Why You Can't Use Mat In Your Speech
Why You Can't Use Mat In Your Speech

Why you can't use foul language: the attitude of the church and the history of the appearance of swearing words


“By your words you will be justified, by your words you will be condemned,” the Bible strictly says. “The word is not a sparrow, if it flies out, you won't catch it,” people say. During the Soviet period, obscene language rarely sounded even from the lips of the working class, but nowadays this phenomenon is widespread and has become almost the norm. If you carefully study the phenomenon of swearing, you can learn a lot of interesting things and think about your own behavior.

How obscene language originated

All obscene expressions are directly related to the most secret part of being - intimate life and the organs responsible for childbirth. The priests of the ancient pagan tribes tried to penetrate through this loophole into the human soul and with the help of special words that our contemporaries use thoughtlessly, they called demons of all stripes from the underworld.

Swearing tirades were used as spells or directly were the names of representatives of evil spirits, and only a select few had the right to pronounce them.

The attitude of the church to swear words

The Church is the place where every person tries to get rid of sins, strives for true repentance and sincere prayer. Bad language is something that a Christian must get rid of, and the reason is much more complex than it might seem from the outside. The saints and ascetics wrote a lot about the dangers of cursing, calling them a prayer to Satan.

They say that people endowed with spiritual sight saw how everything around the blasphemer burned around him as soon as he allowed to utter terrible expressions. This removes from the Lord, the Mother of God removes the veil, the Guardian Angel turns away. It becomes more and more difficult to ask for help from the Higher Forces.

Other reasons


Speech should flow like a stream, be euphonic and literate. Abusive vocabulary disfigures the Russian language. In no case should parents set a bad example for children, otherwise, from a young age, the next generation will be poisoned with this verbal harm.

Researchers conducted experiments: obscenities were pronounced over a vessel filled with life-giving moisture, and it literally turned into dead water.

Wheat germinated in it much worse than in ordinary water. A scientist from Japan Masaru Emoto noticed that crystals of water, usually having an ideal shape, under the influence of abuse, acquired a chaotic structure.

Considering the fact that our body is 70% water, and our brain is 90%, it is easy to imagine what kind of invisible torment the body experiences. Spiritual corruption, a bad example for children, colossal harm to health and a mystical connection with the world of evil spirits - all this should convince people who use foul language in their speech to give up this addiction forever.
