Roof Insulation And Its Types, As Well As The Materials Used With A Description And Characteristics
Roof Insulation And Its Types, As Well As The Materials Used With A Description And Characteristics

Happiness comes more willingly to a cozy home: how to protect your home from bad weather

Roof insulation will not only make the house more comfortable and the microclimate in it healthy, but will also significantly reduce the cost of heating resources
Roof insulation will not only make the house more comfortable and the microclimate in it healthy, but will also significantly reduce the cost of heating resources

The main task of the roof covering is to protect the house from hail, rain, snow, noise, wind, heat, thunder and lightning. But in performing its functions, the covering material is at risk of mechanical or thermal damage, as a result of which water begins to seep into the gaps between the individual elements of the coating over time and snow blows out, destroying the insulation and supporting roof structures. In this article, we'll talk about protecting the roof itself - insulation, in order to have an idea of how to protect the roof of your house from bad weather.


  • 1 Types of roof insulation of a modern house

    1.1 Video: steam and waterproofing - what is it

  • 2 Roof waterproofing

    • 2.1 Video: five basic rules for under-roof ventilation
    • 2.2 Video: waterproofing insulation and attic - to do or not
    • 2.3 The main types of waterproofing materials
    • 2.4 Laying waterproofing

      • 2.4.1 Table: value of overlaps depending on the slope of the roof
      • 2.4.2 Video: roof waterproofing
      • 2.4.3 Video: installation of roll waterproofing
  • 3 Thermal insulation of the roof

    • 3.1 Video: preparation for insulation, installation of ventilation ducts
    • 3.2 Types of thermal insulation materials

      • 3.2.1 Video: insulation of the attic with ecowool
      • 3.2.2 Video: "PIR TechnoNIKOL" - a new generation insulation
    • 3.3 Installation of thermal insulation

      3.3.1 Video: installation of insulation "Knauf"

  • 4 Roof vapor barrier

    • 4.1 Vapor barrier materials

      4.1.1 Video: how to glue the vapor barrier

    • 4.2 Installation of vapor barrier

      4.2.1 Video: mistakes in laying a vapor barrier and how to fix them

  • 5 Sound insulation of the roof

    5.1 Video: sound insulation of the roof using Isoplat boards

  • 6 Lightning protection of the roof

    • 6.1 Lightning protection device

      6.1.1 Video: DIY lightning rod, budget option

Types of roof insulation in a modern house

The final stage in the construction of the box of any structure is the arrangement of the roof, the quality of installation of which determines the comfort and coziness in the premises, as well as the durability of the entire building. A reliable roof over your head is the prevention of up to 30% of all heat losses of the building, isolation from internal condensation and atmospheric precipitation. Properly selected and installed protective layers - waterproofing, thermal insulation and vapor barrier - are considered important aspects of the durability and efficiency of roofs.

Insulated Roof Roofing Pie
Insulated Roof Roofing Pie

In a roofing cake, each layer performs its assigned function, provided that they are placed in the correct order.

Each of them is located strictly in the place allotted to it and carries a certain functional load, on which the operational characteristics of the roof depend.

  1. A layer of waterproofing protects the roof space from atmospheric moisture penetration. It is laid along the outer edge of the rafters, fixed with locks and lathing. An important condition for proper installation is the presence of a ventilation gap between the waterproofing and insulation.

    Roof waterproofing
    Roof waterproofing

    Waterproofing protects roofing structures from atmospheric moisture penetration inside the roofing cake

  2. The thermal insulation layer is designed to protect the interior from the summer heat and eliminate heat loss through the roof in the cold season. Insulation is laid between the rafter legs in such a way that its inner surface does not slightly reach the upper edge of the rafters, due to which a ventilation duct necessary for good ventilation of the roof is formed.

    Insulation laying
    Insulation laying

    When insulating a roof, it is important to provide a ventilation gap between the heat-insulating material and the vapor barrier film covering it, which is usually stretched along the ends of the rafter beams

  3. Vapor barrier membranes or films protect the insulation from warm and humid steam from the side located below the room. They are hemmed along the inner edge of the rafters and secured with slats or finishing materials such as clapboard, drywall, etc.

