Which Epilator Is Better For Home Use - Laser And Other Types, For The Face And Bikini Area, Options For Sensitive Skin, Basic Parameters And User Reviews
Which Epilator Is Better For Home Use - Laser And Other Types, For The Face And Bikini Area, Options For Sensitive Skin, Basic Parameters And User Reviews

Which epilator is better to choose so as not to lose


With tweezers or a razor, you will only get rid of hair for a short time, and after shaving it will grow even more intensively. Therefore, they came up with epilation, which literally means artificial hair removal using various means. There is also an effect on the hair follicles, which slows down growth for almost a month. There are many different ways to do this, including using special devices. To choose a good epilator, you need to know what criteria should be used to consider them.


  • 1 What is an epilator for?
  • 2 Types: laser, electric and others
  • 3 How to choose the best one for hair removal at home
  • 4 Which manufacturers are considered popular

    • 4.1 Photo: epilators from major manufacturers
    • 4.2 Table: price run for branded epilators
  • 5 How to care for your epilator after use
  • 6 User Reviews

    6.1 Which female epilator is better to choose: video from "Test purchase"

What is an epilator for?

An epilator is an electrical device that removes hair by grabbing and pulling it out by the roots. Or by acting on the bulb with light pulses. Hair does not appear for a long time: 3-4 weeks.

Types: laser, electric and others

According to the method of action on the hairline, the following types of epilators are distinguished:

  • electric epilator. Hair is pulled out by the moving parts of the device. This method is similar to plucking with tweezers. But much faster and more convenient. You don’t need to search for and pick up every hair. Just move the tool over the area of the skin, and it does its job. The main disadvantage is the painfulness of the procedure;
  • laser. Influences the hair with a laser beam. This method is not suitable for dark skin, very light hair, and has many medical contraindications. And the working area of the device must be placed strictly above each hair. A long but painless process. Laser epilators are more expensive than electric ones;

    How the laser epilator works
    How the laser epilator works

    The laser acts on individual hairs, heating them to the very bulb

  • photoepilator. Acts with intense light flashes. It can cover several hairs at once, which speeds up the procedure and makes it easier to work in hard-to-reach places. The procedure is painless and fast. Like laser, not suitable for very dark skin and light hair.

    Photoepilator in action
    Photoepilator in action

    The photoepilator can cover several hairs at once, which speeds up the procedure and makes it easier to work in hard-to-reach places

Electric epilators differ in their design:

  • spring. The very first appeared on sale. A spring is built into the head of the device, which vibrates and, when bent, pulls out the hairs. The disadvantage is the rapid wear of the working element;

    Spring epilator
    Spring epilator

    Spring epilator removes hair with a vibrating spring

  • disk. A rotating mechanism is used here. It consists of a group of discs that move in and out, grabbing and pulling hair;

    Disc epilator
    Disc epilator

    The disc epilator contains a rotating drum with moving discs

  • tweezers. Similar to disc, but more advanced version. Tweezers are used here.

    Tweezers Epilator
    Tweezers Epilator

    The tweezers epilator is similar to the disc epilator, but removes hair with tweezers

How to choose the best one for hair removal at home

To attract buyers, epilator manufacturers provide their devices with various functionalities. Inexperienced users do not know the basic requirements for these devices and choose them according to a simple principle: the more complex the epilator, the better and more reliable it is. But this is a big mistake. The number of functions affects the cost, and many of them may not be needed. What are the parameters for choosing the right epilator? Consider them:

  • operating principle. Disc and tweezer epilators are suitable for any color of skin and hair, as well as for different parts of the body. But their main drawback is pain. After all, the hairs will be pulled out from the root. Laser and photoepilators are almost painless. But they have a number of medical contraindications. And the cheapest of them costs 8 thousand rubles;
  • impact area. It can be not only legs, but also arms, face, bikini, armpits, belly. Impulse devices will cope with any part of the body, and disc and tweezers must have a head of the appropriate shape and size. Therefore, check with the seller if this model is right for you. Or carefully examine the shape of the head;
  • skin sensitivity. If you are allergic to light flux, then take an electric epilator. And people with a low pain threshold should take a closer look at devices with an analgesic effect;
  • methods of pain relief. It can be:

    • cooling with helium;
    • blowing cold air from the unit built into the epilator body;
    • vibration massage. Relaxes the skin, reducing pain;
    • wet epilation. Some models can be used in water. This makes the process almost imperceptible;

      Epilation in water
      Epilation in water

      Epilation in water makes the process almost imperceptible

  • speed of work. Different models have one to three speeds. The lowest speed is suitable for thick and short hairs. Medium - for longer ones. High - in order to speed up the process, but at the same time pain increases;
  • type of food. The rechargeable device must have a long battery life. At least 30 minutes. And the network wire is longer;
  • additional functions. This can be a highlight on the work area or attachments for armpits and bikini. They use fewer discs or tweezers. Hair will twitch less and pain will be less noticeable in sensitive areas. There are also shaving and massage attachments.

