Sedative For Cats: Types, Indications For Use, A Review Of Effective Remedies, Side Effects, Reviews
Sedative For Cats: Types, Indications For Use, A Review Of Effective Remedies, Side Effects, Reviews

No to feline stress - veterinary sedatives

Calm cat
Calm cat

Cats fascinate with their seemingly unshakable calmness, but true lovers of these animals know how vulnerable they are. Even an insignificant event - the noise of a working vacuum cleaner or hairdryer, let alone moving and traveling by car or public transport - can introduce an animal into a state of stress. Even a protracted illness can result from such experiences, so it is better for the owners to take care of such an issue in advance as the selection of a quality sedative to preserve the health of their pet.


  • 1 When to give sedatives to cats
  • 2 Types of sedatives for cats
  • 3 Contraindications and side effects
  • 4 An overview of sedatives

    • 4.1 Cat Bayun
    • 4.2 Stop Stress from Api-San
    • 4.3 Fitex
    • 4.4 Hormone tablets Gestrenol
    • 4.5 Sanal Relax Anti Stress
    • 4.6 Fospasim
    • 4.7 Vetranquil
    • 4.8 Spray Feliway
    • 4.9 Relaxivet
    • 4.10 Vetspokoin

When to give sedatives to cats

The use of sedatives in the first place should be justified and appropriate. In situations where you can solve the problem in another way, it is better to lean towards non-drug elimination. So, if a pet is aggressive towards guests, then maybe he simply does not have a place where he would feel protected and calm - here it is better to start by purchasing a soft house or a closed bed for the pet, and not immediately run to the veterinary pharmacy for a sedative. The doctor will help you make the right decision, but most often the need to use sedatives occurs in the following situations:

  • travel by transport, especially over long distances. Even in a closed carrier, the animal can get nervous, and public transport will cause the greatest discomfort - they are noisy, there are a lot of people, sharp sounds, etc.;
  • changing of the living place. This can be either the owners moving to another home, or the kitten's acquaintance with his new home and owners. Animals get used to everything that surrounds them, they study the territory and feel comfortable on it, so when the situation changes dramatically and dramatically, the pet may experience stress, unable to find a safe place for itself;
  • the appearance of a new family member - a child or pet. Cats can be jealous of their owners when the focus of attention shifts to another object, therefore, the reaction to an increase in the family can be very complex - from open aggression to resentment and refusal to eat;
  • an excited state during the activation of sexual instincts. In this way, you can alleviate the well-being of the cat and remove the problem with the label of the territory in cats;
  • visiting exhibitions or salons. Strangers, surroundings and other animals - a combination of several stressful factors for a domestic cat;
  • conducting a number of diagnostic examinations in a veterinary clinic. For example, x-rays can be extremely difficult to do if the animal is nervous and struggles;
  • mental disorders. This problem is relevant not only for humans, cats can suffer from obsessive compulsions in the following forms:

    • constant licking, leading to hair loss and skin irritation;
    • sucking on fabrics or wool;
    • hunting for a non-existent target;
    • unmotivated jumping, head twitching;
    • auto-aggression (directed at oneself);
    • constant meowing for no reason.

Types of sedatives for cats

The sedatives approved for use in cats can be divided into two groups:

  • homeopathic remedies - preparations of herbal or animal origin, working on the principle of treating like like. This type of alternative medicine involves the use of weak concentrations of strong drugs as active ingredients. They have a prolonged effect, so they are given in advance;
  • chemical agents. Traditional sedatives are quick-acting and can be very sedative. In a separate group, hormonal agents can be distinguished here, designed to normalize behavior exclusively during periods of sexual arousal;
  • tranquilizers. This type of medication is used as a last resort when the animal needs to sleep during a potentially traumatic event. This usually concerns travel or diagnostic events at the clinic. It is used exclusively as directed by a veterinarian and under his supervision.