    Laying the vapor barrier
    Laying the vapor barrier

    Vapor barrier is necessary to protect insulation, walls and ceilings from the formation and accumulation of condensate when warm humid air from living quarters enters the under-roof space

Video: steam and waterproofing - what is it

Roof waterproofing

As mentioned above, the waterproofing layer is laid along the rafters and secured with counter-battens and lathing, which form a ventilation channel between the waterproofing and the covering deck.

Roof waterproofing
Roof waterproofing

Waterproofing is laid along the rafter legs, fixed with slats and lathing, due to which the necessary ventilation channel is formed between the waterproofer and the covering flooring

Polymer films or special membranes can be used as a waterproofing material. The films are laid with sagging in the center of the inter-rafter space, which promotes free air exchange between the waterproofing and the insulation. Membranes are mounted without sagging, but with the obligatory output of the lower edge to a drip tip for condensate drainage.

Conclusion of waterproofing on a drip
Conclusion of waterproofing on a drip

It is imperative that the edge of the waterproofing is brought out to the drip tray so that the emerging condensate can drain into the gutter

Video: five basic rules for under-roof ventilation

Waterproofing material is selected depending on:

  • type of roof;
  • climatic conditions of a particular area;
  • type of roofing;
  • as well as expediency.

For flat roofs, in most cases, preference is given to coating (painting) waterproofing using mastics, special paints or rubber, which are applied to the surface in a liquid state and, after hardening, form an impermeable film with a thickness of about 2 mm.

Waterproofing with bitumen mastic
Waterproofing with bitumen mastic

To prevent concrete structures from coming into contact with atmospheric moisture, one of the ways to protect a flat roof is used - bituminous waterproofing

The advantages of liquid waterproofers include:

  • the ability to process surfaces of any shape and size;
  • the presence of a seamless coating with a high level of water resistance, elasticity and reliability;
  • excellent maintainability of the waterproofing layer;
  • ease of application, which is especially important in hard-to-reach places, and affordable cost.

    Waterproofing with liquid rubber
    Waterproofing with liquid rubber

    Spraying liquid rubber creates a seamless waterproofing barrier that reliably protects the roof from leaks and is able to recover from punctures, deformations and minor damage

To protect pitched roofs from moisture, glued waterproofing is usually used, fixing roll water-repellent materials with binders, or film - polypropylene films and polymer membranes with diffusion properties.

Types of waterproofing membranes
Types of waterproofing membranes

The advantage of membrane waterproofing of the roof is that it can be used under any operating conditions and, as a result, a completely sealed one-piece surface

Roll waterproofing is always laid along the slopes, regardless of what type of roof is planned: insulated or cold. Moreover, if the under-roof space will not be heated, it is strongly discouraged to lay the waterproofing traditionally on top of the insulation laid horizontally along the attic floor, since this is fraught with stagnation of condensate in the heat insulator with all the negative consequences.

Video: waterproofing insulation and attic - to do or not

According to the method of application, waterproofers are divided into:

  • coating and painting;
  • penetrating, mounted (laid) and injection;
  • impregnating, gluing, filling and plastering.

Each of them has its own pros and cons. In addition, the installation of any waterproofing material requires a specific approach. Therefore, for the right choice, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each of them and be guided by the appropriateness in one case or another. For example, it is appropriate to waterproof a constructed pool on an exploited roof with two layers of a two-component Mapelastic plaster using Mapeband 150 alkali-resistant mesh and Mapeband elastic tape, and an unexploited roof can be effectively insulated with much simpler foil or roll materials order is cheaper.

Waterproofing of an exploited flat roof
Waterproofing of an exploited flat roof

Waterproofing of a flat operated roof, in addition to frost resistance and resistance to ultraviolet light, must have high mechanical strength so as not to collapse from walking on its surface

The main types of waterproofing materials

  1. Roll products - waterproofing, roofing material or glass-roofing material, brizol, etc., most often have a base of asbestos cardboard and are in great demand for waterproofing structural elements in old houses. They are demanding on the quality of the preparation of the working site - they require a primer, drying, scraping, and also differ in moderate cost and good frost resistance. However, they practically do not breathe and are quite time consuming to install. It should be noted that modern rolls based on fiberglass and polymer compounds are devoid of most of the disadvantages characteristic of classic materials, but they are significantly more expensive.


