All About Nevsky Potatoes - Variety Description, Planting, Care And Other Aspects + Photo
All About Nevsky Potatoes - Variety Description, Planting, Care And Other Aspects + Photo

Potatoes Nevsky: reliable and time-tested

Potatoes Nevsky
Potatoes Nevsky

There are potato varieties that have long been tested by time and have earned the trust of gardeners. But, unfortunately, they were undeservedly forgotten. Nevsky is an old-timer of Russian sites. Having grown it once, you will return to the variety again and again.


  • 1 The history of the potato variety Nevsky
  • 2 Description of potatoes Nevsky

    • 2.1 Productivity and ripening time
    • 2.2 Appearance
    • 2.3 Table: advantages and disadvantages of Nevsky potatoes
  • 3 Planting and care

    • 3.1 Site selection, soil preparation and planting material
    • 3.2 Video: sprouting potatoes before planting
    • 3.3 Table: Nursing during growth and development
    • 3.4 Video: caring for planted potatoes
  • 4 Diseases and pests of potatoes Nevsky

    • 4.1 Table: dangerous diseases and pests
    • 4.2 Photo gallery: dangerous diseases and pests of the Nevsky potato
  • 5 Harvesting and storage
  • 6 Reviews of gardeners

The history of the potato variety Nevsky

This potato variety was bred in 1976 at the Research Institute of Agriculture of the North-West region. The varieties Veselovskaya and Candidate were crossed. The result was an excellent potato, which was named Nevsky and entered the State Register in 1982. Due to its adaptability to different growing regions, Nevsky quickly became popular, first in agricultural lands, and then in personal household plots. Nowadays, this potato has been undeservedly forgotten, giving preference to overseas varieties, which can not grow in all regions.

Description of potatoes Nevsky

Productivity and ripening time

Nevsky potatoes are more likely to be a medium-late table variety. It takes almost three months from germination to harvest. Although you can try young potatoes already at the end of July, when the bushes begin to fade, provided that it is planted no later than the third decade of May.

This variety has a high yield, which is about 450 kg from one hundred square meters or one and a half kilograms from a bush (about 10 medium tubers), subject to agricultural technology and recommendations for combating and preventing diseases and pests.

Potatoes Nevsky
Potatoes Nevsky

Nevsky potatoes have surprisingly even tubers


Variety Nevsky is an erect, undersized bush with rather spreading, powerful branches, on which wide dark green leaves are located. Potatoes bloom with medium-sized white flowers, the root system is powerful.

Tubers of Nevsky in weight can reach 120 grams, oval-rounded, the surface is even, there are many pink eyes, but they are completely shallow. The skin is smooth, perfectly cleaned, the pulp is dense, non-watery, snow-white. The starch content is about 15%. After cleaning, tubers retain their original appearance, do not darken, and do not lose their excellent taste during heat treatment.

Nevsky potatoes are widely used in the preparation of various dishes - ideal for soups and salads. This variety is not very suitable for mashed potatoes: it does not boil well.

Variety Nevsky in the garden
Variety Nevsky in the garden

The Nevsky variety in the garden is undersized, compact bushes with white flowers

Table: advantages and disadvantages of Nevsky potatoes

pros Minuses
High yielding Not resistant to potato nematode and late blight
Disease resistant Not suitable for mashing
High storage rates Sprawling bushes make weeding and hilling difficult
Drought resistant
Zoned across all regions
Resistant to mechanical damage

Planting and leaving

Site selection, soil preparation and planting material

When choosing a site for planting potatoes, it should be borne in mind that it is undesirable to place the root crop on the ground in which tomatoes and peppers grew for at least the next two years. It is good to plant potatoes in an area that has been visited by cereals or legumes. So the soil "rests": it gets rid of harmful substances and is saturated with useful elements for subsequent good harvests. Another important point: you cannot plant potatoes in areas shaded by trees and buildings, otherwise you can not expect a good harvest.

And also Nevsky prefers sandy and loamy soils. If there is no such place on the site, then it is necessary to apply river sand and organic fertilizers of 8 kg for clay soils.

As soon as you decide on the planting site, you need to prepare the soil, preferably in the fall. First, fertilizers are laid out: 8 kg of cow manure and compost per 1 m 2, superphosphate is scattered. Then shovels are dug onto a bayonet and left until spring.

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts and the soil warms up, and the average daily temperature will not be lower than 12 ° C, three days before planting the potatoes, it is necessary to dig up the soil onto the bayonet of a shovel, adding superphosphate for digging (one handful per 1 m 2).

The tubers begin to cook about three weeks before planting. Seed potatoes should be about the size of a hen's egg (weight approx. 80–90 g). It is advisable not to deviate from the recommended sizes: you should not expect a rich harvest from too small tubers, and very large ones can rot in the soil without giving offspring.

Seed potatoes
Seed potatoes

Seed potatoes should be flat, clean, about the size of a chicken egg

The seeds are examined for damage and diseases, then, for prevention, they are washed in a solution of potassium permanganate (about 10 crystals per 1 liter of water), laid out on a flat, dry place, dried, then placed in boxes, possibly in two layers, and placed in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Soon the tubers will turn green, and sprouts will appear from the eyes, which should not be longer than 10 cm before planting, otherwise they can be accidentally broken off, which will affect the seedlings.

Potato sprouts
Potato sprouts

Potato sprouts should be protected from mechanical and other damage.

