How To Cut A Biscuit Into Cakes Evenly And Correctly With Thread And In Other Ways + Video And Photo
How To Cut A Biscuit Into Cakes Evenly And Correctly With Thread And In Other Ways + Video And Photo

How to smoothly cut a tender biscuit into cakes - super secrets of hostesses

How to cut a biscuit
How to cut a biscuit

Sponge cake is a base for sweet cakes, rolls and pastries. To create a culinary masterpiece, the base of the cake - the biscuit crust - must be perfectly flat. The ability to cut the cake into pieces is an important condition for the correct preparation of such a dessert.

Classic and chiffon (buttered) biscuit

Biscuit is baked classic (that is, traditional) and butter, or, as it is also called, chiffon. The second type of biscuit is more moist and heavier in weight.

The traditional sponge cake contains flour, sugar and eggs. When baking a chiffon biscuit, butter (butter or vegetable) and a baking powder are added to this set of ingredients, which "lifts" the heavy buttered biscuit.

Tall biscuit
Tall biscuit

Butter biscuit is denser and heavier than classic

If you use pure soda and do not need to be extinguished according to the recipe, you should sift it. When the baking soda gets into the dough, it becomes wet.

Unsifted baking soda forms lumps and therefore imparts a specific taste to the dough. Butter biscuit is different from the classic one.

  1. Unlike the classic biscuit, in which there is a clearly dosed amount of ingredients, various fillers are added to the butter biscuit - chocolate, lemon or orange zest, dried fruit, cocoa powder, coconut, cinnamon or poppy seeds.
  2. When preparing cakes from butter biscuits, you do not need to grease the cakes with cream, but cakes from a classic biscuit without cream will be dry.
  3. It makes no difference whether you cut a traditional or chiffon biscuit into cakes. The methods are the same, but the oil crumbles less and is slightly denser in texture.
Sponge cake with poppy seeds
Sponge cake with poppy seeds

Chiffon biscuit loves additives more than traditional

How thick should the cake be

If the height of the biscuit is 8โ€“9 cm, it is more convenient to cut it into 3 even cakes. The minimum height is 5โ€“6 cm. There are situations when a cake that is only 2โ€“3 centimeters high must be divided in half so that the cake is very thin, but even and neat. This is possible, but using a thread or knife is difficult to do. For such experiments, a pastry string is more suitable.


The most convenient height of a biscuit for cutting is 8-9 cm

Which biscuit is better to cut - hot or cold

The biscuit is called capricious because it requires a lot of attention. And it is important to note that it is not taken out of the oven at the same time as you are convinced that it is ready. First, it is left in the oven for 15 minutes. The biscuit has an unpleasant feature - to settle. Therefore, you need to let it cool, without removing it from the form in which it was baked. Some housewives leave the biscuit to cool completely in the oven, but there is a risk that after that it will become too dry.

Cooling biscuit
Cooling biscuit

Before slicing, the biscuit should cool for 6-8 hours

The secrets of perfect slicing

Over the course of its long history, biscuit has acquired many ways of neatly cutting it with a knife, thread or special devices.

Thread and knife

The first method - the traditional and most often used, allows you to get thin layers of biscuit. We need:

  • nylon or nylon thread of sufficient strength (iris threads can be used);
  • thin and long knife.

How to cut?

  1. With a sharpened knife, outline the width of the cakes, starting from the top.
  2. We wrap the circle of the biscuit so that it fits into the cuts from the knife.
  3. We cross the thread ends, placing them in front of us, and not on the other side of the biscuit.
  4. Slowly, we pull the ends of the thread each in its own direction.
  5. Pull the thread towards you, cutting the biscuit into even parts.
Cutting a biscuit cake with a thread
Cutting a biscuit cake with a thread

Thin high biscuit cakes can be obtained using regular thread

Video: how to cut a biscuit into cakes using a thread

Fishing line and cooking skewers

The second method is similar to the first, but instead of a knife, culinary skewers or toothpicks are used, and instead of a thread, a fishing line. How should you cut?

  1. We stick the skewers exactly around the circumference of the biscuit, taking into account the height of the cake that you want to get at the exit. For a biscuit with a diameter of 22 cm, 9 skewers or toothpicks will be enough.
  2. Put the fishing line on the skewers, wrap the biscuit.
  3. Cross the ends of the line or tie a loose knot (it does not need to be firmly fixed).
  4. Pull the ends of the line until the biscuit is completely cut.
  5. Remove all toothpicks from the remaining cake bottom.
Cutting a biscuit with toothpicks
Cutting a biscuit with toothpicks

Zubochitski and fishing line will help to cut the biscuit into even cakes


A narrow, long and sharp knife can be used to cut a chocolate buttered biscuit perfectly. It is more dense and will not crumble much from such "interference".

  1. Make notches on the same level on all sides of the "common" cake.
  2. Attach a knife to one side of the biscuit, guided by the notches.
  3. Start rotating the biscuit counterclockwise (if the knife is attached to the right side) or clockwise (if the knife is on the left), moving the knife towards you.
How to cut a biscuit with a knife
How to cut a biscuit with a knife

The ideal way to slice chiffon biscuits is to use a narrow, sharp knife

Video: how to cut a biscuit with a knife

Special devices

The following methods are great if we need to get more than two cakes.

Baking dish without a ring-shaped bottom

We need:

  • bottomless form;
  • plates that are the same in diameter with the shape;
  • long thin knife.

How do we proceed?

  1. Place a sponge cake on several plates, placed on top of each other.
  2. We lower the form down on the plates so that the edge protrudes slightly.
  3. We measure the required height of the cake and cut off the protruding part with a long knife.
  4. If you need several cakes, we repeat the steps, substituting the plates.
Cutting a biscuit with a baking dish
Cutting a biscuit with a baking dish

You can get three or more even cakes and a high biscuit using a baking dish

Using a string

  1. Put the cooled biscuit on a plate.
  2. Choosing the thickness of the cake.
  3. We cut it off with a string, having previously adjusted the height.
Biscuit string
Biscuit string

You can cut the cakes to the desired thickness using a biscuit string

Video: how to use a string for slicing cakes

Form for cutting biscuit

  1. We take out the finished cooled biscuit and place it in a special form for cutting.
  2. Cut half of the biscuit with a long sharp knife according to special markings.
  3. Rotate the shape 180 degrees and cut the second half of the biscuit layers.

If you know how to cut a biscuit correctly, then dividing it into cakes is a simple task. Follow the tips and you will succeed!
