The Age Of Cats And Cats By Human Standards: A Table Of The Relationship With A Person, How To Calculate
The Age Of Cats And Cats By Human Standards: A Table Of The Relationship With A Person, How To Calculate

We consider how old the cat really is

Cat with kittens
Cat with kittens

Pet owners are often interested in the question of how to calculate how old a cat is in terms of a person's age. To find out the age of a four-legged family member, you need to figure out what are the ways that establish a connection between the years of life of a cat and a person. This will allow you to better understand your pet.


  • 1 Ways of the ratio of the ages of a person and a cat

    • 1.1 Calculation by odds

      1.1.1 Table: Age of Cats and Cats in Human Equivalent by Match Rates

    • 1.2 The relationship between the ages of cats and humans

      1.2.1 Table: Feline Human Age

    • 1.3 Arithmetic calculation

      1.3.1 Table: correspondence between the years of cats and humans

    • 1.4 Other ways to determine a cat's age
    • 1.5 Video: Human Age of Cats
  • 2 Analogy of the age periods in the life of humans and cats

    • 2.1 Infancy
    • 2.2 Childhood
    • 2.3 Youth
    • 2.4 Early life
    • 2.5 Maturity
    • 2.6 Old age

      2.6.1 Video: Caring for an Old Cat

  • 3 How to extend the life of a pet

    • 3.1 Balanced diet
    • 3.2 Water regime
    • 3.3 Other factors

Methods for the ratio of the ages of a person and a cat

Time passes more rapidly in animals than in humans. It is important to remember that all methods of converting feline years to human years are approximate, since it is difficult to compare the thinking of humans and the instincts of cats.

Calculation by odds

You can calculate the age of an animal in human years using coefficients. Their size shows the number of human years per year of the cat. Each of the age categories has special characteristics inherent only to it. The calculations are based on social and emotional differences existing at a certain stage of life.

Table: the ages of cats and cats in human terms by matching rates

Cat age Match Ratio Human age
1 month 6-7 6-7 months
2 months 5-5.5 10-11 months
3 months 8-8.6 2-2.2 years
4 months 15-15.5 5-5.2 years
5 months 19.2-20.4 8-8.5 years
6 months 28-30 14-15 years old
Seven months 25.7-26.5 15-15.5 years
8 months 24-24.75 16-16.5
1 year 18-19 18-19 years old
2 years 12.5-13 25-26 years old
3 years 10-11 30-33 years old
4 years 8.75-9.25 35-37 years old
5 years 8-8.6 40-43 years old
6 years 7.1-7.6 43–46 years old
7 years 6.4- 45-47 years old
8 years 6.25-6.63 50-53 years old
9 years 6.1-6.44 55-58 years old
10 years 6-6.3 60-63 years
11 years 5.6-5.9 62-65 years old
12 years old 5.4 65-68 years old
13 years 5.2-5.46 68-71 years
14 years old 5.1-5.2 72-73 years old
15 years 4.9-5 74-75 years old
16 years 4.75-4.8 76-77 years old
17 years 4.5-4.6 78-79 years old
18 years 4.4-4.7 80–85 years old
20 years five 100 years

Age ratio of cats and humans

Each year of an animal's life corresponds to several years of human life:

  1. The first year lived by a cat is equivalent to 15 years in humans.
  2. The second year will correspond to a person's 24 years.
  3. Then, 4 years are added to each subsequent year until the cat reaches 16 years old.
  4. After the cat overcomes the life milestone at 16 years old, 3 years are added to each lived year.

Table: Feline Human Age

Cat Man Cat Man
one fifteen eleven 60
2 24 12 64
3 28 13 68
4 32 14 72
five 36 fifteen 76
6 40 16 80
7 44 17 83
8 48 18 86
nine 52 19 89
ten 56 20 92

This variant of calculations allows you to identify the following matches:

  1. In the first year of life, kittens learn to serve themselves, communicate with household members, and young people up to fifteen years of age develop similarly. During this period, both those and others are going through puberty.
  2. From 2 years old, the cat has a mature character. The tailed beast knows how to ask the owners for something desired. The behavior of the animal at this stage of life is similar to the behavior of girls and young people at 24 years old.