    The use of rolled waterproofing materials such as waterproofing increases the resistance of the roof to mechanical damage, ultraviolet light, sudden temperature changes and other negative natural phenomena

  2. Powder waterproofing agents of the Ceresit type are mixtures based on cement binding synthetic resins and high-quality additives (hardeners and plasticizers), which are sold in dry form, kneaded on site and applied by plastering. They are easy to prepare and apply, filling cracks, joints and seams compactly. And yet, working with them requires a certain skill, since the finished mixture must be consumed within a maximum of half an hour. In addition, plaster insulators are not suitable for use in regions with high seismic activity and are not suitable for waterproofing buildings subject to vibration due to the proximity of highways and railways.

    Powder waterproofing
    Powder waterproofing

    Powder waterproofing is notable for its safety, since it is manufactured in compliance with the norms and rules of environmental control, as well as high frost and water resistance

  3. Mastics are elastic adhesives made from dispersion fillers that significantly increase the performance properties of coatings and high-molecular-weight binders. To ensure the waterproofing of the roof, cold and hot compounds are used based on petroleum bitumen, low molecular weight polyethylene, polypropylene with the effect of regenerating tightness or containing crumbs of used old rubber, which significantly increases their elasticity and water-repellent qualities.

    Roofing mastic "Technonikol"
    Roofing mastic "Technonikol"

    Roofing insulation mastics are ready-to-use mixtures that form a high-strength protective coating with a wide operating temperature range, which greatly extends the life of the waterproofing layer

  4. Films and membranes are the most practical of all roofing waterproofers. They are classified into perforated (perforated) and non-perforated (solid) polyethylene films, polypropylene films and membranes. Special attention should be paid to waterproofing membranes, which are two-layer products with a separating reinforcing mesh, which greatly increases their strength. Membranes withstand well thermal, chemical and mechanical stress. They are much more plastic than bituminous materials, more convenient to install, easier to repair and more durable - their average service life is at least 30 years, which, together with affordable prices, makes them a very popular material for waterproofing the roofs of private houses.

    Super Diffusion Film
    Super Diffusion Film

    Superdiffusion films and membranes are new generation materials that provide complete protection of insulation and roofing structures from atmospheric influences

  5. Water repellents are liquid organosilicon impregnations, the main advantage of which is ease of application, beautiful appearance of the insulated surface and its ability to freely pass air. At the same time, water-repellent impregnations are expensive and short-lived: water-based products last a maximum of three years, and those based on a solvent - 6-10 years.

Laying waterproofing

Consider the construction of a waterproofing layer using the example of a moisture-proof film.

  1. Lay the film horizontally from the eaves to the ridge, leaving a 100–150 mm edging in the ridge area. The material is placed with a sagging between the rafters of no more than 20 mm.

    Laying a waterproofing film
    Laying a waterproofing film

    Waterproofing films are laid with sagging in the center of the inter-rafter space to ensure free air circulation in the under-roof space

  2. The gaps along the edges of the film are glued with tape, and the film is fixed to the rafters with a construction stapler or nails with wide heads.
  3. All subsequent rows are laid with overlaps from 10 to 20 cm in proportion to the slope of the roof.
  4. Special attention is paid to abutments. In places where vertical surfaces pass, the film is cut to the shape of the exits and its edges are glued with double-sided self-adhesive tape from above and below to the nearby sheathing boards.

    Installation of waterproofing film
    Installation of waterproofing film

    When installing a waterproofing film, special attention should be paid to the tightness of its laying in the places where the roof adjoins vertical surfaces

  5. A counter-lattice and a crate are mounted.
  6. Equip the ridge with a mandatory ridge air of at least 50 mm between the film and the ridge axis.

