Autumn Equinox Day In - What Date (date And Exact Time)
Autumn Equinox Day In - What Date (date And Exact Time)

Autumn equinox in 2019: what to do on a mystical day


Holidays of the Wheel of the Year are the days when people celebrate the change of seasons, seasons. However, they do not coincide with the calendar we are used to. One of these holidays is the day of the autumnal equinox - the final farewell to summer.

What is the autumnal equinox

Scientifically speaking, the equinox is a phenomenon in which the center of the Sun in its apparent movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator. However, such a definition does not give us much. Let's formulate less precise, but more understandable: the equinox is a day when daylight is equal to night. This means that at the equinox the sun is above the horizon for exactly 12 hours (and the same number is hidden under it). This phenomenon happens twice a year - in autumn and spring.

The autumnal equinox is considered the astronomical beginning of autumn. Likewise, spring is the beginning of an astronomical spring, and the solstices indicate the beginning of an astronomical summer and winter.

Is the day equal to the night?

Not really. On the autumn equinox, the night is still slightly longer (by a few minutes). The reason for this is the refraction of light that occurs in the atmosphere. It makes the sun's rays "fade" a little earlier.

Equinox date

The vernal equinox always falls on the same day - March 20. But with the autumn, everything is somewhat more complicated. It can fall on September 22 or 23. This shift occurs due to the fact that each year the celestial equator shifts slightly relative to the ecliptic (and if you carefully read the scientific definition at the beginning of the article, then you know that the equinox itself depends on these positions). This phenomenon is called the anticipation of the equinoxes.

Earth precession
Earth precession

One of the main reasons for the anticipation of the equinoxes is the precession of the Earth, that is, a shift in the direction of its axis

The modern Gregorian calendar has already been adjusted so that the equinoxes do not "leave" up in dates. Everyone is familiar with this adjustment - it is a leap year. It, as you know, happens every four years. And therefore, the autumnal equinox falls on September 22 for two years, and then two - on September 23, and again.

In addition to the date of the equinox, astronomers also calculate the exact time of this phenomenon. It occurs at the second when the Sun crosses the celestial equator in motion along the ecliptic. In 2019, the autumnal equinox will occur on September 23 at 10:50 am Moscow time.

Traditions and rituals for the autumn equinox

Most peoples have created mystical and religious holidays based on astronomical phenomena. And among them the equinoxes were held in high esteem.

The autumnal equinox indicated that the summer was over. Autumn is coming, winter is not far off. Therefore, most ceremonies are in one way or another related to productivity - after all, it was on the success of agricultural work that depended on what winter would be - well-fed and calm or hungry and exhausting.

In Russia, the autumnal equinox was simply called the Osenins. With the advent of Christianity, the Nativity of the Virgin was also tied to this holiday. It was customary to set a rich table at Oseniny. It was believed that the more abundant the food, the more well-fed the winter will be. Weddings were in full swing - those who found a couple this spring got married and got married. And lonely boys and girls on this day were actively looking for their future spouse.

One of the mystical customs is the kindling of "pure" fire. All the candles and stoves in the houses were extinguished, and then they were kindled again. This is due to the fact that earlier the Slavs celebrated the onset of the new year precisely on the autumn equinox. People left the "old", "dirty" fire last year and kindled a new, "clean" one. Moreover, a new fire had to be kindled either by hitting a flint, or by rubbing a tree.


On the autumn equinox, it was customary to extinguish all the fire in the house and re-kindle it

In addition to the Slavs, many other peoples traditionally celebrate the New Year on the day of the autumnal equinox:

  • Iranians;
  • Afghans;
  • Tajiks;
  • Uzbeks;
  • Kyrgyz;
  • Baha'i;
  • Azerbaijanis;
  • Kazakhs.

In modern neo-paganism, the autumnal equinox is called Mabon. On this day, followers of Wicca and other neo-pagan cults sum up the year, honor the dead women of the family and arrange feasts, like the ancient Slavs. On the table are laid out dishes presented in the summer - cereals, fruits and vegetables. It is also customary to go to the forest for fallen leaves. They are used for home decoration or in magical rites.

The autumnal equinox is not only an interesting astronomical phenomenon, but also a bright mystical holiday. Most of the peoples of the world have traditions that are somehow connected with it.
