How To Get Rid Of The Smell Of Cigarettes From Hands, Mouth Or Hair, How Long Can It Fade
How To Get Rid Of The Smell Of Cigarettes From Hands, Mouth Or Hair, How Long Can It Fade

How to remove tobacco smell from hair, hands, mouth

how to remove the smell of tobacco
how to remove the smell of tobacco

Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking: lung disease, the risk of developing cancer, premature aging and much more. This addiction causes a lot of problems in everyday life. One of them is an unpleasant smell after smoking. There are effective ways to get it out of your hair, hands, or mouth.


  • 1 Why is cigarette smell so corrosive
  • 2 Cigarette odor elimination products

    • 2.1 How to get fresh breath back

      2.1.1 Video: how to get rid of the smell of cigarettes from the mouth

    • 2.2 Get rid of the smell of hair
    • 2.3 Gentle hands tobacco flavor
  • 3 What mistakes can be avoided

Why is the cigarette smell so corrosive

A heavy smoker can always be detected by an unpleasant smell. It impregnates clothing, skin and hair, and makes bad breath. It is especially dangerous for people prone to allergies. Continuous inhalation of the cigarette smell can lead to an exacerbation of the disease and even bronchial asthma. And non-smokers feel discomfort and endanger their health next to a person who emanates a stable tobacco amber. According to the testimony of doctors, those living with a smoker are more likely to catch colds or catch respiratory viruses.

Man exhales smoke
Man exhales smoke

Cigarette smoke is dangerous for both the smoker and others, especially allergy sufferers

The smell of cigarettes is very persistent, and the reason lies in the composition of the tobacco mixture. The additives used during combustion form tar or tar, which are deposited on surfaces together with smoke and nicotine. They are the source of persistent odor. Another reason is dryness of the mucous membrane, which is aggravated by smokers. The smoke penetrates the mucous membrane, changes its microflora and promotes the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Resins are deposited on the teeth, tongue, inner surface of the cheeks. By smoking a pack (or more) of cigarettes a day, getting rid of the smell becomes more and more difficult. If you do not take action, it is felt for two hours, and completely disappears within two days. There are ways to help speed up the process. Some of them only drown out the smell, others allow you to eliminate it completely.

Drink fluids and rinse your mouth frequently to reduce the effects of smoking and prevent unpleasant odors.

Cigarette odor elimination products

The best way is hygiene. Water and detergents will help remove odors from hair, skin, and mouth. There are other ways as well.

How to get fresh breath back

  1. If you are at home, brush your teeth. Pay attention also to the inner surface of the cheeks, gums, palate and tongue. Even if there is no paste, a brush dampened with water will remove most of the unpleasant odor.
  2. Rinse out your mouth. It's okay if you carry mouthwash with you, but clean water will do.
  3. Fruit gum will also help. The more aromatic it is, the better. The method is universal, because the gum is always at hand, it does not take up much space. But don't use mint or menthol, it will only intensify the smell and add unpleasant nuances. In addition, the mixture of menthol and nicotine is dangerous to health.
  4. Lollipops Antipolitsay. They do not mask the smell, but remove it completely. They contain biologically active ingredients that increase the absorption of molecules - carriers of the unpleasant odor of the mucous membrane. It is useful to have them with you.

    Antipolitsay lollipops
    Antipolitsay lollipops

    Antipolitsay lollipops do not mask the smell, but destroy it

  5. Refreshing sprays can be used. But, according to user reviews, not all of them effectively and permanently get rid of the smell. It is worth choosing sprays for smokers with an anti-tobacco effect. They are specially designed to combat this problem.
  6. Drink a strong cup of tea or coffee, or chew on beans.


    Coffee is good at eliminating cigarette odor

  7. A slice of lemon, orange, or other citrus can help get rid of the problem quickly. It is better if they are with the peel - the most fragrant part of the fruit.

    Spices, citrus fruits and needles
    Spices, citrus fruits and needles

    Citrus fruits, spices and pine needles will help get rid of the smell

  8. A carrot, apple, or other juicy fruit will also help freshen up your mouth.
  9. Fresh yogurt is another odor control aid. Other fermented milk products are also suitable.
  10. Chew on a sprig of parsley or mint. For these purposes, cloves and bay leaves are also used. But not everyone likes their taste. You can chew on a pinch of nutmeg, but do not overdo it - it is poisonous in large quantities.
  11. But ginger is fine. Brew tea with it or chew on a candied wedge.
  12. Sunflower seeds and nuts help.

