Why You Can't Wash Floors In The Evening And At Night: Signs And Facts
Why You Can't Wash Floors In The Evening And At Night: Signs And Facts

Why you can't wash floors in the evening and at night

the man washes the floors
the man washes the floors

In past centuries, the main task of women was housekeeping: caring for children, cleaning, cooking. It is not surprising that this area, which played such a large role in the life of the fair sex, has overgrown with beliefs. For example, superstitious housewives try not to clean up after sunset.

Signs about washing floors in the evening and their history

For our ancestors, night has always been a special time of day. It was at this time that sorcerers and witches began their rituals, and evil spirits began to roam the earth. It is not surprising that the time after sunset was considered bad, unclean, and everything possible had to be done so that evil did not enter the house.

According to popular beliefs, cleaning erases the energy of the house, making it absolutely defenseless. During the day, this is useful, since good spirits enter the room, but if you put things in order in the evening, then you will open the way for evil. Conflicts and troubles will begin in the family, perhaps one of the household members will get sick.

If you clean up regularly after sunset, you can wash the good things out of your home. The financial situation will deteriorate greatly, the children will become capricious and painful. Taking out the garbage in the evenings will bring with it the removal of positive energy, which will also have a bad effect on the inhabitants of the house. The only household chores that can be done looking at night are to remove the laundry from the dryer (so that it does not absorb evil) and wash the dishes (so as not to offend the brownie).

A man stands at the elevator with trash
A man stands at the elevator with trash

Throwing out garbage in the evening, you take all the positive energy out of the house.

Scientific explanation of the ban

In fact, the advice not to clean up late is very helpful. Washing the floors humidifies the air in the room, and if you do it in the evening, you will not sleep very comfortably. In no case should you use chemicals when cleaning: they will not have time to weather, and you and your household will breathe them.

Noisy cleaning will interfere with the rest of the neighbors, which is also not very good and can lead to problems. But first of all, you need to take care of yourself. When you come home from work, it’s better to take a break than grab a mop. You can overwork, which can lead to stress and health problems.

But what about those who work 8 hours a day and come home late? Either clean up on weekends, or go to bed earlier, and postpone important things in the morning. According to doctors, this is much more useful.

According to the signs, evening cleaning can wash everything good from the house: money, health, harmony. In fact, the habit of tidying up at night can be detrimental to your well-being, so cleaning should really be rescheduled.