Options For Projects Of Houses With An Attic Roof And Their Design Features
Options For Projects Of Houses With An Attic Roof And Their Design Features

All about mansard roofs in houses: design and types


The device of an attic space is a complex process, it requires maximum attention and a responsible attitude. The service life and the comfort of living in the house will depend on the quality of materials and workmanship. Therefore, haste and irresponsible material replacement can result in significant losses. Although all the work does not require special knowledge and mastery skills.


  • 1 Options for the device of houses with an attic, design features

    1.1 Photo gallery: options for the device of attics of various designs

  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages of the attic
  • 3 What factors are taken into account when installing attic rooms

    3.1 Features of the device of attic roofs

  • 4 Ready projects of houses with an attic roof

    • 4.1 Projects of houses with an attic under a pitched roof
    • 4.2 Projects of houses with an attic under a hip roof

      4.2.1 Video: attic device under a gable roof

    • 4.3 Projects of houses with an attic for hipped roofs
  • 5 Examples of the design of attic rooms

    5.1 Video: the device of the attic under a hipped roof

  • 6 Reviews about attics

Options for the device of houses with an attic, design features

When it comes to building a country house, the first thing that comes to mind is the image of a building with an attic floor. The attic is essentially a refined under-roof space, adapted to perform certain functions of a living space. This design of the house significantly expands the effectively arranged space and makes it more comfortable. In the attic, you can create sleeping rooms, an office or a gym.

The tradition of using the attic as a living space dates back to the seventeenth century, when families were large and people were forced to use additional space.

Photo gallery: options for the device of attics of various designs

Attic in a house under a gable roof
Attic in a house under a gable roof
Attic increases the comfort of living in the house
Comfortable house with an attic
Comfortable house with an attic
The attic can be used as an additional decoration for the exterior
Attic device under a multi-pitched roof
Attic device under a multi-pitched roof
Living comfortably and comfortably in a house with an attic
Extensive attic in a brick house
Extensive attic in a brick house

The attic can also be equipped under a sloping roof

Advantages and disadvantages of the attic

The main advantages of a building with an attic room are the significant expansion of the usable area in the house. Moreover:

  1. The attic gives the building aesthetic appearance from the outside.
  2. Inside, you can create an original interior, creatively using the additional opportunities provided by the structure of the room.
  3. Significantly reduce heat loss from the heating system in the house. With an attic, you can save up to a third of the energy generated. Considering the long heating period in Russia, the benefits can be quite impressive.

The disadvantages of the attic device include the laboriousness of its manufacture, associated with special requirements for materials and the quality of installation work. The most important condition is the correct design of the rafter system, the selection and installation of roof windows and the provision of an effective ventilation system.

What factors are taken into account when arranging attic rooms

Premises in the under-roof space have a number of device features associated with their location. They do not have a direct impact on the supporting structures of the house, but load them indirectly through the transfers and the rafter system.

Features of the device of attic roofs

The classic mansard roof is arranged with a gable at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, a geometric figure is formed in cross-section from a combination of a rectangle and a trapezoid. That is, one or two sections of the ceiling are installed with a slope. In this case, the useful volume of space is exactly two-thirds of the volume of the roof space.

Attic device under a gable roof
Attic device under a gable roof

A gable roof is suitable for creating an attic in a country house

Wanting to increase this figure, developers often make a decision on the construction of a sloping roof. In this case, you can increase the volume of usable space up to 90%.

Sloping roof under the attic
Sloping roof under the attic

The rafter system is necessary for the construction of a sloping roof

In this case, the cross-sectional shape can be different, but most often rectangles are found.

Strong and stable roof under the attic
Strong and stable roof under the attic

The drawing will help to make the most of the under-roof space for the attic

Taking into account the design features of the place of the attic device, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. To form the attic, only light materials should be used, in particular drywall.

    Wall cladding with waterproof plasterboard
    Wall cladding with waterproof plasterboard

    It is better to sheathe the walls of the attic with plasterboard

  2. The attic room must be reliably insulated, since it is in direct contact with the cold roof. Thorough insulation reduces the total heating costs in the house by up to 30%. In the Russian climate, this can be a hefty sum.

    Insulation of the walls of the attic
    Insulation of the walls of the attic

    Minplita is a good option to arrange insulation of the attic

  3. Waterproofing is also required. For this, a plastic film with a thickness of 90-200 microns is used. Its purpose is to protect the insulation layer from moisture from the external space, as well as from condensation formed during operation on the back of almost any roofing.

    Attic roofing cake
    Attic roofing cake

    Roofing cake will reliably protect both the attic and the whole house

  4. From the inside, the roofing cake must be protected with a vapor barrier. For this, a one-way permeability membrane is used. If it is placed with the front side inward, moisture from the insulation through the capillary holes is discharged into the ventilated space under the finish.

    Vapor barrier device in the attic
    Vapor barrier device in the attic

    Vapor barrier is made of membrane films

  5. A ventilated space must be made under the finishing covering of the roof above the attic. It is formed when the counter battens are installed under the load-bearing roof surface. The ventilated channel from above is led out into the cold triangle under the roof ridge.

