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2025 Author: Bailey Albertson | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:41
Serious choice - Bogatyrskaya plum

There are different varieties of plums, but few of them can boast of self-pollination, winter hardiness, productivity and excellent fruit taste at the same time. Such universal varieties include Bogatyrskaya plum.
- 1 Variety description
- 2 Advantages and disadvantages of plums
3 Planting a tree
3.1 Video: how to plant a plum
4 Plum care
4.1 Cropping
4.1.1 Video: how to cut a drain
- 4.2 Watering
- 4.3 Fertilizers
- 4.4 Preparing for winter
5 Diseases and pests of the variety
- 5.1 Table: diseases and pests of the Bogatyrskaya plum
- 5.2 Photo gallery: plum diseases and pests
- 6 Plum harvest
- 7 Reviews of gardeners
Description of the variety
Plum Bogatyrskaya is especially widespread in the Volgograd region of Russia, the variety was bred at the Nizhne-Volzhsky Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture. This is a medium-sized tree up to 3 meters high. The crown is rounded, raised, spreading, of medium density. The bark of the tree is light gray, slightly flaky. The branches are crooked and grow at an acute angle to the trunk. Shoots are strong, light brown in color. The kidneys are growing them at 45 on, of medium size, brown and conical in shape. The leaves are small, dark green above and lighter on the back, pointed towards the base, along the edge with notches and a small edge.
By the way, otherwise this variety of plum is called Bogatyr.

The adult Bogatyrskaya plum tree is very productive, the branches under the weight of the crop need support
Bogatyrskaya plum blooms in early May with medium-sized white flowers, which are located on the tree in small inflorescences of 2-3 pieces. The harvest ripens in August, usually towards the end, but unevenly, therefore, plums are harvested from the second decade of the month. The tree bears fruit starting from 4–5 years after planting, and reaches its maximum yield in several years. For an adult tree, this is about 60–80 kg. Plum bears fruit stably every year and lives up to 30 years.

The fruits of the Heroic plum sometimes reach 70 g
The fruits of Bogatyrskaya are large, 30–35 g. Ripe plums acquire a dark, black-purple hue, and are covered with a noticeable blue bloom on top. The fruits are oval in shape with a rounded top and a slightly elongated base.
The pulp of the plum is juicy, tender, dense in consistency, yellowish-green in color. It tastes sweet with a slight sourness and honey aroma.
Pros and cons of plum
We can say that the Bogatyrskaya plum has almost no flaws. It is a unique, unpretentious and very easy to breed variety. The advantages of a tree include:
- regular fruiting;
- high productivity;
- great fruit taste;
- self-fertility of the variety;
- high frost resistance;
- immunity to common diseases and pests of the plum.

A tasty harvest is the main advantage of the Heroic plum
Of the shortcomings of the tree, we can only name a too abundant crop, under the weight of which the plum branches can break.
Planting a tree
As already mentioned, the Bogatyrskaya plum is self-fertile, that is, it does not require third-party pollinators on the site to produce a bountiful and tasty harvest. This is very convenient for small country gardens. A place for a tree should be chosen sunny, well-lit. If the plum grows in the shade, it will negatively affect the quality and quantity of its fruit. An ideal choice would be a flat area on the sunny side, 1.5–2 meters from a low fence, which will protect the tree from wind and draft. Also, don't forget to step back 2.5-3 meters from other trees in the garden.
The groundwater level on the site should not exceed 1.5 meters so that the roots of the plum can develop freely.
If the waters come closer to the surface, you can plant the tree on a pre-built earthen mound 40 to 70 cm high and about 1 meter in diameter. The acidity of the soil for plums should be neutral, about pH 6–7.
It is possible to reduce acidity by first digging up the ground 1-2 days before planting with the addition of wood ash or dolomite flour, 750-850 g per square meter of area.

To grow a bountiful and sweet harvest, the tree must grow in a sunny location.
Suitable for planting are annual and biennial seedlings with a developed root system that has at least 3 main processes. Buy trees only from trusted suppliers and be sure to check young plums. The bark of a healthy tree should be smooth, branches flexible, roots without rotten or dry shoots.
A day before planting, place the tree in a 3-4% manganese solution (light pink) on a third of the trunk, and then lubricate the roots with a clay-manure mixture. To prepare it, take 1 kg of manure and 2 kg of powdered clay and dilute with water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Leave the roots oiled with the mixture to dry for 2-3 hours, after which the plant can be planted.
The planting hole for plums is prepared in the fall, at least 2 weeks before planting the tree. And the landing itself is carried out in early October or in spring in April when positive daily temperatures are established (at least 3 degrees at night for 5-7 days).
To prepare the landing pit:
- Mark the edge of the 80 cm pit and remove the top 20 cm of soil to create a fertile mixture.
- Dig a hole 50-60 cm deep.
- Add 300 g of superphosphate, 70 g of potassium salt, 20 kg of humus or compost to the upper soil, and 20 kg of a large river stove if the soil is clayey or 7-10 kg of powdered clay if the soil is sandy.
- Place the soil in a mound-shaped hole.
- Cover the pit with waterproof wrap.
The tree planting itself is carried out as follows:
- Drive a support stake into the hole at a distance of 5–7 cm from the center, at least 170 cm high.
- Place the seedling in the center of the hole so that the root collar is 6–8 cm above the final soil. Often, seedlings are inoculated, which is done in the wild 4–8 cm above the root collar. Novice gardeners often confuse the root collar and the grafting site and plant too deep.
- Spread the roots of the plum over the hole.
- Bury the tree with earth, ramming the soil in layers.
- Pour 30–40 liters of water over the plum into the groove along the edge of the 5–7 cm deep circle.
- Mulch the soil around the tree with sawdust or peat.
- Tie the seedling to the support stake with a soft twine.