    Arrangement of waterproofing in the ridge area
    Arrangement of waterproofing in the ridge area

    In the area of the ridge knot, the distance between the waterproofing films of two adjacent slopes should be at least 100-200 mm, depending on the type of covering material

Table: value of overlaps depending on the slope of the roof

Roof slope,% Horizontal overlaps of the waterproofing film, cm
up to 21 20
22-30 fifteen
over 31 ten

Often, waterproofing materials are laid in one piece, wrapping the waterproofer in the ridge area by 100–150 mm on the opposite slope.

One piece waterproofing lining
One piece waterproofing lining

The advantage of installing a whole roll is the absence of joints, which increases the reliability of the waterproofing layer

Video: roof waterproofing

A good waterproofing of a roof with a low slope is provided by roll materials such as roofing material. They are rolled out on the base, heated gradually with the help of a torch and rolled for a snug fit with a hand roller.

Roll roof waterproofing
Roll roof waterproofing

Rolled waterproofing with modern materials with mineral dressing provides the roof with reliable protection, and the variety of colors and textures of the coatings gives it a beautiful appearance

Video: installation of roll waterproofing

Roof insulation

Before starting the construction of a house, it is very important to correctly calculate the thermal performance of the roof, on which the roof design depends, the need for additional heating, the choice of insulation and its thickness. The correct arrangement of the heat-insulating layer will not only prevent heat loss in winter and reduce the cost of heating the house, but also protect the supporting structures of the roof from thermal deformation due to overheating in the summer.

The intensity of heat loss through different parts of the building
The intensity of heat loss through different parts of the building

If the roof is not properly insulated, up to a quarter of all the heat in the house can go through it

Video: preparation for insulation, installation of ventilation ducts

At the moment, there is an abundance of thermal insulation materials that differ in their properties, therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention first of all to such parameters as:

  1. The flammability of the insulation. It is better to purchase self-extinguishing or non-flammable materials.
  2. Specific gravity. It fluctuates between 11-350 kg / m³ and influences the choice of the supporting roof structure.
  3. Density and porosity of the material. There is a feedback here - the more porosity, the less density. The best insulators are considered to be porous heat insulators that can hold air in the combs.
  4. Thermal conductivity of the insulation. The lower this indicator, the better the insulation material will protect the roof from the summer heat and winter cold.
  5. Sound insulation properties, which is especially important for metal coatings.
  6. The ability of the insulation to maintain its shape and not shrink on steep slopes under the weight of its own weight. Form-stable materials have higher thermal performance.
  7. Water vapor permeability. Materials with a low level of vapor permeability perfectly resist the passage of water vapor through the insulation to the dew point, which means they retain heat more, and the insulation material itself from getting wet and rotting.

All technical characteristics of thermal insulation materials must be indicated by the manufacturers.

Types of insulation materials

The following roofing insulation has gained massive popularity in recent years.

  1. Mineral wool products - glass wool, stone wool and slag wool - are affordable insulation materials that meet all the requirements for a first-class insulation. They absorb sound well, have a high resistance to heat transfer and a considerable service life - up to 25 years.

    Mineral wool insulation boards
    Mineral wool insulation boards

    Mineral wool is distinguished by special thermal stability, good soundproofing, environmental friendliness, biological and chemical resistance, as well as ease of installation

  2. Cellulose heat insulators - they appeared on the construction market not so long ago, but quickly gained recognition from private developers for their environmental friendliness, antiseptic properties, good air permeability, and low thermal conductivity. In addition, they are resistant to mold and decay, unattractive to rodents and easy to install, forming a monolithic surface without seams and voids.

    Ecowool - a new generation of heaters
    Ecowool - a new generation of heaters

    Cellulose heaters are fire-resistant, low thermal conductivity, breathable, environmentally friendly, resistant to decay and deformation

  3. The group of polystyrene insulation, which includes extruded polystyrene foam, foam insulation and expanded polystyrene - most often used for insulating roofs due to its low weight, durability, low thermal conductivity and reasonable price. However, expanded polystyrene has a high level of flammability - at a temperature of 90 ° C it completely collapses.