Video: sprouting potatoes before planting

The tubers are planted at a distance of half a meter from each other so that the roots develop freely in the ground, and the bushes do not create a strong thickening for good ventilation and the prevention of fungal diseases. The depth of the fossa should be about 15 cm, the sprouts must look up when planting, the tuber is sprinkled with earth on top so that the shoots are not visible, but does not thicken from above. After planting, the ridges need to be hardened with a rake, breaking earth clods and loosening the soil.

Planting potatoes
Planting potatoes

Potatoes are planted at a temperature of + 12 ° C

Table: Care During Growth and Development

Period Hilling Watering Top dressing
Shoots 15 cm long The first hilling is carried out, loosening and making a mound around the bush. Do not allow the earth to fall on the leaves and in the sinuses. Watering should be carried out every other day in hot weather and no precipitation, in cloudy weather you can water a little less often. The main condition is to prevent the appearance of a dry crust on the soil. Before flowering. Half a liter of diluted manure + 10 g of urea per bucket of water (10 l)
Three weeks after the first hilling It is carried out for the purpose of loosening and weeding the soil, improving air circulation, preventing diseases, for example, stem rot. During the period of bud formation. For 10 liters of water, a glass of ash and 10 g of potassium sulfate.
In active flowering. For 10 liters of water, 20 g of superphosphate and half a liter of diluted manure or bird droppings.

Video: caring for planted potatoes

Diseases and pests of potatoes Nevsky

Table: dangerous diseases and pests

Disease or


Short description What hurts Prevention Fight
Late blight Shoots and leaves turn black and die. Everything happens very quickly. Tubers may darken after harvest. Leaves, stems, tubers
  1. Timely weeding.
  2. When the temperature drops, water only during the daytime with well-warmed air.
  3. Avoid thickening on the ridges.
  4. 1 tablet of Trichopolum in 10 liters of water, spray twice a month.
Not treated
Root rot The stems rot at the base Mostly stems
  1. Loosening.
  2. Avoid waterlogging.
  3. Timely weeding.
Not treated
Medvedka Large burrowing insect about 7 cm long, brown in color. Tubers
  1. During the spring digging, scatter eggshells about 1 cm across the ridges. Sharp edges will hurt the insect.
  2. Manure is spread in mounds on the ridges. Noticing the presence of a bear in them, the piles are burned.
With the massive distribution of the bear on the site - the drug Medvetox by instruction.
Nematode They are round, microscopic worms. They parasitize on the roots, forming galls on them. The plant stops growing, the leaves curl.
  1. Loosening the soil for better air ventilation.
  2. Avoid waterlogging.
Phosphamide according to the instructions.
Wireworm Tough, thin worm 3 cm long, yellow-brown in color. This is the larva of the click beetle. Damages tubers.
  1. Weed ridges in a timely manner.
  2. To rid the area of wheatgrass, which the wireworm loves.
  3. Dig up the soil in the fall, just before the frost.
  4. Reduce the acidity of the soil and help lime: scatter over the site for autumn digging.
Bazudin, Aktara, Force according to the instructions.
Harvest mouse This is a small rodent. Her burrows are deep in the soil. She gnaws at roots.
  1. When digging, pay attention to mouse holes, destroy them.
  2. Lure hedgehogs to the site, spread delicious food on the garden, pour milk into a container.
  1. Ultrasonic scarers. But they are not always effective.
  2. Pesticide. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions. For all living, they are just as dangerous.
Colorado beetle The insect is about a centimeter in size. The difference is the wings with a longitudinal strip. The larvae are brick-colored. Its larvae can quickly gnaw a potato bush, depriving it of the opportunity for further development. Inspect potato ridges daily for beetles, eggs and larvae.
  1. Manual collection and further destruction.
  2. Preparations Corado, Confidor

Photo gallery: dangerous diseases and pests of the Nevsky potato

Colorado beetle
Colorado beetle
Colorado potato beetle larvae are very voracious
Medvedka reproduces well in manure and compost heaps
Harvest mouse
Harvest mouse
The field mouse is a dangerous pest that destroys crops at great speed
The nematoda forms galls on the roots, disrupting the natural process of development
Root rot
Root rot
Root rot cannot be cured, but it can be prevented
Wireworm loves acidic soils
Late blight
Late blight
Late blight spreads on the plant with lightning speed

Harvesting and storage

Under normal growing conditions and the absence of diseases, the wilting of the ground part of the Nevsky potato occurs at the end of August. This means only one thing: it's time to harvest. The potatoes are dug out with a shovel. The tool is inserted into the ground with a bayonet and at a distance of at least 20 cm from the bush: if you dig too close, you can spoil half of the tubers.

The dug out potatoes, provided there is no precipitation, are laid out on a flat surface and dried, only after that they are removed into boxes, and then into bags. If there is a threat that it will rain, then the tubers are laid out in boxes in one layer and removed in a well-ventilated room.

Drying potatoes
Drying potatoes

Drying potatoes is mandatory before storing them permanently.

Potatoes are stored in ventilated cellars and cellars at a temperature of about +8 ° C and at least once a month they sort it out, rejecting infected tubers.

Nevsky is notable for its good keeping quality and transportability, does not germinate for a long time and retains all its taste.


Proper storage of potatoes ensures good shelf life

Reviews of ogrodniks

Potatoes Nevsky are absolutely not whimsical and gives excellent yields in any area suitable for farming. To do this, you just need to follow the general recommendations for care, and also know potato enemies by sight.