Meat In Pots With Potatoes In The Oven: A Step-by-step Roast Recipe
Meat In Pots With Potatoes In The Oven: A Step-by-step Roast Recipe

Delicious roast in pots: cooking meat and potatoes in the oven

Tender meat with potatoes in pots is a wonderful dish, the taste of which never gets boring
Tender meat with potatoes in pots is a wonderful dish, the taste of which never gets boring

The combination of hearty meat and juicy vegetables is a win-win for any meal. And if such a dish is cooked in the oven, and not just baked, but stewed in pots, then it is simply impossible to resist the temptation. It is not for nothing that various types of roast can be seen on the menus of most restaurants, cafes and bars.

Step-by-step recipe for meat and potatoes in pots

The first time I tried pot roast was during my student years. On weekends and vacations, my friend and I worked part-time in a small but very popular restaurant. At lunchtime, we were offered a choice of several dishes from the restaurant's menu, which included meat and vegetables in the oven. I fell in love with this dish once and for all. Years have passed, and I still like to enjoy the food in all its variations. Of course, I learned how to cook roast myself and according to different recipes. Today I am sharing with you one of them.


  • 300 g pork;
  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1/2 tsp ground paprika;
  • 2-3 peas of black pepper;
  • sunflower oil for frying;
  • salt.


  1. Prepare food.

    Products and equipment for cooking meat with potatoes in pots
    Products and equipment for cooking meat with potatoes in pots

    Simple products make a dish worthy of a place on the restaurant menu

  2. Rinse and dry a piece of pork pulp, cut into large cubes with a side of about 3 cm.
  3. Cut the carrots and onions into small cubes.

    Meat and vegetables for roasts in pots
    Meat and vegetables for roasts in pots

    Cut meat and vegetables into cubes: pork - coarsely, onions and carrots - finer

  4. Transfer the meat to a frying pan with hot oil and fry on all sides until golden brown.

    Stir-fried pieces of meat in a pan with vegetable oil
    Stir-fried pieces of meat in a pan with vegetable oil

    To preserve the juiciness of the meat when stewing, it must be fried until a crust appears.

  5. Place the vegetables in the pork pan and cook until the onions are translucent.

    Stir-fried vegetables and meat in a pan
    Stir-fried vegetables and meat in a pan

    Roast onions and carrots should be a little soft

  6. Divide the roast base into 2 ceramic pots, 1/3 full.

    Meat with vegetables in a ceramic pot
    Meat with vegetables in a ceramic pot

    Vegetables and meat are laid out in the first layer in pots

  7. Cut potatoes, like pork, into large cubes.
  8. Sprinkle the dried ground paprika over the potatoes and stir.

    Diced raw potatoes with dried paprika in a bowl
    Diced raw potatoes with dried paprika in a bowl

    You can add not only paprika to the roast, but also other spices to your taste

  9. Place the potatoes in the pots on top of the meat.
  10. Add bay leaf, black peppercorns and salt to taste to the roast.

    Diced raw potatoes with bay leaf and ground paprika in ceramic peas
    Diced raw potatoes with bay leaf and ground paprika in ceramic peas

    Bay leaves and black pepper emphasize the wonderful aroma of meat and vegetables

  11. Pour hot water over the contents so that the liquid covers the potatoes.

    Roast blank in ceramic pot
    Roast blank in ceramic pot

    The dish will be tastier if you replace the water with vegetable or meat broth.

  12. Cover the pots with lids, place in the oven and cook at 180 degrees for 1 hour.
  13. Serve the meat and potatoes in the pots on plates.

    Meat with potatoes in a ceramic pot
    Meat with potatoes in a ceramic pot

    the pots keep the temperature well and the dish stays hot for a long time

Below you can see another version of a simple, but very tasty meat and potatoes in pots.

Video: a delicious dish in a pot for every day

This recipe for meat and potatoes in pots is the simplest and is often used as a basic one. By complementing the dish with other tasty ingredients of your choice, you can always prepare a roast in a new way. Share your recipes with us in the comments below. Enjoy your meal!
