 ml / kg of the cat's weight;
- the gel is applied in the direction from the edges of the focus to the middle, gently rubbed into the skin;
- with demodicosis, sarcoptic mange and notoedrosis, the gel is applied 2–4 times at intervals of 5–7 days, the total number of treatments should not exceed 6 times. In case of extensive affected areas, in order to avoid an overdose of the agent, the drug is applied fractionally, treating first only half of the body, then the rest over the next day;
- before processing, a protective collar is put on the cat, which is removed 15–20 minutes after the product has been absorbed;
- in case of otodectosis, 0.5 ml of gel is injected into each ear after cleaning, after which, folding the ears, massage them, evenly distributing the drug. In case of otodectosis, the ears are treated 1–2 times with an interval of 5–7 days.
The manufacturer focuses on the need for the complex use of the Ivermek drug forms in the presence of complications of tick-borne skin infections, their combination with antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory drugs.
Preventive use
Ivermek is used exclusively for medicinal purposes. Its annotation does not contain indications and dosage regimen for prophylactic use.
Contraindications and side effects
Contraindications are:
- pregnancy and lactation;
- kittens are less than 12 weeks old;
- severe underweight;
- the presence of an infectious disease;
- recovery period;
- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, which is of an individual nature.
Subject to the rules for using the drug indicated in the annotation, there are no complications and side effects.
Ivermek is not used in pregnant and lactating cats, as well as in kittens up to 12 weeks
If the dosage regimen is violated, an overdose develops. Its symptoms are:
- salivation;
- lacrimation;
- muscle tremors;
- nausea and vomiting.
With the development of an overdose, as well as the manifestation of hypersensitivity, the agent is removed with a napkin, then the skin is washed with plenty of water.
Drug-drug interactions
When using Ivermek-gel and Ivermek-spray, the active ingredients practically do not enter the systemic circulation and are not able to interact with other drugs. However, you should avoid the combined use of all forms of release of the drug Ivermec with other drugs that affect skin mites and are applied locally.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Ivermek Gel and Ivermek Spray can be stored for 36 months from the date of production if the following conditions are met:
- closed original packaging;
- protection from sunlight;
- moisture protection;
- separate from human food and pet food;
- lack of access for children;
- temperature regime from 0 to 25 o C.
After the initial opening, it is allowed to store the Ivermek-gel package for 60 days.
Analogues and approximate cost of Ivermek
It is convenient to consider Ivermek spray and Ivermek gel as part of a group of products that have similar effects.
Table: Comparative overview of treatments for tick-borne skin infections in cats
A drug | Structure | Indications | Contraindications | Price, rub |
Ivermek spray |
For the destruction of larval and adult forms of sarcoptoid and demodectic mites. It has an analgesic and antipruritic effect due to lidocaine. Dexapanthenol promotes the healing of skin lesions. Chlorhexidine is active against secondary microbial flora |
385 |
Ivermek gel |
For the destruction of sarcoptoid and demodectic mites, both larvae and adult forms. Lidocaine reduces sensitivity at the sites of application, dexpanthenol promotes healing of skin lesions | 348 | |
Stronghold, drops on the withers | Selamectin | For the treatment and prevention of flea infestation; treatment of otodectosis and sarcoptic mange; treatment of infestation with round helminths, prevention of dirofilariasis. It has a detrimental effect on adult forms, larvae and eggs of parasites. Has a period of protective action of 1 month | Under 6 weeks of age in kittens | 330 |
Frontline Spot He, drops to the withers | Fipronil | For the treatment and prevention of infestation by parasitic insects and sarcoptic mites. Protects against the attack of ixodid ticks. Protective effect 4-6 weeks |
485 |
Amidel-gel Neo |
For the treatment of sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis, otodectosis, demodicosis; including those complicated by secondary microbial processes |
192 |
Leopard, drops on the withers |
For the destruction of larval and sexually mature forms of parasitic insects, sarcoptoid ticks. Protects against attack by ixodid ticks |
176 |
Photo gallery: medicines for the treatment of tick-borne skin lesions in cats
- Amidel-gel is effective for tick-borne infections of the skin in cats
- Stronghold is effective against infestations with ticks and helminths; can be used during pregnancy
- Frontline Spot It is effective against tick-borne skin infections, protects against the attack of ixodid ticks
- Bars drops also have a detrimental effect on pathogens of tick-borne skin infections.
Cat owners reviews
Veterinarian reviews
Ivermec is a drug used to treat diseases in cats caused by skin mite infestations. Systemic and effective against helminths, Ivermec solution is currently not recommended for the treatment of cats for safety reasons. Means for external use of the drug Ivermec, gel and spray, are low-hazard substances and practically do not enter the systemic circulation. Gel and spray of Ivermec products additionally have analgesic and wound healing effects, and the spray also has antimicrobial effects.