Any sedative acts on the nervous system, inhibiting the processes occurring in it. As a result, there is relaxation, normalization of pressure and breathing, suppression of the feeling of fear. The correct dose of a properly selected sedative will lead to general pacification of the animal, normal behavior, similar to behavior in a comfortable environment for the pet.

Special attention should be paid to popular herbal preparations - valerian and catnip. There is a popular belief that these funds are completely safe for the animal and can effectively calm it down. In fact, the action of these plants is opposite. An infusion of valerian or dry herb acts like an animal's pheromones during heat - it excites, and also causes addiction, like a drug. Catnip has a similar mechanism of action, but it is much weaker than valerian and does not work in all animals. Therefore, the use of these herbal remedies is not recommended due to the lack of the desired effect. The exception is the preparations of the homeopathic group with such components - at the heart of their action is the principle of eliminating the like with the like.

Contraindications and side effects

Each specific drug has its own contraindications, described in the instructions. However, there are a number of conditions under which the use of most sedatives is prohibited:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to a year;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the composition, allergies;
  • reduced blood pressure (taking sedatives is accompanied by muscle relaxation and vasodilation, which can lead to a critical drop in pressure indicators);
  • diabetes mellitus (if sucrose is included in the preparation);
  • disturbances in the work of the urinary system (due to such problems, the process of removing the components of the sedative from the body is difficult, which often leads to a dangerous overdose).

There are no absolutely safe drugs, so the use of sedatives can also have negative consequences - nausea, vomiting, lethargy, increased drowsiness, loss of orientation in space. Addiction is considered one of the most dangerous, when the pet's reactions become inhibited, and the interest in life is transformed into apathy.

An overview of sedatives

Preparations with a sedative effect for cats do not lose their relevance, therefore the range of such products is large. Consider the most popular and effective tools based on the data from review sites.

cat Baiyun

Homeopathic medicine from the Veda company, available in the form of tablets and drops. The active composition includes extracts (in tablets) and aqueous infusions (in drops) of plants:

  • oregano;
  • sweet clover;
  • valerian roots;
  • phytocomplex of hawthorn flowers, hop cones, motherwort, mint, budra, catnip, lemon balm, meadowsweet, St. John's wort, thyme, hodgepodge, nettle, rootstocks and peony flowers.

Calcium stearate, starch and lactose are used as auxiliary components in tablets, and purified water is used in drops.

The manufacturer describes the following indications for the use of the product:

  • aggression, including towards the owner;
  • phobias (fear of travel, exhibitions, etc.);
  • severe violations of sexual behavior;
  • hyperactivity;
  • obsessive states, including licking.
cat Baiyun
cat Baiyun

Bayun cat is a homeopathic preparation based on herbal ingredients, which has a pronounced sedative effect for cats and dogs

The use is allowed for animals older than 10 months, the dosage is adjusted in accordance with the weight of the pet and its character. Contraindications are considered individual intolerance to the components of the composition, pregnancy, lactation and age up to 10 months. There are no side effects, subject to the recommendations of the instructions. The cost of a package of 3 bottles of 10 ml is about 200 rubles.

Stop Stress from Api-San

The drug is presented in the form of tablets and solution. The main active ingredient is phenibut, a derivative of aminobutyric acid, a substance for stimulating mental processes and calming the nervous system, improving sleep and reducing tension. Among the components of the tablets:

  • extracts of medicinal plants (skullcap, hop, peony, motherwort);
  • auxiliary components - lactose, saccharin, aspartame, calcium stearate and cyclamate.

The drops contain extracts of mint, motherwort, hops and Scutellaria Baikal, as well as additional substances (aspavit, glycerin, purified water).

It is produced in polyethylene bottles of 10 ml and blisters of 15 tablets, the average cost is 160 rubles. The product has the following pharmacological properties:

  • reduces anxiety and feelings of fear, anxiety;
  • reduces manifestations of hyperactivity;
  • improves blood flow to the brain;
  • improves the adaptation of the animal in stressful situations;
  • normalizes sleep.
Stop Stress
Stop Stress

The active components of Stop Stress are phenibut and a complex of plant extracts

The advantage of the drug Stop Stress is the lack of addiction, including during the course use according to the instructions for 3 weeks. Contraindications to the use of drops are standard, but in addition to their list, the pet has tumor neoplasms. Possible side effects include an allergic skin reaction, vomiting and drowsiness. Detection of such symptoms requires a visit to a doctor.