    Two year old cat
    Two year old cat

    A cat at two years old behaves like a young twenty-four year old man

Continuing to find common ground in the ages of a person and a cat, one can come to the conclusion that at the age of 15 years, corresponding to 76 years in the human dimension, the animal already has various diseases and changes in the behavior of animals, expressed in the following:

  • interest in any kind of games disappears sharply;
  • drowsiness appears;
  • diseases associated with wear and tear of the animal's body occur.

Arithmetic calculation

It is very easy to determine the age of a cat by arithmetic. According to this method, the age of the cat is multiplied by 7. It should be understood that with this calculation, each year of the pet will correspond to seven human years. In this case, the result will not be the most correct.

Table: correspondence between the years of cats and humans

Feline age, years Person's age, years
one 7
2 14
3 21
4 28
five 35
6 42
7 49
8 56
nine 63
ten 70
eleven 77
12 84
13 91
14 98
fifteen 105
16 112
17 119
18 126
19 133
20 140

The main disadvantage of this method is that it cannot be used to compare the age stages of a person and an animal

Other ways to determine a cat's age

Once you've picked up a street cat, its age can be difficult to know. You can determine how many years a cat has lived by visual inspection:

  • on the eyes - in young cats they have a rich color, a bright iris, a clear pattern, and the eyes of an aging animal look dull, with a clouded lens, a dull iris, a disturbed pattern;
  • in appearance - in youth, animals have a beautiful shiny coat, with age, the cat's coat becomes thinner, dimmer, with gray hairs; in addition, young animals are more clumsy, have prominent muscles, in adult cats and cats the torso is rounded, at this age animals are calmer and lazier than young ones, and older representatives of cats look thinner and their skin is flabby;
  • by the teeth - if there is no information about the exact age of the cat, a veterinarian can determine how old the animal is approximately by assessing the general condition of the pet and the health of its teeth.

When it is not possible to visit a veterinarian and resolve this issue, you yourself should familiarize yourself with the process of tooth development in order to find out the age of the animal:

  1. Within the first month after birth, the kitten has milk teeth.
  2. After 5-6 months, these teeth are replaced by permanent ones.

    Kitten yawns
    Kitten yawns

    Milk teeth begin to change to permanent at 5 months

  3. At a year and a half, the central incisors are erased in the cat's lower jaw.
  4. When the age of the animal reaches 2 years and 5 months, the incisors in the middle of the lower part of the teeth are erased.
  5. When a cat reaches 3 years and 5 months, the central upper incisors wear out.
  6. The middle incisors, located in the upper jaw of a cat, are subject to abrasion when the animal is 4 years and 5 months old.
  7. The age of five is accompanied by abrasion of the canines.
  8. In the upper jaw, before the onset of six years, the extreme incisors are erased.
  9. Changes occur with the rubbing surfaces of the middle and central incisors of the jaw below when the cat is 7-8 years old.
  10. Before nine years, the upper incisors in the center are erased.
  11. In the period from 10 to 12 years old, the animal's central incisors begin to fall out.
  12. Fifteen years of age can be accompanied by complete loss of incisors.

The aforementioned changes regarding the teeth can occur at other times. It depends on the lifestyle of the animal, in which the diet is of no small importance: the content of a large amount of vitamins and minerals in it slows down the process of abrasion and loss of teeth.

Video: the age of cats according to human criteria

An analogy between the age periods of humans and cats

Representatives of the feline breed can go through six main stages during their life from birth to old age. Cats, like humans, tend to behave differently at different ages.