    Ventilation gap
    Ventilation gap

    The device of a ventilation gap on a counter-lattice is a mandatory stage in the construction of an attic

Ready-made projects of houses with an attic roof

The construction market offers many options for arranging houses with an attic, which means not only a paper project, but also a full cycle of work with the delivery of a turnkey facility.

Projects of houses with an attic under a pitched roof

These buildings have a number of performance features that must be taken into account when designing. The slope angle of such roofs cannot be more than 15 degrees, which makes them vulnerable to the impact of snow loads.

Attic under a pitched roof in a country house
Attic under a pitched roof in a country house

The angle of the pitched roof should be no more than 15 degrees

In addition, the minimum wall height is 1.1 meters on the low side and at least 2.5 on the high side. That is, the under-roof space cannot be fully utilized. This can be avoided by raising the load-bearing walls to a height of more than 1.2 meters, but this is already a half-attic. After drawing up a draft design, it must be shown to a qualified specialist. If he has any reasonable claims or remarks, they should be taken into account and corrected accordingly.

House plan with attic
House plan with attic

The layout of the house with an attic will help to take into account all the nuances

Projects of houses with an attic under a hip roof

Hip - an additional slope on a gable roof, perpendicular to the roof ridge.

These rays are divided into several types. So, the Danish hip replaces only part of the slope above the ridge. Further, a rafter system is formed, as for a gable with windows and a door, below there may be a support wall or a second shortened slope.

Attic under the Danish half-hip
Attic under the Danish half-hip

A comfortable attic can be made under a half-hip

Thus, the construction of a balcony from the attic is realized. In addition, such a device makes it possible to avoid the use of roof windows built into the roof. They are complex in design, require constant maintenance and are expensive compared to vertical windows.

The second main variant of the hip roof device is the Dutch hip. It is a pediment truncated from below, a slope is arranged below the intersection line. This design allows you to arrange large dormer windows on the pediment, improving the illumination of the attic room.

Attic under the Dutch hip
Attic under the Dutch hip

The Dutch hip covered the veranda under the attic

Often, various forms of hip roofs are used in combination on one structural unit. Such solutions significantly improve the appearance of the building. But you have to pay for this by complicating the shape of the rafter system, which creates significant difficulties in the design and implementation of the project.

Video: device of an attic under a gable roof

Projects of houses with an attic for hipped roofs

Such roofing systems are installed on rather large buildings. They visually reduce the length of the building, making it look more comfortable. Naturally, the size of the attic space is noticeably reduced, and for the organization of normal lighting it is necessary to use a large number of attic windows. The rafter system with such structures is simple enough so that it can be installed by hand. But for the installation of roof windows, certain skills and special knowledge are required.

Attic under a pitched roof
Attic under a pitched roof

The device of the attic is also possible on a large house

Examples of the design of attic rooms

The simplest architectural solutions of houses with lofts make them unique. Therefore, it makes sense to be creative in interior design.

The main modern trends in interior decoration of attics are eclectic, country and chalet styles. A feature of such solutions is some structural elements left in sight, for example, they can be crossbars. Wooden furniture is installed in these rooms, on which elements of carved design are allowed.

Attic furniture
Attic furniture

Wooden furniture is best for the attic

Pillows and blankets can be laid out on sofas and armchairs. In such a room, an animal skin on the floor is appropriate.

Chalet style attic
Chalet style attic

Chalet style attic is very popular

The design of the attic in the Provence style can be considered common. In this case, all structural elements are sewn up with plasterboard. Given the peculiarity of the material, you can create the most bizarre forms of decoration and decorative elements. Facial decoration is done using plaster and paint. With this style, numerous shelves with souvenirs are very appropriate.

Provence style attic
Provence style attic

Provence - an original style solution for finishing the attic

The arrangement of furniture in the attic depends entirely on the preferences of the owners. Depending on the design, the appropriate environment is also selected. Moreover, this must be done already at the design stage, taking into account the following circumstances:

  1. In the attic under the gable roof, it is impossible to install the cabinet close to the side wall because of the slopes on the opposite walls.
  2. A must-have device for houses with an attic are ladders for climbing to the upper room. They should be comfortable, safe, and fairly durable.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of roof windows and their correct installation. Room illumination is one of the main factors considered during construction. And despite the high cost of such translucent structures, they should be used in the right amount.

    Attic as a study
    Attic as a study

    In the attic room you can arrange a study

There are many options for the aesthetic design of attic rooms, and here there is full scope for imagination.

Decorated attic rooms
Decorated attic rooms

The variety of finishing styles is determined by the shape of the roof

The popularity of houses with an attic is well founded. With a small increase in costs, you can get additional living or functional space, which also improves the operating conditions of the house as a whole.

Video: the device of the attic under a hipped roof

Reviews about attics

The attic is a very responsible project, the execution of which must be taken as collected as possible. Any mistake is fraught with a complete rework of work with a large additional investment of time and money. Structurally, there is nothing particularly complicated in the attic; it can be equipped with your own hands if you have an average qualification.
