Cherry Varieties Chudo - Description And Characteristics, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features With Reviews
Cherry Varieties Chudo - Description And Characteristics, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features With Reviews

Cherry Miracle: characteristics and features of cultivation

Cherry Miracle
Cherry Miracle

Cherry Miracle is a great option for those who love both cherries and cherries. The taste of the fruits of this tree combines the sweetness of the first and the slight sourness of the second. Having tasted the fruits of the Miracle cherry, it becomes clear why it has such a magical name.


  • 1 Description of Cherry Miracle

    • 1.1 Video: fruiting cherry Miracle
    • 1.2 Table: advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid
  • 2 Landing
  • 3 Cherry care Miracle

    • 3.1 Top dressing
    • 3.2 Watering
    • 3.3 Cropping
    • 3.4 Preparing for winter
  • 4 Diseases, pests and methods of their control

    • 4.1 Table: Cherry pests Miracle and methods of dealing with them
    • 4.2 Table: signs of cherry diseases and methods of dealing with ailments
    • 4.3 Photo gallery: what threatens cherries
  • 5 Harvesting and storage
  • 6 Reviews

Description of Cherry Miracle

Cherry Miracle - a hybrid of sweet cherry and cherry (duke), bred by breeder L. I. Taranenko as a result of crossing cherries of the Valery Chkalov variety and Griot cherries for planting in the southern regions. The hybrid is distinguished by early fruiting, high productivity.

The crown of the tree is like a common cherry, and the branching is like that of a sweet cherry. Shoots are straight, thick, with dark brown bark. A distinctive feature of the Miracle cherry is the ability to lay flower buds on annual growth. Duke bloom begins as soon as warm weather sets in (usually until mid-May). This promotes early fruiting. Cherry buds are large, like those of a sweet cherry. The fruit has a sweet taste with a subtle sourness and an amazing cherry-cherry aroma. Outwardly, the berries are more like cherries, and are similar in size to cherries (the average weight of each is 10 g). The skin is quite dense, the color of the berries is dark red, the flesh is juicy, the stone is larger than medium in size, it separates well from the fruit.

Cherry Miracle
Cherry Miracle

Cherry berry Miracle weighs 10 g

Video: fruiting cherry Miracle

Table: advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid

Advantages disadvantages
Resistance to fungal diseases, including moniliosis, coccomycosis. Special care is needed for the crown of trees.
Relatively high frost resistance (up to -25 o C).
High productivity.
Great taste.


Like other fruit trees, Miracle cherry is recommended to be planted in early spring before the buds swell:

  • in the central and southern regions - in mid-March,
  • in central Russia - in mid-April.

Hybrid plant only at zero temperature, even at 0 to C can not. If you plant a plant in autumn, especially late, it may die - a fragile tree will be too vulnerable to cold.

Cherry Miracle Planting Guide:

  1. It is very important for a hybrid to find a suitable place - an area protected from the wind and open to the sun. Do not plant a tree in lowlands where water can collect, this is especially bad for plants in cold winter: firstly, water accumulates and turns into ice, and secondly, in such places the air is colder.
  2. Find a quality seedling. Young cherry tree A miracle should be:

    • with an even, straight trunk;
    • with well-formed, thick and smooth branches of dark brown color, uniformly colored bark;
    • with dense and well-developed roots without growths and deformations, which are a sign of diseases.

      Cherry seedlings
      Cherry seedlings

      When buying a seedling, you need to carefully examine all parts of the plant.

  3. Dig holes (preferably in the fall or a month before) 60–65 cm deep, 75–80 cm in diameter. Before planting, add ash or superphosphate (30–40 g), potassium chloride (20 g) to the bottom to saturate the soil.
  4. Place the seedling in the hole, straighten the root system. Make sure that the root collar (the place where the roots merge into the ground part of the tree) rises 3–4 cm above the ground. After 1–2 months it will settle to normal.
  5. Cover the roots with soil.
  6. Make a hole around the tree, forming bumpers around the edges. By winter, they are removed so that water does not accumulate there.
  7. Water the plant with 2 buckets of water.

