Why It Is Impossible To Plant A Birch Near The House And On The Site: Signs And Facts
Why It Is Impossible To Plant A Birch Near The House And On The Site: Signs And Facts

White-trunk birch: why it cannot be planted near the house

birch at home
birch at home

In modern landscape design of gardens and personal plots, birch can not be found too often. There is a certain prejudice against this white-stemmed tree, which is considered a symbol of Russia, according to which this plant cannot be planted near the house.

Why it is believed that you can not plant birch on the site and near the house

Since ancient times, birch has not been planted in the immediate vicinity of human habitation. This fact is explained not only by existing prejudices and superstitions, but also by objective reasons.


It is better not to plant a birch near the house

What logic suggests

The reasons why it is better not to plant a birch on a site or near a house are explained logically:

  • Birch belongs to large trees, which sometimes reach one and a half meters in girth, and sometimes exceed all thirty in height. According to the crown, the root system also grows, whose thick and strong roots are able to cause significant damage to the building, gradually destroying the foundation. This can be avoided if, during landing, leave at least 7-8 meters from the wall of the house, as well as from underground utilities (gas pipeline, telephony, fiber-optic Internet cable, water supply, etc.).


    The roots of large trees tear not only the asphalt, but also the foundations of buildings

  • A tall crop, touching power lines with branches, can cause a fire, which starts from a spark during an interphase short circuit.
  • Birch does not have a long life span (about 50 years). A tree that has fallen from old age or its large branches can damage the roof of the house, wires, etc.

    Fallen birch
    Fallen birch

    The birch can fall and damage the power line

  • Birch is a serious danger for allergy sufferers, when in the spring it is covered with pale yellow catkins, exuding a huge amount of flying pollen.
  • The branched and powerful root system of the tree sucks out all moisture and nutrients from the soil within a radius of several meters. It has long been known that practically nothing grows under a birch.

A birch grows under my window, now it is quite large. But when it was planted, flowers (phlox, bells, etc.) grew in the front garden. Gradually they all died, and now there is not even grass under the tree, only bare earth.

Video: disadvantages of growing large birch on the site

Signs and superstitions

There are many superstitions and prejudices that predict misfortunes and hardships for people who dared to plant a birch on their own plot:

  • According to one of the popular beliefs, various spirits (both good and evil) live in the openwork crown of this tree. Since it is not clear which of them will be active, it is better to plant the white-trunked beauty at the gate, outside the boundaries of the land plot. The mythical inhabitants there will guard the entrance and will not let evil spirits into the estate.

    Birch at the gate
    Birch at the gate

    It is better to plant a birch outside the boundaries of the site, at the gate

  • Another eerie legend says that restless human souls who have taken a violent death often settle in a lonely birch tree. And the sweetish birch sap, actively moving along the branches and trunk, supposedly is the blood of the dead.
  • Do not touch the growths (caps), because they appeared as a result of the influence of black magic. Touching them will invoke a curse that cannot be removed.

    mouth guard
    mouth guard

    Do not touch the birch mouthpiece

  • Women, under whose windows birches grow, will not be able to have children. Moreover, they face serious problems with the health of the reproductive system.
  • If a white-trunk tree is planted near the house, then its owners will face an unhappy life full of failures and misfortunes, and, possibly, an untimely death.
  • The flowing hanging thin birch branches make the inhabitants of the house sad, melancholy and melancholy, which can cause suicide.


    Hanging birch branches make you sad

Video: what trees to plant near the house

It is better for superstitious and suspicious people to refrain from planting birches on their site; other crops can also be selected for landscaping. All others are encouraged to use logic and common sense.