    Extruded polystyrene foam
    Extruded polystyrene foam

    Moisture-resistant polystyrene insulation perfectly withstands sudden temperature fluctuations, which makes it perfect for use in any climatic zone

Video: insulation of the attic with ecowool

Innovative insulating materials are in great demand today, among which it is necessary to note the PIR heat-insulating plates produced by TechnoNIKOL with a unique cellular structure. Cached on both sides with a special foil, PIR insulation is completely waterproof, resistant to combustion and repeated mechanical stress, has an unusually low thermal conductivity and a long service life of 50 years or more. But the key advantage is the reduction of loads on the load-bearing roofing elements due to the low density and reduced thickness of the heat-shielding material.

Thermal insulation boards "PIR TechnoNIKOL"
Thermal insulation boards "PIR TechnoNIKOL"

Thermal insulation boards "PIR Technonikol" is the latest generation of polyurethane foam, a layer of 1.6 cm of which is able to provide the same thermal insulation as a 1.3 m thick concrete wall

Video: "PIR TechnoNIKOL" - a new generation of insulation

Installation of thermal insulation

Roof insulation can be started immediately after laying the waterproofing material.

  1. Measure the distance between the rafters and cut the insulation into plates 1 cm wide more than the obtained value. This extra centimeter will help the insulating material to hold tightly between the rafter legs for any slope of the slopes.

    Scheme of typical roof insulation
    Scheme of typical roof insulation

    To insulate a pitched roof, thermal insulation is laid tightly between the rafter legs with the obligatory formation of a ventilation gap, and on a flat roof, due to the absence of a rafter system, ventilation of the roof space is provided by aerators

  2. To create an air channel between the insulation and the previously laid waterproofing, proceed as follows - stepping back from the waterproofing layer 3-5 cm, stuff nails along the rafters with a step of 10 cm and pull a cord or strong polyethylene thread over them.
  3. When laying the heat insulator in two layers or when using narrower sheets of insulation, make sure that the joints of the second row in the same cell do not coincide with the joints of the first one. Insulating material should not protrude beyond the edges of the rafters. If the cross-section of the rafter legs is insufficient, additional bars are nailed along the inner (attic) edge of the rafters for the required thickness of the insulation.
  4. The thermal insulation is fixed with counter-strips, filling them every 30–40 cm and then laying a vapor barrier layer, or with polyethylene thread, similarly to the formation of a ventilation gap with waterproofing.

    Fastening thermal insulation
    Fastening thermal insulation

    So that the insulation does not put its weight on the vapor barrier, it is fixed with slats laid with a step of 30-40 cm, or with polyethylene thread stretched crosswise between the nails stuffed along the rafters

Video: installation of insulation "Knauf"

Roof vapor barrier

An invariable companion of insulation is a vapor barrier, which protects the insulation from condensation accumulation in it. Is a vapor barrier always needed is a rhetorical question. Probably not if the house is built entirely of homogeneous breathable material with low diffusion resistance. But this is very rare, and hope for the marvelous benefits of roofing products advertised by suppliers is not entirely worth it. Moreover, if we take into account the difference in the cost of insulation and vapor barrier, then there is only one conclusion: vapor barrier is a guarantee of the absence of dampness throughout the house. Its styling is mandatory, otherwise, in the pursuit of small savings, you can lose much more.

Roof vapor barrier
Roof vapor barrier

Vapor barrier is mandatory for insulated roofs, because it maintains the required thermal insulation mode, and also protects roofing structures from moisture and water vapor

Vapor barrier materials

There are no universal vapor barrier materials such as "vapor barrier", so when choosing, you need to clearly know what will be insulated and where.

  1. For the vapor barrier of flat roofs on a concrete base, it is advisable to use weldable vapor barrier membranes - "Linokrom", "Bikroelast", "Bikrost" and the like, which, unlike film products, are more resistant to damage due to uneven concrete base. These are low-cost vapor barrier materials obtained by applying a bituminous binder coating and a protective layer of fine-grained dressing to glass fabric. According to SNiP 23-01, they can be used in all climatic zones.