    Watering cherries
    Watering cherries

    The planted tree is watered with 2 buckets of water

  8. Mulch the soil with peat or humus to keep the soil moist longer.
  9. Prune immediately after planting, leaving the main stem 60 cm long. The side branches are cut by 1/3. You cannot cut the roots - the more there are, the faster the tree will take root.

Cherry care Miracle

In mid-March, the trunk circle is dug up and loosened so that the earth is warmed up and saturated with oxygen. The soil should be loosened systematically until August.

Top dressing

For the first 5 years, the tree does not require feeding, since a powerful root system can independently provide the plant with nutrients. Nitrogen fertilizers, which lead to the rapid development of the ground part of the plant to the detriment of fruiting, are especially not recommended. In addition, a large amount of nutrients can provoke the death of a tree due to immaturity of tissues.

In the future, annual top dressing should be applied to the lean soil:

  1. After the snow melts, 200 g of urea is added to the trunk circle. It is scattered around the trunk, the soil is loosened to a depth of 10 cm and watered abundantly.
  2. In early August, superphosphate (300 g) with potassium sulfate (100 g) is added to the soil. To do this, remove a layer of soil in the near-trunk circle (10-30 cm), evenly distribute fertilizers, cover with soil and water.
  3. In late autumn, only organic matter is introduced: 1-2 buckets of humus are scattered in the trunk circle and dug up. You can also dilute 1 part of mullein in 8 parts of water, make furrows around the trunk, fill them with top dressing and sprinkle with soil.


After planting, the tree is watered once a week with 2 buckets of water. In the following months, you can reduce watering to 2 times a month. Immediately after moistening the soil, the plant is mulched with dry grass to retain moisture.

Mulch under the tree
Mulch under the tree

Immediately after watering, the plant is mulched to keep moisture in the ground longer

Abundant watering is required during the active growth of shoots. During the period of fruit ripening, the introduction of water is limited so that the berries do not crack. And after harvesting, the tree is poured, wetting the soil to a depth of 50-60 cm.

In the fall, watering is stopped, the earth is only loosened. This will help the tree to grow the trunk tissue (parts of the tree trunk from the root collar to the first branch of the lower tier of the crown), preserve the supply of nutrients, and stop the growth of roots.


Correct pruning:

  • helps to increase yields,
  • reduces the likelihood of illness,
  • prolongs the life of the tree.

If the branches are not cut correctly, the tree:

  • gradually weakening,
  • the harvest goes down
  • the quality of the fruit is deteriorating,
  • there is a fertile ground for pests and diseases.

Prune cherries in dry, cloudless weather, then the cuts will dry faster. This must be done before the kidneys swell. The side branches are cut by 1/3 annually, and the branches thickening the crown are cut into a ring.

Cutting branches into a ring with a saw is carried out in several steps:

  1. Saw the branch from the bottom by a third of its thickness, stepping back from the ring 20–30 cm. If this is not done, the heavy, not completely sawn branch will fall and tear the cherry bark, causing a wound to the tree.

    The first stage of cutting branches with a saw
    The first stage of cutting branches with a saw

    First, the branch is sawed from below

  2. Saw off the branch completely by running a hacksaw along its upper part.

    Pruning branches with a saw
    Pruning branches with a saw

    The branch is sawed off completely by running a hacksaw along the top

  3. Remove the remaining stump by sawing off along the top edge of the ring. Clean the torn cut with a knife so that it becomes smooth. So it will drag on faster.
  4. Treat the trimmed areas with special paint, garden varnish or Pharmayod preparation.

With a pruner, the branch is cut off immediately along the upper edge of the ring, and then the cut site is treated with the same preparations as when cutting with a hacksaw. And in fact, and in another case, the branch should be cut parallel to the ring. Do not leave a stump near the ring and do not touch the ring during pruning, otherwise hollows and cracks may appear, branches will dry out or rot.

