What Are The Signs Associated With Women's Hair
What Are The Signs Associated With Women's Hair

7 very interesting signs about women's hair that you might not know


In Russia, girls were taught to properly care for their curls. It was believed that health, procreation and the well-being of the family depend on this. Take note of 7 superstitions associated with women's hair.

About combing in the evening

It was highly discouraged to comb the curls in the dark, because with the onset of dusk, all evil spirits come out of hiding places, trapping people on the street or penetrating into their homes. In women's hair, vitality accumulates, which dark spirits seek to profit from.

The ancestors forbade their daughters to comb their curls after sunset and even go to the mirror, as this can be fraught with various troubles. When a girl combes her hair in front of her reflection in the twilight, evil spirits can steal her beauty.

About self-haircut

In Russia, they were very negative about cutting hair with their own hands, believing that this could lead to a deterioration in the quality of life. The deprivation of curls or braids interrupted the connection with the energy storage units, which brought on a lot of trouble for the owner, negatively affecting various areas of life.

Neglecting this warning, you can cut your destiny, lose your karmic protection, change your biofield.

About choosing a hairdresser

It is believed that the hairdresser should be of the same gender as the client. If a woman goes to the master, then a female person should also be a specialist, because otherwise the biofields of people of different genders may conflict during the cutting process.

The best option would also be the same age of the client and the master.

Throwing out hair

The hairs that fell out during combing demanded special treatment. Throwing them away was strictly forbidden, because once in the hands of evil people, witches or sorcerers, they could well be used against their owner.

If the hair flies in the wind, it is believed that the girl will have a headache. The hairs were carefully collected, after which they were burned or put on water. Nowadays, it is allowed to throw out your hair, but you must first wrap it in paper.

About a haircut for pregnant women

Due to the fact that hair has amazing strength, it is considered a talisman for the mother and unborn child. If a pregnant woman cuts her hair, this can lead to dire consequences.

The mother's negligence can lead to premature birth, the appearance of developmental abnormalities, birthmarks of various shapes and sizes, a change in the baby's sex, or even his intrauterine death. To avoid such consequences, the mother should not cut her hair.

About a comb for two

You should not let other people use your comb, because this can deprive the hostess of energy. If a stranger takes a hair from her and takes it to the witch, damage may well be directed at the owner of the item.

When a person dies, traditionally the comb is burned in the fire. Otherwise, another person may accidentally use it, who will follow after the deceased.

About loose hair

The easiest way for evil spirits to stick to a person is when his hair is loose, so young girls were forbidden to do this in hospitals or in a cemetery, as well as in crowded places. The clinging evil spirits were quite capable, being in curls, to draw out all vital forces from a person.

In addition, there is a negative energy of pain, despair and grief in the cemetery and in the hospital. Loose curls are easily able to absorb it, which could adversely affect the life of the owner.