The soothing drops Fitex produced by AVZ belong to the category of homeopathic medicines. 1 ml of the product contains the following components:

  • thick extract of valerian (25 mg);
  • dry extract of motherwort (25 mg);
  • dry hop extract (25 mg);
  • dry extract of Baikal skullcap (25 mg);
  • glycerin and water as excipients.

Phiteex is a homeopathic sedative drug for cats and dogs, based on a complex of plant extracts

Fitex is produced in bottles of different sizes - from 5 to 100 ml (the price of a standard 10 ml bottle is 130 rubles). The drug has a sedative and anxiety-reducing effect. This is necessary to correct the behavior of pets in the event of fear, aggression, agitation, hyperactivity and leaving marks on the territory. Contraindications to the use of drops are general, the manufacturer does not describe side effects. When using the product, it is worth considering that it enhances the effectiveness of sleeping pills.

Gestrenol hormonal pills

Gestrenol - tablets and drops for oral use for cats. It is produced in two forms - for females and males, their composition is the same, only the concentration of active components differs. Active ingredients: mepregenol propionate (for cats - 0.15 mg, for cats - 0.4 mg in one tablet, and 1.5 mg and 4 mg in 1 ml of solution, respectively) and ethinyl estradiol (for cats - 0.0015 mg, for cats - 0.0.02 mg in one tablet, and 0.015 mg and 0.2 mg in 1 ml of solution, respectively), which allows the tablets to be classified as hormonal agents. Both components act on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland of the animal, which can reduce the secretion of hormones that cause sperm production in males and maturation of follicles in females. Among the auxiliary components:

  • for tablets - milk sugar, potato starch and calcium stearic acid;
  • for drops - soybean oil and flavoring.

Gestrenol is used as a sedative for sexual activity - territory marks, uncontrolled meowing, aggression. To get the effect, regular intake is required. Pills are used only for sexually mature animals, prohibited for kittens, pregnant and lactating, neutered and neutered pets. Interaction with other drugs has not been described. Available in blisters, the cost of 10 tablets is 120 rubles.


Gestrenol - hormonal pills, the main task of which is to normalize the behavior of the animal during periods of sexual activity

Sanal Relax Anti Stress

Soothing tablets Sanal Relax have an anti-stress effect, soothe the cat without increasing drowsiness. The active ingredient is tryptophan, an amino acid that is used to combat hyperactivity, poor sleep, irritability and stress. The preparation contains a number of nutritional supplements:

  • calcium carbonate;
  • inositol;
  • taurine;
  • vitamins D3, B6, B3 and E;
  • zinc;
  • selenium.

Microcrystalline cellulose, gum arabic and natural flavor are used as auxiliary components.

Sanal Relax Anti Stress
Sanal Relax Anti Stress

Sanal Relax Anti Stress - sedative tablets for dogs and cats, based on the action of the amino acid tryptophan

The action of the pill occurs an hour after taking it and lasts for 5-8 hours. Allowed as a single use, and for several days - this is advisable in preparation for a known stress for the animal, for example, before a trip. Contraindications for use are standard: age up to one year, pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance. The cost of the product is 350-400 rubles for 15 tablets.


Fospasim is a drug for the treatment and prevention of behavioral disorders in cats, available in the form of liquid drops for oral use and solution for injection. Belongs to the category of homeopathy, it includes:

  • glomerular wrestler;
  • henbane black;
  • Siberian musk deer;
  • passionflower;
  • strychnos;
  • phosphorus;
  • trituration of platinum;
  • auxiliary substances (glycerol, purified water).