Cut to ring
Cut to ring

Neither leaving the hemp nor deep cutting is conducive to tree health

Before the start of sap flow, old, damaged, dry branches should be cut off. Do not forget to clean the cuts and cover with garden var.

After 5-6 years, the crown is formed, but pruning is not stopped. Branches growing inside the crown are removed annually. Cherry shoots stretch upwards, so they are given a horizontal position by hanging a small weight.

Duke crown trimming scheme
Duke crown trimming scheme

Duke crown needs annual pruning

Preparing for winter

Dig a hole and mulch with cut grass every fall. In order for a young plant to overwinter safely, the trunk circle should be mulched with horse humus (3-4 kg per 1 m 2). It is scattered in the near-trunk circle and dug up, and the tree is completely wrapped up to the root collar in polyethylene or burlap.

Preparing cherries for winter
Preparing cherries for winter

The stem of young trees can be wrapped completely

Diseases, pests and methods of dealing with them

By crossing cherries with cherries, breeders have achieved excellent results: such trees practically do not get sick, because cherries are resistant to pests and diseases and are a protector of the cherry with which they were crossed.

However, a perfect hybrid has not yet been bred, about which one could say with complete confidence that he will never get sick. Therefore, it is recommended that for prevention, it is imperative to inspect the tree in order to start treatment on time, if necessary.

The first preventive treatment of the tree is carried out in early spring before the start of sap flow, after pruning. The sections are treated with a 1% solution of copper sulfate, then covered with garden varnish. Tree trunks are whitewashed with lime mortar. After that, the cherries are sprayed with urea (700 g must be dissolved in 10 liters of water). This will destroy the pests that hibernate in the bark, as well as pathogens.

Table: Cherry pests Miracle and methods of dealing with them

Pest Description Damage to wood Method, means of struggle Prevention
Aphid It settles on young shoots in mid-May and sucks out cell sap from them. The founders of this process are most often ants that "milk" aphids, extracting sweet nectar. Instead, they settle female aphids, which rapidly reproduce without fertilization, and fight the natural enemy of aphids - the ladybug.
  • aphid excrement is a fertile soil for the development of sooty fungi and contaminates the leaves, which disrupts the normal life of the plant;
  • are carriers of infections;
  • a large number of aphids leads to the drying of the branches and leaves of the tree;
  • weakened trees can die in winter.
  • spraying trees with soapy water (300 g of household soap per 10 liters of water), ash solution (boil 300 g of ash in 10 liters of water for 30 minutes);
  • treatment with drugs:

    • Aktofit,
    • Bi-58,
    • Confidor;
  • extermination of ants.
  • destruction of root growth;
  • weeding out weeds;
  • spraying with ash infusion.
Weevil Winters in the soil. Appears during the period of swelling of the kidneys. It feeds on buds, flowers, fruits. A massive invasion of the tree occurs at the time of flowering. On the set fruits, the females lay eggs, gnawing the berry to the bone, after 2 weeks the eggs become larvae. They penetrate the nucleus of the bone and feed on it. By the time the cherry ripens, the larva completes the development process, and it crawls out of the fruit and goes to the soil for pupation.
  • berries deteriorate, dry and fall to the ground;
  • up to 50% of the foliage falls prematurely;
  • damage to a tree by a weevil has a detrimental effect not only on growth and development, but also on the appearance of new buds in the next season.
  • spraying with a decoction of wormwood (400 g of chopped dry wormwood or 1 kg of fresh wormwood is infused in water for a day, then boiled for 30 minutes, 40 g of laundry soap is added, filtered);
  • treatment with Fitoverm (20 ml per 10 l of water) during the growing season;
  • chemical treatments:

    • Actellik,
    • Bi-58 new,
    • Karbofos-500, etc.
  • digging of near-trunk circles;
  • removal of swollen bark and whitewashing of trunks;
  • shaking off pests on the litter;
  • removal of brown flowers in which the parasite is located;
  • burning prematurely fallen leaves with larvae, which later begin to pupate in the soil for the winter;
  • burning of damaged fruits, flowers.