If we make a comparison between a cat and a person, then we can draw the following conclusions:

  • in both cases, the infant is a helpless being, completely dependent on the mother;

    Cat with kitten
    Cat with kitten

    A newborn kitten is completely dependent on a mother cat

  • in childhood, all kids learn about the world around them, acquire certain skills;
  • in adolescence, a cat and a person are active, but have no experience;
  • young people and cats are full of strength and energy;
  • experience and skills come to them in adulthood;
  • being old, they gradually lose activity, acuteness of feelings.


The infant period in kittens is much faster than in humans, and lasts up to about 1 month. This time is the most difficult for the kitten: he learns the world around him, begins to walk.

The newly born kittens are completely helpless, they see and hear nothing. 5 days after birth, their eyes begin to open, and a week later, hearing appears. In the second week of life, milk teeth erupt. Translated into human age, this period corresponds to the age of 5-9 months.

At one month, kittens can run, jump, which corresponds to the age of children at 1 year and 5 months.

Month old kitten
Month old kitten

A kitten per month behaves like a one and a half year old child


Childhood begins from the second month and lasts up to six months. During these months, the development of pets is very fast, and it is not easy to compare it with the corresponding years of a person. A three-month-old kitten in terms of intelligence is comparable to children of two years of age.

Inborn instincts help them in this, and they also learn from the example of their mother to take care of themselves. During the first year of its life, a cat overcomes all stages of growing up. By human standards, the end of childhood corresponds to 14 years.

Half-year-old kitten
Half-year-old kitten

A kitten's childhood ends at six months

It is during this period of time, when the kitten's childhood passes, that you need to pay attention to the issues of raising your pet in order to have time before the formation of undesirable skills and habits for the owner. For example, you should teach the animal that you can not scratch furniture or go to the toilet wherever he wants.


A cat's adolescence begins at 7 months and ends when he is one year old. Although the kitten is still growing at this time, its growth rate slows down. Cats enter puberty.

One year old cat
One year old cat

In adolescence, the cat begins puberty

In long-haired breeds, the coat reaches its constant length. The animal gets used to the environment, to the available pets, determines a distinct daily routine for itself.

In adolescence, adolescence, a cat should not be treated like a child, forgive her aggressiveness, petty dirty tricks such as left puddles. It won't go away by itself with age. Indeed, at this time, translated into human age, a cat becomes comparable to a teenager in a transitional age, and significant changes are observed in his behavior and character.


A cat's youth falls on the period from 2 to 6 years. At this stage of life, the cat feels strength in himself, he is tireless and agile.

Young cat
Young cat

The young cat is full of strength and agility

Youth (in humans it begins after 20 years) is the best time for a thoroughbred pet to be able to participate in all kinds of exhibitions and competitions. This period is also ideal for conceiving healthy offspring.


For the period of maturity, the cat's age is from 7 to 10 years. For a person, these are years from 40 to 55.

Mature cat
Mature cat

Mature age occurs when the cat is over 7 years old

At this time, cats become calm, but sometimes they can play. Professional breeders of pedigree animals that have reached adulthood cease to breed them.

Old age

Cats over 11 years old, sometimes living up to 20 years or more, are considered elderly. The venerable age of the animal does not at all speak of its imminent death. The longevity of a cat depends on its health and living conditions.

Old cat
Old cat

An elderly cat becomes after 11 years

Pets, for example, often overcome the bar in life at 16, and street cats live no longer than 10 years. With good care, cats feel great in old age.

Domestic pet - cat Kuzya from the Persian breed delighted those around him with his presence for 14 years and lived to old age. Throughout his life, he was always active and inquisitive.

Video: caring for an old cat

How to extend the life of a pet

Any owner of a cat or cat wants a long life for their pet, but a number of factors affect its duration.

