7 Activities Every Animal Lover Should Give Up
7 Activities Every Animal Lover Should Give Up

7 activities every animal lover should give up

The circus
The circus

If you ask a question about love for animals, then almost every person will answer "Yes, I love our smaller brothers!" However, such love should not be limited to just caring for your beloved cat or careful maintenance of your home aquarium. All animals deserve a respectful and careful attitude on the part of humans, but there are many entertainments where, instead of respect, representatives of the fauna receive suffering and torment.


  • 1 Fun with animals, which is better to refuse

    • 1.1 Circus with animals
    • 1.2 Aquariums, dolphinariums and their varieties
    • 1.3 Zoos
    • 1.4 Elephant trekking
    • 1.5 Horse riding
    • 1.6 Hunting and fishing
    • 1.7 Contact zoos

Entertainment with animals, which are better off

In your quest to get to know animals better and communicate with them, you should think about how environmentally friendly and safe way has been chosen not only for humans, but also for the second participant in this process.

Circus with animals

Watching animals in the circus, did you think that the actions that they perform there on the orders of the trainer are unusual for them? In nature, no wild animal, be it a tiger or a monkey, will dance, jump through burning hoops or get on a bicycle. But at the same time, they perform such tasks in the circus, which means that such actions are performed exclusively under the pressure of knowledge about what will happen if they refuse.

Tigers in their natural environment are afraid of fire, but for some reason this does not stop people and they still force them to show tricks associated with this element. Forced actions of animals in circuses are explained by their oppressed will: they live in cramped cages, which is unnatural for wild animals, they constantly move, attend rehearsals, where they are trained by the threat of physical pressure. As a result, the life of circus pets becomes a real nightmare, they are quickly depleted, and their psyche is destroyed.

Tiger jumping over ring of fire
Tiger jumping over ring of fire

No tiger will jump over a ring of fire for fun.

In a number of countries today there is already a ban on circus performances with animals, for example, in Austria, Norway, Ireland, Scotland, Slovakia, Serbia, etc. And this does not mean at all that there are no more circuses in these states, on the contrary, this area entertainment can develop perfectly on the basis of circus performers (athletes, clowns, gymnasts, fire tamers, etc.), while remaining no less spectacular and in demand without animals.

Aquariums, dolphinariums and their varieties

The brain of a representative of the dolphin family in relation to the size of the body is very large, it has more convolutions than in a human, and the behavior directly indicates a high degree of mental development. In nature, both whales and dolphins are very sociable, they live and hunt in flocks, swimming huge distances in open water during the day. In aquariums where they are kept for the entertainment of the public, they live in locked aquariums, deprived of communication and the ability to move a lot. It is not surprising that the lack of active physical activity, typical for such animals, leads to atrophy of their muscles.


In dolphinariums and aquariums, marine animals are deprived of the opportunity to move freely

In a number of countries, this type of entertainment was recognized as cruel (Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Ireland, Austria, Hungary, Cyprus, etc.), and it was completely abandoned at the legislative level. An excellent alternative would be to observe marine life in their natural environment, through boat tours and scuba diving sessions.


Zoos, in which animals are in cages and confined enclosures, can only be viewed from the guest's point of view as a way to observe wildlife up close, and for the inhabitants of such establishments themselves, this is sheer torment. Even if animals are carefully looked after, they are torn out of their natural environment and restricted in movement, which negatively affects both their psyche and physical condition. And what about institutions that have limited funding and are not able to provide their pets even the minimum conditions - such zoos are more like horror parks.

Nature reserves and the so-called "zoos in nature", where there are no enclosures and cages, are the natural habitat of specific animals, within which people follow them, provide assistance if necessary, and study without harm to the fauna.

Fox in the zoo
Fox in the zoo

In closed zoos, animals are kept in a limited area

Elephant trekking

Elephant riding is in great demand in hot tourist countries. These majestic and large animals take your breath away with their mere sight, and the temptation to climb from above and ride a giant is too great. But it should be understood that elephants are not mounts, and therefore should not be used in this way.

Elephant trekking
Elephant trekking

Elephant trekking is entertainment for tourists, behind which there is a long process of physical and mental pressure on the animal

In Thailand, there is a ceremony called "Fajan", which translates as "taming the spirit of the elephant." To subjugate a wild animal to man, small elephants are intensely subjected to physical violence in order to suppress their will. Cruel treatment also makes proud giants an obedient vehicle on which people make money. Better to give up this kind of entertainment and watch the majestic elephants in their natural habitat.

Horseback riding

Horses are a real source of positive for humans, close contact with such an animal has a positive effect not only on the current mood, but also on the human psyche as a whole. Horseback riding, based on mutual trust and respect between humans and animals, is a pleasant process for both participants. But there is also an extreme manifestation of communication with a horse - trips and races for a commercial purpose.

People who make money on horseback riding, especially in resort towns, rarely take proper care of the animal. Treating the horse as a source of profit, they forget to take into account the desires and needs of the four-legged "business partner", making his life hard and filled with moral violence. But the most traumatic and dangerous activity for horses is still racing - a high-speed sport where animals often suffer joint injuries, break limbs, and lose a healthy psyche. At least the part of the mouthpiece that goes into the horse's mouth, due to the excitement and strong pressure from the rider, by the end of the race simply tears the sensitive skin of the lips.

Horse racing
Horse racing

Horse racing is the most traumatic and difficult sport for horses

To communicate with horses, it is better not to go to city squares, but to go to rehabilitation centers, nurseries and farms, where you can contact with animals that do not undergo either physical or moral violence for this.

Hunting and fishing

Sports hunting and fishing are often justified by the predatory nature of man, his sports interest and the need to confirm the title of the crown of evolution. But, whatever one may say, the use of weapons or any devices that can kill or harm an animal is cruelty, especially if it is done for the sake of competition or purely for fun. A conscious cruel attitude towards the outside world should not be imposed as a norm, in the modern world you can find a lot of alternatives where you can really realize your desire to shoot (for example, a shooting range), and you can enjoy victory in any other sport.

Moose hunting
Moose hunting

Hunting for fun is a deliberate cruelty directed at animals

Contact zoos

Contact zoos are often positioned as an opportunity for children to touch the animal world and get to know nature better. But in fact, most of these establishments are not even full-fledged zoos, they are small premises in shopping centers, where living creatures are in a confined space all day long without even being able to get into the fresh air and bask in the sun.

It is worth thinking about how an animal feels when it is picked up and stroked hundreds of times a day. He does not have the opportunity to fully relax at will, to hide in order to restore his sense of security. The result is constant stress and exhaustion. It is wiser and more environmentally friendly to acquaint a child with nature where animals are in their natural environment, for example, to go to a farm. And adults can also make their contact with the animal world useful by going as a volunteer to a shelter or zoo center.

Rabbits in the petting zoo
Rabbits in the petting zoo

In a petting zoo, animals do not have the opportunity to retire, which is why they are always under stress.

Many animals cannot fully defend themselves and resist human violence. Zoos, dolphinariums, a circus, the use and killing of animals for fun are all forms of deliberate cruelty, to which all those who support such events give their consent. There will be no less entertainment if living beings cease to suffer for them, but it is better to contact the animal world in comfortable, natural living conditions for it.