Advice! Use a special thread before cleaning. This will help remove the foul-smelling plaque from the lateral surfaces of the teeth.

Video: how to get rid of the smell of cigarettes from the mouth

Get rid of the smell of hair

  1. Washing your hair is the most effective method, but it is not always possible to use it. And it takes a lot of time.
  2. Dry shampoo. It is sold as a powder or spray and is applied without water. Suitable if you have a little time and do not mind ruining your hairstyle. Apply to dry hair, massage lightly and leave on for a couple of minutes. The shampoo absorbs dirt and smoke particles. Comb your hair. An increase in hair volume will be a bonus.

    Dry shampoo
    Dry shampoo

    Dry shampoo is applied without water

  3. Hair dryer. When there is no time for washing, it will help get rid of the smell for a couple of hours. Air out your hair for a few minutes with a jet of hot air. True, the hairstyle in this case will also suffer.

    Drying hair with a hairdryer
    Drying hair with a hairdryer

    Airing your hair with hot air will temporarily get rid of the cigarette smell

  4. Eau de Toilette. It will not get rid of the smell, but it will help to mask it for a while. Sprinkle the brush with eau de toilette and comb the strands.
  5. Essential oil. Rub the drop into your palms and run through your hair. You can also massage them lightly. Then comb through. The method will help to mask the smell on the hands. Just remember to wash them afterwards so as not to leave greasy prints.
  6. A veil for hair is a perfumed product in the form of a mask or spray. After washing, it is applied to damp or dry hair and envelops it in a thin film that protects it from external influences and absorbs odors. Conditioners and conditioners-conditioners have a similar effect, but to a lesser extent.

    Veil - hair product
    Veil - hair product

    Applying a veil to your hair will protect it from odors

  7. But it’s better to keep your hair odorless. Make a tight braid or bun, and put on a hat or hood before lighting a cigarette.

Gentle hands tobacco aroma

It is more difficult to protect the skin from the smell, especially fingers. After all, you keep a cigarette in them.

  1. There are special creams and gels available to help with odor control. Purchase such a tool and the problem will be solved.
  2. During the time called the Silver Age, women who smoked used long mouthpieces. They perfectly protect ladies' fingers from the smell of tobacco.

    Cigarette holder
    Cigarette holder

    The mouthpiece will help protect your fingers from the corrosive smell of tobacco

  3. Make it a rule to wash your hands with soap and water every time you smoke. It is important to use cold water for this. Rub the fingers that were holding the cigarette with a hand brush. This will remove the odor almost entirely.

    Hand brush
    Hand brush

    A hand brush is more effective at removing cigarette odors than just washing

  4. When hiking, use strong-scented wet wipes. They are also suitable for facial skin, which also suffers from cigarette smoke.

    Wet wipes for hands
    Wet wipes for hands

    Scented Wet Wipes Help Freshen Hand Skin When Hiking

  5. An antiseptic hand gel is another effective remedy. It is convenient to take it with you by putting it in your purse. But don't abuse it. The gel dries the skin.
  6. Citrus fruits have a strong scent and contain essential oils. Coffee grounds are highly absorbent. Rub any of these products on your hands, rinse with water, and the tobacco smell will disappear.

    Coffee grounds
    Coffee grounds

    Coffee grounds will effectively remove tobacco odors from your hands

  7. Use your fingers to rub a sprig of basil, parsley, or other fragrant herb. This will help refresh your hands. This method has a drawback - the skin can be colored.

What mistakes can be avoided

  1. Try not to smoke indoors. A fine suspension of tobacco smoke particles hangs in the air for a long time, gradually settling on the skin, hair, clothes, furniture and walls.
  2. If this does happen, ventilate the room for at least 30 minutes.

    Open window
    Open window

    Ventilate the area after smoking for at least 30 minutes

  3. Do not eat cheese after smoking: the smell will not please you.
  4. Don't use onions or garlic to get rid of the amber. The smell of these products will overpower the tobacco smell, but others are unlikely to like it.
  5. Don't try to fix the problem with sugary sodas. Sugar promotes bacterial growth and enhances odor.

None of the methods guarantee complete odor elimination other than quitting smoking. But the recommendations described will help make your non-smoking society more enjoyable.