How Easy It Is To Hammer In A Nail
How Easy It Is To Hammer In A Nail

Hammering nails through a comb: an easy way to avoid hitting your fingers with a hammer


Even ordinary work such as hammering nails causes problems for inexperienced carpenters. Some do not delve into all the intricacies of the work, they forcefully pound the fastener with a hammer, hitting their hands. However, there is a safety precaution that minimizes the likelihood of injury. Everyone should know a few tricks to help keep their fingers on track.

I always hold the hammer by the edge of the handle. In this position, it is easy to direct the movement of the hammer. I hammer in the nail with light movements so that it does not bend and fly off to the side. It cannot be supported by hands.

If you doubt your accuracy and are still afraid of injuring your hands, remember a few tips that I will tell you about. Special devices for hammering in nails are expensive, we will use ordinary household items.

You can easily hammer in a nail with a plastic or wooden comb. To do this, I clamp it between the teeth and apply it to the wall surface together with the comb. The fastener is securely held, and I drive it in easily, but not completely, so that the comb does not crack from impacts.

In addition to the comb, you can use pliers to drive nails. Any man has them in his toolbox. With this assistant, you will definitely not slap your fingers. I grip the nail firmly with the pliers, otherwise it might slip out. The fastener will not bend on impact if you hold it near the head.

A third way to easily hammer in a nail is by using a clothespin. For this, I choose the most durable, preferably wooden. I clamp a nail with it and apply it to the place where you want to nail it. At the same time, my hands are protected, as they are away from the hammer blow. I hit the nail lightly, otherwise it will pop out.
