A Fish On A Car - What Does A Sticker With This Symbol On The Trunk Mean
A Fish On A Car - What Does A Sticker With This Symbol On The Trunk Mean

What does the fish symbol on a car mean: a simple solution

What does the fish symbol on the car mean
What does the fish symbol on the car mean

Quite often, car owners cover the body with stickers. If some use large and bright options for this, then others are discreet symbols that carry a certain semantic load. One of the most common stickers is the symbolic image of a fish. Few people know what this means, so a wide variety of versions appear.

What the fish symbol on the car can mean

Surely you have come across cars that have a symbolic fish icon pasted on the trunk or elsewhere. If earlier such signs were used by drivers in America and Europe, now they can be found quite often in our country.

Fish symbol on the trunk
Fish symbol on the trunk

You can often find the fish symbol on the trunk of a car.

Not all people know what this symbol means. There are several common misconceptions:

  • the fish symbol indicates that the owner belongs to the fishermen community;
  • such a sign brings good luck and wealth;
  • it's just a car dealership emblem;
  • one option is to hide rust or damage on the body.

All these versions have nothing to do with reality. The fish symbol is an ancient image of Christianity and a sign of Jesus. In ancient Rome, Christianity was not recognized, so believers had to hide and publicly not show their belonging to this faith. It was forbidden to depict a cross, so they came up with a symbolic symbol in the form of a fish. The cross was "hidden" in her tail. If the authorities had any questions, the Christians answered that this sign is a symbol of fishermen and thus averted suspicion from the hidden symbol of their faith.

Decoding of the word "Ichthis"
Decoding of the word "Ichthis"

The Greek word "Ichthis" stands for Ἰησοὺς Χριστὸς Θεoὺ ῾Υιὸς Σωτήρ (Jesus Christ the Son of God Savior)

In addition, the history of the origin of this symbol is associated with astrology. The birth of Jesus coincided with the beginning of a new era under the sign of Pisces, which lasted 2,150 years. After that, it was replaced by the sign of Aquarius, in which we live at the present time. In Russia, such a sign is usually placed on their cars by Protestants.

The fish symbol on the trunk of a car is used by members of various Christian sects to recognize their like-minded people. Do not be completely sure that the owner of a car with such a sign is definitely a sectarian. Perhaps he bought a car with such a sticker or has no idea what such a symbol really means.