The support stake supports the seedling for the first 2 years of growth
A properly planted plum will take root quickly and grow into a healthy tree.
Video: how to plant a plum
Plum care
The heroic plum is extremely unpretentious to care for, but proper support will help the tree quickly enter the fruiting period, as well as give a bountiful and tasty harvest.
Plum needs annual crown-forming and thinning pruning. It is carried out in mid-April when daily temperatures are set at least +10 o C. At the same time, they try to leave in the crown only branches growing to the trunk at the greatest angle, since they are more stable and break less under the weight of the harvest. Pruning should be done in this way:
- In the second year the tree of life and leave the center conductor 4 main shoots that extend from the trunk for at least 45 of and equidistant from each other. Competing branches are cut to the level of the annular bead at the base.
- In the third year of tree growth, the second tier is formed 70–90 cm higher than the first of 2–3 branches. The main conductor should be 20-25 cm higher than the branches of the second level, if necessary, shorten it.
- In the fourth year, it is necessary to form the third tier of the tree 50 cm higher than the second of 1-2 branches and shorten the main conductor to their level.
- In subsequent years, remove all branches that grow vertically upward and thicken the crown. Annual growths longer than 50-60 cm are shortened by 25%, and weak growths less than 20 cm are cut to the level of two-year shoots.
In the autumn in mid-October, sanitary pruning is carried out for plums, removing all dry and damaged branches. For 15-18 years of growth, the plum usually slows down in development, and its annual growth does not exceed 10 cm. In this case, start rejuvenating the crown. For this, the branches thickening the crown are removed, and the skeletal branches are replaced with lateral branches. The main conductor is completely preserved.

It is necessary to cut the tree with a sharp, sterile instrument in order to make the correct cut and not to infect the plant tissue
You need to prune plums with a sterile and sharp tool, processing the cuts with garden pitch or 3-4 layers of oil paint. It is also necessary to remove root shoots in a timely manner, which can be planted as separate trees. In this case, it is recommended to cut off the main root on which young plums grow, process it with garden pitch, and after a week, plant the plants in a new place.
Video: how to trim a plum
Plums need regular watering, but excessive moisture is detrimental to the plant and can lead to yellowing of the leaves. Therefore, the tree should be watered according to a certain schedule, focusing on the weather conditions.
A young seedling in the first year after planting is watered every week, pouring 10 liters of water into the near-trunk circle.
Trees from 2 to 4 years old need 20-30 liters of water every 3 weeks. Adult plums are watered with 40-50 liters at least 4 times per season: before flowering, after flowering, 3 weeks before the expected harvest and in the fall in early October. The last watering is water-charging. It nourishes the roots of the tree and saturates the bark with moisture, which contributes to the successful wintering of the plant. Moisture-charging irrigation must be carried out along the entire projection of the crown, spending 40-50 liters for each square meter of land. Such irrigation can be neglected only in case of heavy lingering rains.

Watering young plums is carried out in a near-stem circle
The very watering of the tree is carried out by sprinkling, or water is introduced into specially dug grooves 5-7 cm deep, located in the crown projection. After watering, the land must be loosened. It should also be done after natural precipitation.
For a stable and tasty harvest, the plum needs regular fertilization. In the first year after planting, the tree does not require additional feeding, and from 2 to 4 years of age, the plum is fertilized before flowering 60 g of urea, after flowering 60 g of Nitrofoski, at the end of June 60 g of urea by foliar feeding and at the beginning of August 60 g of superphosphate and sulfate potassium. Organic fertilizers are applied under the young plum every year. It can be 15 kg of humus or compost, or 7-10 kg of cow dung, or chicken droppings.
Grandma's method: dilute a glass of droppings in a bucket of water. After 5 days, take a glass of solution and dilute in a bucket of water. Water at the root.