    Extra attachments for the epilator
    Extra attachments for the epilator

    Extra epilator attachments are designed for different functions

Which manufacturers are considered popular

Epilators are made by famous brands and beginners to win over customers. Consider the main manufacturers.

Photo: epilators from major manufacturers

Epilator Braun 9-541 Silk-epil 9
Epilator Braun 9-541 Silk-epil 9
The Braun 9-541 Silk-epil 9 epilator works autonomously for 40 minutes, charges quickly, and has a shaving attachment
Epilator Philips HP6422
Epilator Philips HP6422
The Philips HP6422 epilator is light and small. The epilating head can be washed. Captures fine hairs well
Epilator Rowenta EP1030
Epilator Rowenta EP1030
Epilator Rowenta EP1030 is simple, convenient and cheap. The balls on the epilating head create a massage effect for pain relief
Epilator Panasonic ES-ED20
Epilator Panasonic ES-ED20
Epilator Panasonic ES-ED20 allows epilation with foam, 48 tweezers, work area illumination
Laser epilator Rio LAHH Go Laser
Laser epilator Rio LAHH Go Laser
The Rio LAHH Go Laser epilator has 5 modes of laser beam intensity, which makes it possible to use on the face
Photoepilator Braun IPL BD 5001
Photoepilator Braun IPL BD 5001
Epilator Braun IPL BD 5001 has a cartridge resource of 300 thousand pulses, ergonomic handle
Photoepilator Philips Lumea Essential BRI863
Photoepilator Philips Lumea Essential BRI863
The Philips Lumea Essential BRI863 epilator works in 5 modes, contains a skin color sensor, can be used on the face

The famous German company Braun introduced the first epilator several decades ago. Since then, the design and operation of the devices have changed. Braun epilators are very comfortable to use. Most have a floating head that can capture even a short hair. Built-in light to see fine and short hair.

Philips manufactures high quality and ergonomic epilators. The models are not alike. They meet various user requirements. Some need dry hair removal, others wet, and still others need a variety of attachments. The devices come in vibrant colors and patterns.

Rowenta epilators date back to the 80s. These can be both budget and expensive devices. And in those, and in others, high-quality materials, new technologies and an attractive appearance are used. This brand is not a leading one, so you will not overpay extra money for it. But get a reliable device.

Panasonic releases its products in series that do not make the previous lines less popular. The price, like that of Rowenta, is in the middle category.

The main manufacturer of laser epilators is Rio. She makes devices with scanners to make it easier to find hair. And in the niche of photoepilators, the main places were taken by devices from Braun and Philips. These devices have several modes, and the flash can cover up to 7 centimeters of body surface.

Table: price run for branded epilators

Manufacturer Min price, rub. Max price, rub.
Electric epilators
Braun 1318 11350
Philips 1120 12290
Rowenta 1314 6290
Panasonic 2090 6489
Laser epilators
Rio 13900 22500
Braun 19500 26990
Philips 11910 36180

How to care for your epilator after use

The device must be cleaned of hair after each working cycle. To do this, do not forget to disconnect the device from the mains. Removable heads are removed and cleaned with a special brush included in the kit. Can be rinsed under running water. Non-removable ones need to be slowly turned by hand. Then the discs or tweezers begin to move, freeing the debris. Use a brush for them too, or blow the hair with air. Wipe the handle of the device with a clean cloth. Laser and photoepilators also need to be wiped clean.

User reviews

Which female epilator is better to choose: video from "Test purchase"

Today there is no such epilator to get rid of unnecessary hair on the body once and for all. Since the technologies used affect existing hair. Therefore, the effectiveness of different devices depends on the number of epilation sessions performed and on the human body. But each time the hair grows more slowly and less often. Any epilator is much more effective than tweezers, razors or wax.