These substances in homeopathic low concentrations contribute to the normalization of the mental state of the animal, increase the adaptive abilities of the cat, which allows it to cope with anxiety and neuroses. There were no special contraindications for use and side effects when used according to the instructions. The price of a bottle of solution for injection 20 ml is 500 rubles.


The drug Fospasim, based on vegetable components, is used to relieve stress in an animal and eliminate its fear.


Solution for injection Ventranquil 1% belongs to the group of antipsychotics and provides sedation to the animal by blocking dopamine receptors in the central nervous system. Components of the composition:

  • the active ingredient is acepromazine maleate, which has a calming, muscle relaxant, antiemetic effect;
  • excipients - chlorobutanol, sodium hydroxide, water for injection.

You will have to refuse this drug if the animal has heart failure, a pronounced state of shock, liver dysfunction. It is forbidden to administer the medicine to weakened and elderly cats. Overdose is accompanied by weakness, decreased heart rate, and fever. The use of Vetranquil enhances the effect of previously taken painkillers. The introduction is made once by the doctor's decision, and the sedation effect occurs in 15-30 minutes. The cost of a 50 ml bottle is 750 rubles.


Vetranquil is an injectable antipsychotic that has a pronounced sedative effect

Spray Feliway

As an active component, the drug Felivey has a synthetic analogue of the hormone of the facial glands of a cat, upon receipt of which the animal calms down, adapts better to new conditions and does not mark the territory, feeling comfortable. The tool is presented in the form of an odorless spray and bottles for a diffuser, an auxiliary component in both forms is hydrocarbon isoparaffin. The composition is applied to the place of the animal, window sills, chairs, carrying - to those places where the pet likes to spend time and what it will be transported in (in case of preparation for travel) or insert a diffuser into an outlet for processing up to 50 sq.m. 15 minutes after treatment, the cat can be allowed into the room. A big plus is the ability to use the drug for cats of any age,it is actively used to reduce stress even with early weaning of kittens from the mother. The Feliway spray is produced in a volume of 60 ml, its average cost is 1,700 rubles.


Spray Felivey provides the animal with a comfortable environment, improves adaptation processes and neutralizes stress conditions


Relaxivet herbal sedative is designed to relieve stress and anxiety symptoms in cats and dogs. Presented in the form:

  • diffuser liquids with lavender, rosemary and geranium essential oils;
  • soothing drops with catnip, hops, motherwort and skullcap extract;
  • drops on the withers (as a part of a mixture of essential oils of catnip, rosemary, Baikal skullcap and motherwort);
  • spray (with essential oils of catnip, rosemary, geranium);
  • collar soaked in lavender and rosemary essential oils.

The drug is most effective during transportation, visiting exhibitions and veterinary hospitals, with fear of loud sounds and explosions.


Relaxivet withers drops are produced in packs of 4 bottles

The drug has general restrictions on use and is not harmful, provided that the rules of use described in the instructions are followed. The effect occurs within half an hour after applying the composition to the withers or oral administration. The cost of packing drops is 300 rubles.


The drug is available in the form of a suspension for oral use and tablets (the cost of a 25 ml bottle is 200 rubles). In the composition of 1 ml of Vetspokoin phenibut (18 mg), motherwort extract (4 mg) and valerian (5 mg), antihistamine component promethazine (2 mg), royal jelly extract (0.5 mg). The tool has a sedative and antispasmodic effect, relaxing the animal, eliminating the feeling of fear, improving adaptation processes and strengthening the immune system. If it is necessary to prepare for a traumatic event, the funds are given for 3-4 days before it. Contraindications for use are general only.


Vetspokoin is available in the form of tablets and suspension for oral use, and has a high-quality sedative effect

Sedatives for cats are useful in many situations: when moving, traveling by car or airplane, when visiting exhibitions and grooming salons. The use of drugs of this type should be justified, and it is better to select a specific product in conjunction with a veterinarian, based on the complexity of the cat's reaction to the traumatic event.