Chicken droppings cannot be used fresh
An adult tree is fertilized before flowering with 180 g of urea or 150 g of potassium sulfate, after harvesting 100 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate. Organic fertilizers are applied every 2–3 years. It can be 20 kg of compost or humus, 15-17 kg of manure or 1 kg of manure, which must be diluted in 9 liters of water and infused for 3-4 days (the ready-made mixture is also diluted with 10-15 liters of water).
If chicken manure is applied undiluted, the small roots of the plant can be severely burned, which will lead to injury or even death of the plant.
Preparing for winter
Plum Bogatyrskaya is considered a frost-resistant variety, but additional procedures will help the tree to survive the winter easier. To prepare a plant for winter, you need:
- Clear the near-stem circle from leaves, grass, branches and fallen fruits.
- Dig up the soil under the tree (this will destroy the pests).
- Remove lichens and dead areas from the trunk, and then process the sections with garden pitch.
- Mulch the near-trunk circle with peat or sawdust.
- Whitewash the tree trunk and one third of the length of the skeletal branches of the first tier with a solution of 1 kg of lime, 0.5 kg of powdered clay and 150 g of copper sulfate, diluted in 7 liters of water. For young trees up to 4 years old, take a half as concentrated solution.
- The tree trunk is insulated with spruce branches or burlap.

Whitewashing protects the tree from pests and rodents
It is especially important to properly prepare young plants for winter, as they are most susceptible to cold damage.
Diseases and pests of the variety
Plum Bogatyrskaya has excellent immunity and is well resistant to many well-known diseases, for example, coccomycosis, moniliosis and cracking of fruits. With proper tree care and timely prevention, you can avoid other plant diseases, as well as prevent the reproduction of pests.
Table: diseases and pests of the Bogatyrskaya plum
Disease or pest | External manifestations | Treatment and prevention |
Milky shine | Plum leaves take on a whitish hue, and the tree bark darkens. | Sick branches are cut and destroyed, the cut sites are treated with 3% copper sulfate. As a preventive measure, an autumn whitewashing of the trunk is necessary. |
Marsupial disease | A white powdery coating forms on the plums. Diseased fruits do not form bones. | Before and after flowering, the tree is treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid. Damaged fruits are cut off together with branches and burned. |
Sooty fungus | Black bloom on branches and plum leaves. | For treatment, the tree is sprayed with a solution of 150 g of laundry soap and 5 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water. Timely pruning of plums will serve as a good prevention of this disease. |
Leaf rust | Light brown and orange spots on the leaves and a rusty coating on the back. | Spray the plum before flowering with 1% copper oxychloride and 1% Bordeaux liquid after harvest. As a preventive measure, autumn cleaning of the soil under the tree is required. |
Ringed silkworm | Ovipositions and pest nests appear on young branches. | Ovipositions and nests are destroyed by hand, the tree is additionally sprayed with Vermitek or Fitoverm. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to whitewash the trunk and destroy the leaves under the tree. |
Hawthorn | The pest caterpillars eat young shoots and buds. | The tree is treated with Actellic before flowering. Before wintering a tree, be sure to clean the trunk circle. |
Fruit moth | Plums fall before ripening, inside the fruits are eaten by pest larvae. | Before flowering and after 14 days, the tree is sprayed with Karbofos, and in June they are treated with Chlorophos. To prevent the pest, the soil under the drain is loosened at least once every 7-10 days. |
Photo gallery: plum diseases and pests
Milky shine - The milky shine of a plum is difficult to treat
Marsupial disease - In marsupial disease, damaged fruits and branches are destroyed
Hawthorn - Hawthorn caterpillars attack the tree in spring, eating young leaves and shoots
Fruit moth - The fruit moth destroys the fruits and seed chamber of the plum
Leaf rust - Leaf rust is easily identified by the characteristic color of the spots
Sooty fungus - Sooty fungus spreads through the leaves of the tree
Plum harvest
Harvesting of the Bogatyr plum begins in the second half of August and lasts about 3-4 weeks. It is recommended to pick plums when they are ripe and have a dark skin color. It is best to harvest in the morning in sunny weather and remove dry fruits from the tree. Before storage, plums should not be washed or wiped off. In this case, the crop is stored in a cellar or refrigerator for up to three weeks.

The fruits of the Heroic plum are universal in use
Bogatyrskaya plum is considered a universal variety. Its fruits are eaten both fresh and processed. This variety is perfect for making preserves and jams, since plums do not lose their sweetness during heat treatment. You can also make compotes and use the plum as a pie filling.
But drying and freezing the fruits of Bogatyrskaya is not recommended. When frozen, plums lose their taste, become watery, and the fruits are too large and juicy to dry.
Gardeners reviews
Here is what gardeners and summer residents themselves say about the Bogatyrskaya plum variety:
Plum Bogatyrskaya is an excellent choice for those who want to provide themselves with a tasty and stable harvest of this fruit and at the same time make a minimum of effort to take care of the tree.
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