Why You Can't Eat Buckwheat With Milk: Analysis Of The Reasons For The Ban
Why You Can't Eat Buckwheat With Milk: Analysis Of The Reasons For The Ban

Why you can't eat buckwheat with milk: plus for plus gives minus

Broth with buckwheat milk porridge
Broth with buckwheat milk porridge

Even those who do not include either one or the other in their menu know about the benefits of cereals, in particular buckwheat, and dairy products. But what if these two benefits were added together? Is it good squared or, refuting the laws of mathematics, plus plus plus gives minus? So, is it worth eating buckwheat with milk - we find out the details.

Buckwheat with milk: "yes" or "no"

Buckwheat with milk, like cheesecakes with jam, is one of the gastronomic attributes of childhood. However, according to modern nutritionists, the combination of the "queen of cereals" with milk for the body is not at all useful, and on the contrary, is undesirable. To understand why this is due, you need to start with the composition of these products.

Properties of buckwheat

There is a lot of protein in buckwheat, much more than in many other cereals. In addition, it contains:

  • a lot of iron;
  • B-group vitamins;
  • complex carbohydrates (it is due to the duration of their assimilation by the body that buckwheat porridge makes you forget about hunger for a long time).
Buckwheat bowl
Buckwheat bowl

The benefits of buckwheat are undeniable

Milk properties

Milk is a storehouse of calcium. And for those who are not fond of diets, it is milk, together with cottage cheese and hard cheese, that is the main source of calcium for the body. At the same time, milk also contains:

  • vitamins (A, B, D, E, C, PP);
  • trace elements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper).
Small jug of milk
Small jug of milk

Milk is the main source of calcium for the body

Why you should say no to buckwheat with milk

Combining milk and buckwheat porridge is not worth it, because different enzymes are required to digest one and the other. In addition, buckwheat is considered, in contrast to milk, a heavy food. So it is likely that this tandem will provoke interruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and even cause:

  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea.

And most importantly: the iron present in buckwheat inhibits the absorption of calcium from the dairy product. And so many benefits to our body are also not good: there must be balance in everything. But if you can't do without a delicious duet from childhood, nutritionists allow the use of buckwheat with milk no more than once (!) Once every 7 days.

Deep plate with milk buckwheat porridge
Deep plate with milk buckwheat porridge

You should not abuse milk buckwheat porridge

Strongly "no": to whom milk buckwheat is contraindicated

Contraindications for buckwheat with milk even once a week can be:

  • any trouble digesting food;
  • an excess of iron in the body or an acute lack of calcium (in this situation, milk cannot be replenished - iron will not allow this to be done);
  • diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels or heart;
  • diabetes mellitus of the second (moderate) degree;
  • allergy to lactose.

Buckwheat with milk is a delicious duet, but it does not particularly suit the body. It is much better to use them separately. But if you can't live without milk buckwheat porridge, you shouldn't eat it more than once a week.
