How Dogs Sense The Owner's Return Before He Enters The House
How Dogs Sense The Owner's Return Before He Enters The House

How dogs feel the owner's return home

Dog with slippers in his teeth
Dog with slippers in his teeth

Dog owners know how their pet feels when they should return home, and shortly before the owner arrives, they take a position at a window or door. Family members watching this picture tell about it. How do dogs do this and what signs for them are indicators of the imminent return of the owner?

How dogs know when their owner is coming home

Observing the dog from the side, it may seem that it has telepathic abilities, otherwise how would it know that after a while (10-15 minutes) the owner will enter the door. But this can be explained quite logically.

Good hearing

Pets perfectly know the steps of the owner and can distinguish his steps from hundreds of other people. Excellent hearing allows dogs to distinguish this sound at a fairly large distance: from the corner of the street, if the dog lives in the yard, or from the first floor of an apartment building. They can also recognize the sound of a family car engine. Many people on the go talk to someone on the phone - this is an additional identification signal for the pet that the most important person will soon be at home. Of course, the rest of the household will never hear this, so they only notice the result - the dog has taken a position at the door and is ready to meet.

Sense of time

Dogs are good at timing and know when they will be fed and when they will be taken for a walk. If the owner leaves for work and returns from it at approximately the same time, it is not surprising that the pet prepares in advance for the meeting.

Dog with an empty bowl
Dog with an empty bowl

Dogs feel the time of the regime moments


Shortly before the appearance of the owner, household members can talk about him, calling him by name. Some preparations for the meeting may also begin: cleaning the toys, preparing the table for dinner. All this tells the dog that the owner will soon return home.

Selective memory of household members

A pet can stand by the window or sit by the door several times a day, but household members do not associate this with the owner's expectation and do not pay attention or quickly forget such moments. But just before he came home from work, this behavior of the dog looks touching and engraved in memory.

The dog looks out the window
The dog looks out the window

The pet can look out the window many times a day, but the household especially remember this moment when the owner of the dog should return soon

Do dogs have telepathic abilities?

In 2000, Harvard professor Rupert Sheldrake took up the study of unexplained dog behavior. In particular, he drew attention to the fact of recognizing the time of the owner's return. For the experiment, observation was established for a dog named J. T. and his owner Pamela Smart.

For the purity of the experiment, she went to work and returned from it at different times, without warning anyone. In addition, she returned home in different ways: on foot, by public transport, in her own and someone else's car, by bicycle.

The dog was under video surveillance. In 85 cases out of 100, the dog clearly determined the time of the return of its owner. And 15 cases of miss were associated with periods of poor health and heat with a neighbor's dog.

Professor Sheldrake did not understand the true mechanisms of determining the time of the owner's return home by a dog, but he refuted the above 4 explanations of why dogs manage to do this.

The version about the dog's sense of time seemed to me the most likely. Of course, other explanations related to good hearing or clues are also attracted to her. But if we talk about telepathy, then it is worth giving this ability to other domestic animals, because cats meet their owners in the same way even before they appear on the doorstep. Little of. even chickens change their behavior by the time they are fed in the evening, it also seems that they feel the imminent appearance of the owner.

Owner reviews

Dogs are very attentive creatures, which are also endowed with excellent hearing and smell. It is not known exactly how they find out about the time of their master's appearance on the doorstep, but this fact characterizes them as loving pets.