Diseases of cherries quickly spread in thickened plantings, in rainy weather, if care is not followed.

Table: signs of cherry diseases and methods of dealing with ailments

Disease Description Damage to wood Methods, means of struggle Prevention
Gum therapy (gommosis) It appears in cases of disease, pests, frost, sunburn, improper pruning, excessive watering or over-fertilization.
  • the bark cracks, gum (resin) flows out;
  • low yield;
  • death of the tree.
Cut off the dried gum, clean and treat the wound with 1% copper sulfate (100 g of vitriol per 10 liters of water), rub with fresh sorrel leaves in 2-3 doses at intervals of 5-10 minutes, cover with garden var.
  • observe proper watering and exact dosage of fertilizers;
  • cover young seedlings for the winter;
  • trim correctly;
  • whitewash the trunks with lime in late autumn and early spring.
Hole spot (clasterosporium disease) It manifests itself in the spring in the form of light brown spots with a dark border. After 1-2 weeks, holes appear on the leaves. The pathogen remains in the damaged bark, the accumulation of infection is facilitated by the outflow of gum.
  • affected leaves and flowers fall off prematurely;
  • the fruits dry up;
  • the yield is sharply reduced;
  • causes gum flow.
  • cut out damaged branches and shoots in autumn, capturing 10 cm of a healthy area;
  • lubricate the cut point with 1% copper sulfate;
  • in spring, spray 3 times with 1% Bordeaux liquid (100 g of lime, 100 g of copper sulphate per 10 l of water) or 0.5% suspension of zineb (50 g per 10 l of water): before flowering, immediately after it, through 2-3 weeks after the last spraying.
see methods, means of struggle.

Gray rot


First, light spots appear on the fruits, which after a short time become tubercles with a pinkish bloom.

The disease develops rapidly in warm rainy weather and

can destroy up to 80% of the crop.

Three times spraying with Poliram (20 g per 10 l of water): before flowering, immediately after it, the last time - 2 weeks after the second spraying.
  • whitewashing branches and trunks with lime mortar;
  • harvesting fallen leaves and fruits;
  • digging a trunk circle in the fall.

Photo gallery: what threatens cherries

Cherry anthracnose
Cherry anthracnose
Gray rot develops rapidly in warm rainy weather
Cherry gum flow
Cherry gum flow
Gum removal appears with lesions of disease, frost, excessive watering, improper pruning
Hole spot
Hole spot
The causative agent of perforation remains in the damaged bark.
The mass invasion of cherry weevils occurs during flowering
Aphids on a leaf
Aphids on a leaf
Aphids are a carrier of infections

Harvesting and storage

With proper care, Miracle cherries yield 10-15 kg of excellent large fruits. It is possible to collect a massive crop in the 3rd year after planting.

Cherry Harvest Miracle
Cherry Harvest Miracle

Cherry Miracle gives 10-15 kg of fruits

For storage, fruits are harvested of dark red color with dense pulp and a green stalk. They are sorted and placed in boxes lined with paper. It is not recommended to wash cherries before storage.

At low temperatures (from -1 o C to 1 o C) and relative humidity (85–90%) cherries of this variety are stored for up to 2 weeks. You can also store berries at a lower temperature in the freezer (in plastic bags or plastic containers).

The fruits of the Miracle cherry are widely used in cooking. They are used to prepare marshmallow, jam, candied fruits, compotes, liqueurs, berries are dried and frozen.


Cherry Miracle is a variety that many gardeners have already fallen in love with. Duke gives caring owners an excellent harvest for proper care. Early fruiting is another undoubted plus of the hybrid.
