Do Dogs Feel The Death Of Their Owner?
Do Dogs Feel The Death Of Their Owner?

Do dogs sense the imminent death of their owner?

sad dog
sad dog

For thousands of years, the dog tribe has lived next to people, guarding the house and giving the joy of communication. Observing the behavior of tailed friends, the owners noticed how intuition and attachment to humans are developed in these animals. Possessing a kind of "sixth sense", they will learn from somewhere about the impending disaster that will soon happen to the owner.

Does the dog anticipate the death of its owner?

An adult pet, being near a person for a long time, is the first to notice the slightest changes in his health and state of mind. Doctors explain this by the fact that the composition of the patient's blood becomes different, and the dog reacts to a new smell. Dogs are able to detect energetic and chemical changes in the owner's body. Realizing that their beloved master will soon leave for another world, they worry and try to tell people about it in their own way. The behavior of the disturbed animal changes immediately.

Typical manifestations of longing for future loss:

  • does not find a place for himself;
  • refuses to eat;
  • howls and whines for a long time;
  • gets sick for no apparent reason.

Veterinarians know of many cases when a dog learns about the deceased owner before the sad news is reported from the hospital to the relatives of the deceased. This gift of foresight of events is akin to mysticism. It doesn't matter how far the owner is from the four-legged friend. Moreover, the animal catches not only natural, but also violent death.

British spaniel
British spaniel

The dog foresees the sudden death of the owner in an accident and in a plane crash

An invisible connection allows the pet to feel the death of its owner, even at a great distance. When the sixteenth president of America, Abraham Lincoln, was mortally wounded, his dog, Fido, began to howl and toss. The mongrel dog lived in Springfield, Illinois, and the assassination attempt took place in the US capital, Washington. There are 1250 km between the cities, but the tailed friend was able in some incomprehensible way to find out about what happened.

An even more amazing story happened in 1923. Archaeologists discovered the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, and 4 months later, the expedition financier, Count George Carnarvon, died of pneumonia. That evening, his dog, who was in the ancestral castle of Highclere (England), howled loudly and fell down dead. More than 2,200 kilometers from Hampshire to Cairo. On what grounds the dog sensed the death of the owner, who was so far away, we can only guess.

Village superstitions are also associated with the melancholy howl of a dog before the appearance of the deceased in the house. If the dog lowers its muzzle and squeals pitifully, then after 3-4 days someone from the family will go to the forefathers. A sign has a similar meaning, if the pet does not want to eat the remnants of food after the patient, he will no longer recover. Slavic peoples believe that a dog sees a "ghost of death" or some kind of disembodied matter. An evil entity appears in the house before the death of the owner to take him to her.

Finish Spitz dog breed
Finish Spitz dog breed

If a dog digs a hole close to home, the life of one of the family members will end.

Among experts in the subtle world, there is an opinion that before death, people give a powerful energy impulse from a damaged biofield. It moves according to the principle of a radio wave, which is accessible to the sensitive hearing of an animal. In this way, the pet receives information about the sad event. But science denies this possibility.


There is a lot of unknown and strange in the world that manifests itself at the subconscious level. Scientists cannot yet figure out how a dog determines future misfortune with a person. A sincere friendship with a tailed pet maintains that invisible but strong bond that death alone can break.
