Cat Colors That Bring Happiness And Good Luck
Cat Colors That Bring Happiness And Good Luck

What color should a cat be for happiness to settle in the house (according to signs)


Any cat living in the house harmonizes the atmosphere and protects its owners from negative energy intrusions, diseases and misfortunes. Depending on the color of the animal, there are different signs that explain what exactly this or that animal is valuable.

White cat


Pure white is rare for a cat. If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a snow-white cat, you will be enveloped in harmony and purity for a long time. Everything will be easy: education, work, self-development and relationships. As if you will find yourself in the area of luck, where there are no obstacles to any of your endeavors.

Black cat


Despite the medieval prejudices and obscurantism that persecutes black cats, they are very comfortable and pleasant animals. It's time to forget that a black cat running across the road promises trouble. Just count how many times a day he crosses the path of his master. Meanwhile, it has been noticed that families who have adopted black cats are successful in business and financially successful. For people whose profession is associated with the sea, the charcoal black cats are especially valuable. Sailors willingly take black cats on board as a talisman against troubles.

Gray cat


An inconspicuous gray cat protects from damage and the evil eye, knows how to resist dark magic. If a purr in a gray fur coat has got into the habit of sleeping on your head, then it harmonizes your thoughts and protects your mental health, if it sits down on your knees, it protects you from the evil eye and from unkind guests.

Ginger cat


The red cat color is considered the most positive and attracts happiness to the owners in all its manifestations. With such a pet, you will not experience financial problems, love and mutual understanding will reign in your family. Due to its talents in attracting wealth, the ginger cat is a traditional favorite of entrepreneurs and financiers.

Tricolor cat


A very good omen is to shelter a tricolor kitten. He will provide you with complete well-being. Love, money and health will become your constant companions. In addition, the variegated cat has a specialt to command the elements of fire and protect the house from fire.

Bicolor cat


The talent of a two-tone cat is doubling the happiness of its owner. With such a pet, all the positive that comes to your family is automatically doubled. Red & white cats balance the owners, harmonize family relationships. They need to be ironed more often. Tactile contact helps through the cat to establish a connection with the entire universe and absorb what you need at the moment. Black and white cats are especially powerful, symbolizing the interpenetration and balance of opposite energies - yin and yang.
