Safety Precautions When Walking Dogs During A Pandemic
Safety Precautions When Walking Dogs During A Pandemic

3 safety rules to follow when walking your dog during an epidemic


COVID-19 has changed the world beyond recognition, news is disorienting and frightening. Now the main task is not to panic, observe the rules of the self-isolation regime and take a responsible approach to the issue of prevention. This is especially true for those who have pets that need daily walking.

Keep your distance

The first thing to note is that dogs are not carriers of the coronavirus and cannot infect humans. But they, like us, are in contact with the environment, which can be dangerous. Therefore, before you go out with your pet, read a few simple rules that can protect you and your loved ones from infection.

You should go for a walk with your dog at a time when there are fewer people on the street - for example, early in the morning or late in the evening. Before leaving, it is worth looking out the window and assessing the situation, since the self-isolation mode prescribes to walk pets no further than 100 meters from the house.

If you meet a person, then keep a safe distance from him - at least 1.5-2 meters. The same applies to the dog - keep it away from passers-by and other animals.

Elderly people are now highly discouraged from going out. It is worth entrusting the walk of your four-legged friend to younger relatives or asking for help from volunteers. If you chose the second option, then you need to put on the dog a special sign to show that the pet and the handler do not know each other.

Avoid communication

When walking, do not allow people to touch, pet or feed your dog. It doesn't matter if it's a stranger or your relative. The animal may have dirt along with a dangerous virus, therefore, while on the street, try to touch your pet yourself as little as possible. Walk the dog on a leash and do not let it go far away from you.

For more confidence it is worth getting a set of dog clothes that will reduce the contact of the coat with the external environment. For these purposes, a rainsuit and boots for animals are ideal - they can be found in any pet store.

It is imperative that the dog be muzzled so that it cannot pick up anything from the ground. The owner also needs to have a street outfit that should be removed immediately upon entering the house.

Hygiene rules

After a walk, it is important to protect your home from the penetration of the virus. Coming home is a very crucial moment.

First you need to remove the protective overalls and boots from the dog right on the doorstep and immediately put them in a tightly closed bag to wash later. Next, you should sprinkle the paws with a special antiseptic, the same should be done with the outerwear in which you walked your pet (boots, jacket and trousers). Then these things can be removed and put into the closet in the hallway. It is not recommended to bring streetwear to other rooms.

Now you need to wash the dog's paws, giving each one at least 30 seconds. If the animal likes to ride or lie on the ground, then it is worth bathing it completely after a walk. To help keep your paw pads dry after washing, use a protective wax or baby moisturizer. When you're done with your dog, wash your hands thoroughly and spray them with antiseptic.

Self-isolation will not last forever, but it is now vital to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Follow these simple guidelines to minimize exposure to hazards while walking your pet.