    Roll coating "Bikroelast" is an insulating sheet made of a strong rot-resistant base intended for vapor barrier of flat roofs on a concrete base

  2. When installing a vapor barrier layer for pitched or flat roofs with a corrugated base, vapor barrier films are used. They are impermeable to water and steam and are installed with overlaps recommended by the manufacturers. Film materials must be tear-resistant with an appropriate vapor permeability coefficient. For example, products from Klover, Dorken, Tectothen with Sd> 100 m are well suited for pitched structures, and materials with Sd> 1000 m are suitable for flat roofs. The most popular vapor barrier is considered to be ordinary polyethylene 200 microns thick. Despite its low cost, it is a very effective protective material with a high level of resistance to vapor penetration. Only aluminum foil can be better than polyethylene, but it is much more difficult to work with it.

    Selection and installation of vapor barrier
    Selection and installation of vapor barrier

    When arranging a warm pitched roof, durable vapor barrier materials are used that do not allow steam and water to pass through, with a vapor permeability coefficient Sd> 100 m

Whichever vapor barrier is used, two principles must always be followed:

  • vapor barrier is laid only on the inside of the roof;
  • the installed vapor barrier should look like a continuous flooring with carefully glued overlaps and joints.

    Installation of vapor barrier
    Installation of vapor barrier

    Vapor barrier materials are laid with overlaps recommended by the manufacturers, all joints are carefully glued to create an absolutely sealed flooring

Video: how to glue the vapor barrier

It should be noted modern developments in the field of protection of walls and roofs from vapor penetration - materials with dynamic vapor permeability, which adapts to the air humidity in the premises. Pro clima (Intello®), Isover (Vario®), Dorken (Delta®-Sd-Flexx) are producing “smart” vapor barrier. However, such "intelligent" films can only be used in combination with diffusion waterproofing, in which Sd <0.5 m, and it is absolutely impossible to use them on roofs with two ventilation gaps, as well as simultaneously with micro-perforated hydraulic films.

Installation of vapor barrier

Before starting work, you need to soak all wooden elements with an antiseptic and wait until it dries completely. After that, you can start laying the vapor barrier layer.

  1. They begin to mount the vapor barrier film from the top, laying the rows horizontally with overlaps of at least 10 cm. For greater reliability and strength of the seams, they are sealed with single and double-sided adhesive tape inside and out.
  2. If the vapor barrier is rolled along the rafter legs, then the overlap of the canvases is made on the rafters.
  3. Fasten vapor barrier films to wooden elements with staples or nails with wide heads. Additionally, it is advisable to reinforce the overlap places with clamping strips.
  4. To fasten the cladding of the under-roof room over the vapor barrier, every half a meter, wooden slats are stuffed, which will form an additional air channel between the vapor barrier and the facing material.

    Fastening the vapor barrier film
    Fastening the vapor barrier film

    The vapor barrier film can be laid horizontally or vertically, securing the material with wooden slats, which will then serve as the basis for sheathing the under-roof space

Video: mistakes in laying a vapor barrier and how to fix them

Roof soundproofing

Sound insulation becomes relevant when roofs are covered with metal covering decks - profiled sheet, metal tiles, folded structures. Such roofing coverings are very popular for their beautiful appearance and durability, however they can create acoustic discomfort.

In addition to the low sound absorption index of metal materials, the reasons for the increased noise of the roof can be:

  • incorrectly stuffed crate as a result of violation of the geometry of the slopes or the use of boards and bars of different sections;
  • saving on fasteners or using fasteners that do not meet the requirements of manufacturers;
  • incorrect cutting and fastening diagram of the roofing material.

To avoid acoustic bridging, the following guidelines should be kept in mind.

  1. Before installing the roofing cake, the diagonal of the roof must be checked. It is impossible to mount the covering material, especially metal, if the dimensions do not match diagonally, otherwise voids will form in the roof over time, which will lead not only to a significant increase in its noise, but also to leaks.
  2. It is better to choose insulation with a high sound absorption coefficient, closer to unity, and with a lower elastic modulus. Here, natural heat-insulating materials come to the fore, in particular, mineral wool and its derivatives, which, due to their structure, are capable of converting sound vibrations into thermal energy.
  3. It is useful to use sound-absorbing insulating pads, laying them along the rafters - felt, rubber, polyethylene foam, etc., which will reduce the transmission of sound vibrations to the walls of the house and protect from external noise.

