What Questions Do Men Like To Be Asked
What Questions Do Men Like To Be Asked

10 questions to get any man talking

Man, woman, question
Man, woman, question

Good conversation is important to make a good impression on a man. It's actually not difficult, you just need to know what questions to ask. What can and should be asked, and what aspects are best left aside? We've collected the top 10 questions men love to hear.

What questions can you ask men

It doesn't matter who is in front of you - just a colleague, friend, or a man you like. These questions are universal and will help you not only build relationships with the person, but also get to know him better. Most likely, in the process of communication, you will change your opinion about the person. For better or worse, it depends on his answers.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

This question can be called preparatory: from it you will learn about a person's hobby, and then you will be able to develop this topic.

Do you play computer games, which ones do you prefer?

If women are often fond of needlework, then men are fond of games. Perhaps you will not know the plot of the game that your interlocutor likes, but you can understand what genre he likes and what he pays attention to during the game. It's also a great occasion to ask a man to talk about his favorite game and, perhaps, offer to show it to you.

A man playing games
A man playing games

If women are often fond of needlework, then men - games

What's your favorite movie and why?

This way you will not only show interest, but also get a lot of information. It will become clear what events you can go to with a person in the future. In the process of communication, a man will open up a little psychologically.

What bands do you listen to?

If a man is a music lover, then he can talk for hours about his preferences. If not, just go to the next question. Everyone listens to music, so you don't risk anything.

What country would you like to live in and why?

A detailed answer at the same time will help you understand what kind of person is in front of you. At a minimum, you can talk about the culture and life of this and other countries, about possible and already happened travels.

Male traveler
Male traveler

The question of travel will open up a huge scope for you to talk about.

What was your hobby as a teenager?

Surely the man attended circles or was doing something himself. Sports, for example. If the interlocutor has achievements in any area, he will certainly tell about it. Here you will have the opportunity to make an unobtrusive compliment.

What qualities in people do you pay attention to?

Remember those traits that a man will name first: they are priority, since they immediately came to mind. If the communication is informal and personal topics are acceptable, you can ask not about people in general, but about girls.

Are you fond of any sports?

This is one of the eternal themes. Even if now the man does not have time for this, for sure he once did it before. It is possible that the interlocutor is watching the professional scene: watching hockey, boxing, football, etc. on TV. If you, too, at least occasionally watch the matches, you can keep the conversation going.

Male athlete
Male athlete

Even if now the man does not have time for this, for sure he once practiced before

What kind of computer do you have, would you like to change something in it?

This question is only worth asking if you are computer savvy yourself. Often men are ready to talk about iron for hours.

Do you understand cars?

Also one of those topics that men love very much, but not very much - women. Here you will have to arm yourself in advance with at least general knowledge. It's even better to know some interesting facts or read about the history of the development of the automotive industry.

What questions should not be asked to men

The black list includes questions related to the intimate side of life. An unfamiliar man may misunderstand you and decide that you are easily accessible. If you have a business relationship with the other person, this is completely inappropriate. Don't discuss other men or gossip. Work is also not the best topic, because most often it does not arouse interest. You should definitely not ask about former women, especially at first meetings. This will alienate the person.

Anyone likes to be shown interest in a conversation. Men are no exception. Try to understand popular topics and maintain a conversation, occasionally make unobtrusive compliments, and there the conversation will most likely continue unnoticed.
