Cucumber Variety Emerald Stream, Description, Characteristics And Reviews, As Well As Cultivation Features
Cucumber Variety Emerald Stream, Description, Characteristics And Reviews, As Well As Cultivation Features

Emerald stream on a cucumber patch: description of an unusual variety


Nowadays, there are many varieties and hybrids of cucumbers: only in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation there are more than 1400. Some of them have been known and loved by gardeners for a long time, others have become popular in recent years. One of the varieties that have appeared on our beds already in this century is the Emerald Stream.

A Generous Gift at the Beginning of the Century: The Story of Cucumbers Emerald Stream

On the Internet, you can find information that the Emerald Stream is one of the varieties of Chinese cucumbers. However, the originator of this hybrid is officially registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation - the well-known SeDek company. The employees of the agricultural firm A. Lukyanenko, S. Dubinin and I. Dubinina worked on the creation of a new hybrid. In December 2005, the result of their work was declared for variety testing at the Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Breeding Commission", and in 2007 this hybrid was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation. In February of that year, the Emerald Stream was patented. The patent holder is the same Moscow Region LLC Agrofirma SeDek.

Cucumber Harvest Emerald Stream
Cucumber Harvest Emerald Stream

Cucumbers of the Emerald Stream variety are striking in their size

Characteristics of the variety

Cucumbers Emerald Stream, depending on the climate of a particular area, can be grown both under a film shelter and in open beds.

The hybrid ripens early. Usually, it takes about one and a half months from emergence to the first harvest. Tall Emerald Stream plants have little branching, but need to be tied to supports or trellises. Most of the flowers in cucumbers of this variety are female, the plant requires insect pollination.

Zelentsy grow up to half a meter long and weigh about 200 g, and sometimes reach a length of 80 cm, as the gardeners who cultivated them report. However, it is better to remove them for use in food when they reach a length of 40–45 cm - during this period they are most delicious. Cucumbers are cylindrical in shape, have a slight ribbing, a tuberous surface and an average density of white pubescence. The taste of the cucumbers is assessed by the tasters as good.

Cucumber fruits of the Emerald Stream variety
Cucumber fruits of the Emerald Stream variety

Zelents of the Emerald Stream grow up to half a meter long

They are usually eaten fresh in various salads, but the rather high yield of the hybrid, amounting to about 6 kg per square meter on an unprotected bed, leads to the fact that gardeners are looking for ways to preserve the harvest, report successful pickling and pickling of fruits. The fruiting period of this cucumber variety is long, as the plant grows, new ovaries appear.

During the variety testing of the Emerald Stream, the resistance of the bush to powdery mildew was noted. In addition, it easily tolerates a significant drop in air temperature, drought, growing in a shaded place.

Video: cucumber variety Emerald Stream

For Bountiful Emerald Stream: Growing Rules

You can grow Emerald Stream in a greenhouse or garden directly from seeds or through seedlings. And in fact, and in another case, you should take into account some of the nuances:

  • for cucumbers to develop successfully, the soil in which plants are planted or seeds are sown must warm up to + 15–18 ºС. Growing plants in an open bed begins only when the night frosts have passed;
  • if cucumbers are grown through seedlings, then they are placed in a permanent place in the stage of 3-4 true leaves. Proceeding from this and from the place of the upcoming growing of plants, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is determined. In the middle lane, this is usually March;

    Seedlings of cucumbers
    Seedlings of cucumbers

    Cucumbers are planted in the garden at the stage of 3-4 true leaves

  • when growing the Emerald Stream directly from seeds into the hole, it is recommended to plant up to 3 seeds - this will make it possible to reject weak plants that should be cut off, and not pulled out, so as not to damage the roots of neighboring cucumbers;
  • the depth of planting seeds in the ground - no more than 3 cm;
  • due to the large size of the fruits, the variety is picky about fertilizers: it is necessary to fill the soil with organic fertilizers in the fall (compost, humus, rotted manure), introducing under the digging about a bucket of top dressing per 1 m 2 beds. You can perform this operation in the spring;
  • planting density of the Emerald Stream bushes - no more than 4 plants per 1 m 2;
  • regular watering is performed every other day. It should be plentiful, because cucumbers are 90% water, and this variety has very large fruits. The soil should be soaked to a depth of at least 10 cm. It is important to avoid stagnant moisture, otherwise the plants are threatened by root rot, which the variety is easily susceptible to. The frequency of watering for open beds correlates with the weather, and in the greenhouse with soil moisture. Water the plants in the evening with warm unchlorinated or settled water;

    Watering cucumbers
    Watering cucumbers

    Water the cucumbers from a watering can with settled warm water

  • During the entire growing season, it is necessary to feed the plants every 3-4 weeks, but fertilizers containing chlorine should not be used. Usually they use slurry, superphosphate and potassium sulfate (during the period of fruit setting and growth) or urea (during the growth of the bush). Chemical fertilizers are prepared and used in accordance with the instructions on the package. Slurry is obtained like this:

    • fresh cow dung or bird droppings are dissolved in water (1: 1 ratio);
    • having closed the container with a tight lid, kept in a warm place for 1–1.5 weeks;
    • before watering, dilute mullein tincture with water in a ratio of 1:10; chicken droppings - 1:15;
    • 1 liter of solution is added under each plant;
  • the soil under the plants is regularly weeded and loosened to a depth of about 5 cm. This can be avoided by covering the ground with organic mulch (cut grass, hay, sawdust) or lutrasil / spunbond.

    Spunbond cucumbers
    Spunbond cucumbers

    When growing cucumbers in a bed covered with black spunbond, they do not need to be weeded

Reviews of gardeners

Judging by the description of the Emerald Stream cucumbers and reviews about it, the efforts spent on its cultivation will not be in vain. Moreover, taking care of 2-3 such plants is not such a big deal, and fresh and tasty vitamin products for the family will be on the table all season.