    Sound absorbing seals
    Sound absorbing seals

    To reduce the noise of metal roofs, it is necessary to use noise-absorbing seals, laying them along the rafters or in the center of the sheet covering material

  4. The angle of inclination of the roof and its compliance with the covering material should be taken into account. The noise level of a metal roof largely depends on this, especially during rain and hail.
  5. When laying all layers of the roofing cake, it is necessary to comply with the standards for roofing and fire safety - SNiP II-26–76 *, SP 51.13330.2011, GOST 27296 87, as well as follow the advice and recommendations of roofing manufacturers.

    Installation of a silent seam roof
    Installation of a silent seam roof

    One of the principles of creating a silent metal roof is to arrange a perfectly flat crate in compliance with all standards and rules

Video: sound insulation of the roof using Isoplat boards

Lightning protection of the roof

Speaking of roof insulation, one cannot but touch upon such an aspect as lightning protection. Whatever durable covering material with a super-protective layer is, lightning is quite capable of burning it through. And since it fits on a wooden crate, melting and burn-through can cause a fire. Therefore, the creation of protection for intercepting a lightning discharge and redirecting it to the ground is necessary.

Protection of metal roofs from lightning
Protection of metal roofs from lightning

Houses with a metal roof do not need the installation of lightning rods, for them it is enough to ensure the presence of a down conductor made of thin steel wire and its grounding

Lightning protection device

There are two types of lightning protection - internal and external. Internal protects all electrical appliances in the house from overvoltage. The cheapest and easiest way of internal protection is to cut off electricity in the house or at least electrical appliances from energy sources during a thunderstorm. External lightning protection is designed to meet the lightning discharge at the roof, lead it along a safe path (down conductor) and neutralize it in the ground.

Types of lightning protection
Types of lightning protection

Internal lightning protection protects electrical appliances from overvoltage, while the external protects the roof from lightning strikes and possible melting of the covering material

The external lightning isolation scheme is quite simple. It is easy to make it yourself using a gas apparatus and clamps for attaching the down conductor.

Lightning isolation scheme
Lightning isolation scheme

The lightning protection system has a not very complex device, so you can easily and quickly make it yourself

Such a protection system consists of the following elements.

  1. A lightning rod (lightning rod) is a "bait" for a lightning in the form of a galvanized, copper or aluminum rod with a diameter of approximately 12 mm and a height of 0.2–1.5 m, installed at the highest point of the roof. You can replace the pin with a lightning net - important for flat roofs - or with a metal cable laid along the ridge ridge.
  2. Down conductor - a charge conductor from the lightning rod to the ground electrode made of steel wire Ø 6 mm, descending from the roof along the walls of the building and fixed with clamps or brackets.

    Lightning protection elements
    Lightning protection elements

    The main element of lightning protection is a lightning rod (lightning rod) installed at the highest point

  3. An earthing switch is a device that provides contact between a conductor and ground. This can be a welded structure made of angle bars and pipes buried in the ground, a metal barrel, a sheet of iron or steel reinforcement driven into the soil. For the effective operation of the earthing device, it is necessary that the soil around it be moist. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically wet it with water during a drought, and even better to remove the drains to this place.

    Ground loop
    Ground loop

    For effective operation of the ground electrode there is a good folk remedy - once every 2-3 years, drill small pits around and fill them with saltpeter and salt, which will maintain the optimal moisture balance of the soil

Every year, before the start of the rainy season, it is necessary to inspect the lightning rod, checking all the fasteners. Loose fasteners should be tightened. Every 5 years it is necessary to open the grounding device and check it for the depth of corrosion. If rust has covered ⅓ of the earthing switch, it must be replaced.

Video: DIY lightning rod, budget option

In this article, we covered the issues of roof insulation so that you can navigate the variety of materials available today to solve this problem. But you need to understand that even perfect insulation of the roof structure will not give the desired effect without adequate protection of the foundation, walls, floors and ceilings. Only a complex of isolation measures will create really comfortable conditions for living in the house. Good luck to you.
