These 5 Habits Cause Constant Clutter In Your Apartment
These 5 Habits Cause Constant Clutter In Your Apartment

5 harmless habits that lead to constant clutter in the apartment


In everyday life, a person does not notice the automatically performed actions. Meanwhile, the surrounding space is gradually turning into chaos, causing at least surprise. The fact is that some of our habits are the cause of the disorder in our home.

Do not put outer clothing in the closet

Often, for outerwear, a hanger is nailed to the wall of the hallway or a rack is placed in the corner at the front door. It would seem convenient: the right thing is always at hand. But the weather outside is changing, and jackets, coats and fur coats are piling up. As a result, even with regular cleaning, the hallway looks untidy.

The hallway will immediately visually unload and increase. Well, leave the hanger for the guests' outerwear.

Store household appliances on the kitchen table

The clutter of household appliances on a kitchen or cutting table creates a sense of clutter and visually reduces the size of the room. Devices placed in a row also interfere during operation. But cooking does not need all the equipment at once.

Remove all unnecessary equipment, leaving only the most needed. If necessary, an additional device can always be taken from the shelf.

Leave your shoes on the floor at the entrance


Many are accustomed to leaving their shoes on the floor near the front door when entering an apartment. Here are just a pile of adult and children's shoes, boots and sneakers littering the hallway. Gradually, a complete mess forms on the floor.

And put unnecessary and demi-season in boxes and put them in a wardrobe or bedside tables.

Dry the dishes on the table

It is not uncommon for the washed dishes to be dried on a rug or towel spread not far from the sink. Then there is no time or desire to put away the plates and glasses, but the pile of utensils continues to grow. Upon entering the kitchen, an untidy corner with dishes near the sink immediately catches your eye.

Alternatively, you can put a wire shelf in the cabinet. Place wet dishes in the designated area immediately after washing.

Store old slippers for guests

In many families it is customary to give out slippers to guests. Unfortunately, you can't stock up on new slippers for everyone, so old worn ones are often not thrown away. Shabby shoes are stored in the hallway, which does not add gloss and charm to the room. Plus, old slippers are a breeding ground for germs.

Fold the slippers in a plastic bag and store them in a suitable closet or nightstand.