Balanced diet

A balanced diet will help to prolong the pet's life. It significantly affects the health of the cat, increases its activity. The animal's coat becomes smooth, the stool becomes regular. When calculating the composition and nutritional norms, the age and breed of the cat, the state of its health, the physiological characteristics of the organism, and the feeding regime should be taken into account. Excess or lack of nutrients leads to the appearance of diseases such as kidney failure, colitis, obesity, allergies, diabetes and others.

Proper nutrition means that the animal consumes and expends the same amount of calories. Energy is consumed by the feline body constantly (and at rest), and is replenished with the help of nutrients from food. The feeding ration should be filled with a certain amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, water. Therefore, young and active cats require more frequent meals and high-calorie foods. High-calorie foods are also needed by pregnant and lactating cats with increased energy expenditure. Older cats have lower energy costs, they eat less.

Food for a pregnant cat
Food for a pregnant cat

Pregnant and lactating cats need more nutritious foods

The food for the animal may include:

  • special feed;
  • lean lamb, beef, rabbit meat (pork is undesirable);
  • meat offal;
  • dairy products;
  • lean fish;
  • raw vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, bell peppers, parsley, celery).

The cat's diet should not contain flour products. The choice of food assortment is influenced by the cat's preferences. They feed her at least 3 times a day. Natural food is not recommended to be fed together with industrial feed.

A specialist in a veterinary clinic will help you choose the right diet.

Water mode

The maintenance of the cat's body in working condition is provided with the help of water, which is about 70% in the body. Water is required for digestion processes, assimilation of minerals and vitamins, and maintaining body temperature. Pets, descended from wild African cats, inherited from these relatives a weak feeling of thirst, therefore they need a little water. If the animal eats natural food, wet food, it may not drink at all.

The cat is drinking
The cat is drinking

Cats have little thirst.

However, the result of a lack of water in the body is health problems, the development of infections in the bladder, the deposition of salts in it, and the formation of stones. Kidney function and body water balance are impaired. The supply of fresh clean water required by a cat will depend on the type of food, ambient temperature, air humidity, and physical activity of the animal. When feeding with industrial dry food, it is imperative to observe the water regime. A cat needs on average an amount of water that is 2.5-3 times the amount of dry food eaten. The water should be changed at least once a day. It is a good idea to pour the cat with filtered or purchased bottled water.

Other factors

The life span of a pet also depends on a number of other factors. Among them:

  • absence of stressful situations - stress can cause many diseases that can shorten the life of a cat, it is important that the pet gets more pleasant impressions and is less nervous during its life, and when it shows signs of a stressful state, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate their causes (when it is unrealistic to do this, for example, to return to the previous place of residence after moving, you need not leave the pet alone, distract him: pick it up, talk to him affectionately, play with familiar toys, stroke);

    The cat is being held
    The cat is being held

    You can relieve your cat's stress by picking it up and stroking it.

  • activity - it is necessary for the pet to move more, and not only lie on the couch: physical activity prolongs the life of the animal; you need to come up with various games for the cat, provide toys for active entertainment, take long and regular walks in the open air;

    Cat walks on the fence
    Cat walks on the fence

    Walking will support the cat's active lifestyle

  • communication - it is necessary to isolate the pet from contact with rodents, stray animals that carry rabies and other dangerous diseases: acquired diseases affect the cat's life expectancy;
  • visiting a doctor - regularly, once every six months or a year, you need to deliver the cat to the veterinary clinic for a preventive examination and determine the health of the animal, identify possible diseases at an early stage of development, adjust the diet and conditions of the pet;

    Cat at the vet
    Cat at the vet

    Going to the vet once a year is essential to stay healthy

  • castration or sterilization of an animal at an early age (up to 2 years), if it is not planned to obtain offspring - the animal becomes calmer, obedient after the operation and lives 1.5-2 years longer;
  • timely vaccination of the animal against infectious diseases.

The owner of the cat, having calculated the age of his cat by human standards, will be able not only to learn how to handle the animal, but also to help him live a long time. Proper care, upbringing, health care should correspond to the age of the pet, its physical and mental state.
