Dogs For Lazy Owners: Top Best Breeds With Photos
Dogs For Lazy Owners: Top Best Breeds With Photos

Top 10 dog breeds for lazy owners


A dog is a big responsibility. You need to walk with her, comb her, visit a groomer, teach her good manners … But what if you love dogs, but are not ready to devote your pet all day? You can carefully approach the issue of choosing a companion and get rid of some of the responsibilities.


  • 1 Toy Terrier
  • 2 Pug
  • 3 Basenji
  • 4 Beagle
  • 5 York
  • 6 Basset Hound
  • 7 Dachshund
  • 8 French Bulldog
  • 9 Greyhound
  • 10 Bullmastiff

Toy Terrier

The record holder for unpretentiousness. Toy Terriers have short hair, do not need to visit a groomer and patiently endure hygiene procedures.

The dog does not need daily walking. You can accustom her to a diaper or a tray, but you still have to visit the street at least 2-3 times a week. This is necessary for emotional relaxation and correct social adaptation of the dog. My friend bought a toy terrier precisely because there was no need for walking. She did not take him out into the street, as a result, the dog became exclusively an apartment one. The pet has a weak psyche: he is afraid of everything and is too active at the sight of other dogs. This is due to the fact that once the pet did not acquire the necessary experience and did not learn how to properly respond to others.

Toy terriers
Toy terriers

Toy terriers rarely have ear problems due to their shape and good ventilation.

The disadvantages include too active and hot-tempered temperament of most representatives of the breed. However, there are exceptions: with an initially calm character and proper upbringing, the dog will grow up to be docile.


The pug is another ideal dog for lazy owners. Representatives of the breed will willingly support you in a calm and measured pastime. For example, lie down next to you while you watch TV. Overly active physical activity is not only unnecessary for pugs, but also contraindicated: due to the short muzzle and associated shortness of breath, there is a high risk of deterioration in health. The dog does not need special care for the coat, as well as special training courses.


Pugs are prone to obesity, so you need to monitor their diet


The Basenji is the only dog that does not know how to bark. She will not disturb you with a ringing voice during rest. However, Basenji know how to howl, so you will have to correct your behavior when bad habits appear. It should be borne in mind that this breed is not for everyone. Basenji owners claim that their pets are more like cats than dogs in nature. They are playful and wayward pets that require active physical activity. But the Basenji has a short coat that is easy to care for.


The Basenji is considered a capricious breed, so if you are not ready for surprises in the pet's behavior, you should prefer other options.


The beagle is a pet for those owners who are not against active games, but do not like to take care of animal hair. However, you can choose a puppy with a calm, flexible character. In most cases, Beagles are inquisitive, love to explore and easily find common ground with strangers. There can be difficulties in upbringing: this breed is not inclined to immediately recognize the authority of the owner. But beagle health problems are rarely disturbing.


Beagles are very friendly, but they need the presence of the owner nearby


York needs extra grooming and regular groomer visits. The owner should use mild shampoos and conditioners when washing, and spray when brushing. This is offset by its small size, litter-box ability and independent temperament. York makes contact and loves to be the center of attention, but is able to entertain himself without involving the owners. Representatives of the breed love games, but quickly get tired, so excessive physical activity is contraindicated for them.


Due to the structure of their hair, Yorkies practically do not shed.

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is a hunting dog with a good-natured and calm disposition. Despite the working qualities, the breed does not need significant physical activity. On the contrary, due to short legs and a massive body, overly active games can provoke joint problems. Basset hounds are lazy, some even describe them as too phlegmatic and indifferent. The only thing these dogs are very interested in are smells. They can sniff at new things in the house for hours.

Basset Hound
Basset Hound

The weight of the Basset Hound must be carefully monitored, since even a small increase will greatly increase the load on the legs

The main disadvantage of the breed is the high risk of health problems. This is due to the anatomical features of the dogs. For example, hanging ears can be a good shelter for ticks.


Due to the short legs, the level of physical activity for dachshunds must be carefully selected: in their case, it is advisable to avoid even stairs. In addition, most members of the breed have short coats that require minimal grooming. Lovers of exotic can choose a long-haired puppy. The only negative is the high social needs of the animal. Dachshunds become bored if not given enough attention, which can lead to destructive behavior.


Dachshunds are very capricious, so you will have to come to terms with some of the character traits of the ward

French Bulldog

French Bulldogs are themselves lazy and don't like physical activity. Often the owners have to force their charges to go for a walk. Caring for representatives of the breed is relatively simple: a minimum of hygiene procedures, a healthy diet and monitoring the well-being of the companion. The only drawback of Bulldogs is their tendency to drool. Owners will have to clean more often.

French Bulldog
French Bulldog

A flattened face in dogs increases the risk of heart, lung, and eye problems.


If you absolutely want a big dog, this is your option. Greyhounds are greyhounds, but their energy is not enough for prolonged loads. Representatives of the breed are quickly exhausted, and then rest for a long time. It is enough to play with the dog for 20-30 minutes every day to keep it calm and happy. Greyhound requires little space, so it can be kept even in an apartment. Representatives of the breed are intelligent and well trained. Parenting won't take long.


The average weight of a Greyhound is 25-35 kg


The Bullmastiff is another large unpretentious dog that does not really like sports and games. Most of the time, the breed is resting and sleeping. Bullmastiffs are distinguished by devotion, loyalty and benevolence. Of course, there are exceptions, but most often in this case we are talking about dogs from kennels with a dubious reputation. Bullmastiffs practically do not need training: it is enough just to teach the pet the norms of behavior. Dogs have short hair, they almost never shed, so you won't have to spend a lot of time cleaning.


With the right upbringing, a bullmastiff can be a good defender, but excessive aggression should be avoided

Of course, there are no such dogs that do not need attention from the owner at all. But there are breeds that require minimal maintenance. Ideally, the dog should be small, short-haired, quiet and calm. It is advisable to take a puppy to the kennel to be sure of his health and temperament.
