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Why You Can't Say "bon Appetit"
Why You Can't Say "bon Appetit"

Video: Why You Can't Say "bon Appetit"

Video: Why You Can't Say

Saying "bon appetit": politeness or bad form?

Set table
Set table

The expression "bon appetit" is often heard before a meal. But is it appropriate? Let's try to understand all the intricacies of table etiquette.

Superstitions about appetite

Among some particularly superstitious people, there is an opinion that the phrase "bon appetite" will definitely lead to indigestion, tasteless food, food allergies and other "joys". Where did this superstition come from? It's hard to say - there are no serious prerequisites for the appearance of such a sign. However, the most plausible version assumes that the superstitious prohibition arose from the desire in each phrase to find the second bottom and to hear hidden gloating. Of course, if a person who is hostile to you said through his teeth: "Bon appetit!", Then most likely he wants you to choke on your meal. But what does this have to do with friendly wishes? Absolutely none.

Rules of etiquette

The etiquette situation is much more interesting. The wish of bon appetit came to Russia from France, from where the Russians adopted the rules of etiquette for many decades.

But not in all cases, the wish for a bon appetite is considered decent and appropriate. If the company gathered at the table primarily for the sake of communication, then the phrase is usually omitted. Instead, you can say to the owner or hostess: "Help yourself", or "Please go to the table." In this case, the ban is explained by the fact that it is not necessary in such a situation to focus on food. You should not wish for a bon appetite at official receptions, at holidays, at business meetings - all this can be regarded as a violation of etiquette (although not rude). However, at home or at an ordinary family dinner, there is nothing reprehensible in wishing fellow diners a bon appetite.

Covered reception table
Covered reception table

At official receptions, it is better not to wish other participants a bon appetit

With the phrase "bon appetit" no serious superstitions are associated with a rich background. But with etiquette, everything is much more complicated.
