Composite Tiles, Advantages And Disadvantages, Review Of Popular Brands With Descriptions, Characteristics And Reviews, As Well As Installation Features
Composite Tiles, Advantages And Disadvantages, Review Of Popular Brands With Descriptions, Characteristics And Reviews, As Well As Installation Features

Composite tiles: characteristics, installation features, review of popular brands

Composite roof tile
Composite roof tile

The modern building materials market is filled with all kinds of roofing materials of various quality, cost and service life. Composite tiles are one of the brightest representatives of modern roofing, combining the best properties of metal and ceramic tiles.


  • 1 Properties of composite shingles

    • 1.1 History of the creation and use of composite roof tiles

      1.1.1 Table: history of the emergence and improvement of composite shingles

    • 1.2 Technical characteristics of composite shingles

      1.2.1 Video: production of MetroTile composite roof tiles

    • 1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of composite shingles
    • 1.4 Scope of application of composite shingles
    • 1.5 Photo gallery: composite roof tiles
  • 2 Installation of composite tiles

    • 2.1 Required tools
    • 2.2 Calculation of the required amount of roofing material
    • 2.3 Roof cake device
    • 2.4 Installation of the battens

      2.4.1 Video: arrangement of lathing for composite shingles

    • 2.5 Installation of additional elements
    • 2.6 Installation of roof tiles

      2.6.1 Video: instructions for installing composite tiles

    • 2.7 Cost of installation work
  • 3 Review of popular brands of composite tiles

    • 3.1 Composite tiles from Metrotile

      • 3.1.1 Video: the structure of Metrotile tiles
      • 3.1.2 Video: Metrotile tile colors
    • 3.2 Gerard composite roof tiles
    • 3.3 Composite roof tiles from Luxard
    • 3.4 Decra composite roof tiles
    • 3.5 KAMI composite roof tiles
  • 4 Testimonials from home owners and experienced builders about composite shingles

Composite shingles properties

Composite shingles are a modern super strong roofing material. It will protect your roof from rain, snow, wind and noise. In appearance, composite tiles cannot be distinguished from natural ceramic tiles, but they will serve better and longer.

Composite tiles on the roof of a private house
Composite tiles on the roof of a private house

Composite tiles have a very long service life, modern designers have not yet come up with the best roofing material made of steel

The history of the creation and use of composite tiles

As a roofing material, composite tiles began to be used in the second half of the twentieth century, but it became popular only at the beginning of this century.

Composite tiles have a fairly long history. So, during the Second World War, when people did not have the opportunity to get food and essentials, not to mention roofing materials, in England they came up with a roofing covering made of bitumen emulsion. It was supposed to protect the roof from leaks and corrosion. But at the end of the war, this idea was abandoned.

Table: history of the emergence and improvement of composite shingles

Year Event
1956 The tradition of using bitumen emulsion was remembered in New Zealand. And Martile Roofing Ltd creates shingles from a new alloy of aluminum and manganese, which is enamelled and baked at high temperatures.
1957 The production rights were acquired by entrepreneur Louis Fischer and was the first in the world to launch the mass production of composite roof tiles. It was at this time that the tiles began to be sprinkled with small particles of shells or bricks, which were soon replaced by basalt chips. This innovation has demonstrated excellent performance and attractive appearance, and therefore began to win the favor of buyers.
1964 Initially, the company produced plates consisting of only four waves, but already in 1964 the idea arose to produce tiles with 10 waves and capable of covering large areas of the roof, as well as to facilitate the installation process. She was named Harvey.
1967 Fischer's company is addressing another problem related to water ingress under the shingles in the overlap areas. Bends have now appeared at the top and bottom to prevent water from entering under the roof.
1970 Composite shingles are launched on European markets. At the same time, a special glaze coating is created, which is applied to the tiles over the basalt layer.
1979-1981 In Belgium and Denmark, licensed production is opened, which produces composite roof tiles.
1980 The glaze is replaced by an acrylic coating, and the products themselves enter the Asian markets.
1985 Manufacturing license in Malaysia opens.
1989 A new roof tile plant opens in Corona, United States of America. Subsequently, the products of this enterprise will become the well-known Decra brand.
1989 Louis Fischer's company is acquired by Alex Harvey Industries. And the composite shingles manufactured in European factories are produced under the Gerard brand.
1995 In production, galvanized steel is replaced by an alumino-zinc alloy, due to which the composite tile receives a longer service life.
1998 Tasman Building Products acquires Alex Harvey Industries and renamed AHI Roofing.
2001 Fletcher Building acquires AHI Roofing and owns a composite roofing plant. This company remains the owner to this day.
2005 The Malaysian plant is bought out.
2009 Gerard roofs are manufactured in Hungarian factories.

The modern version of the composite tile has all the same manufacturing scheme that Louis Fisher created: steel in the base, binder mass and sprinkling of crushed materials. Some manufacturers come up with new consistencies for protective coatings, but the base remains unchanged.

Technical characteristics of composite roof tiles

Regardless of the firm and configuration, the structure of a composite tile has several layers.

  1. Steel sheet with a thickness of 0.45-0.9 mm, which is the base.
  2. The sheet is coated on all sides with aluzinc, which is able to protect the steel from corrosion and rust. Alumozinc is composed of aluminum, silicon and zinc. This layer is only 20 microns thick.
  3. An acrylic primer is applied to both sides, which additionally resists corrosion. Layer thickness from 5 microns.
  4. The face of the shingle is covered with small particles of natural stone, which makes the roof covering impervious to rain, snow and wind and improves sound insulation.
  5. At the last stage, a transparent acrylic glaze is applied to the granulate, after which the tiles are baked in a heat chamber for 70 minutes at a temperature of 110 o C.
Composite tile structure
Composite tile structure

The upper glaze layer protects the product from ultraviolet radiation, so that the coating retains its original color for a long time

The dimensions of the composite shingle plate may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, but these differences are minimal. Average parameters of one coating element:

  • length - 136 cm;
  • width - 42 cm;
  • weight - 6-7 kg / m 2.
Composite tile sheet dimensions
Composite tile sheet dimensions

Composite tile sheet has approximately the same dimensions for all manufacturers

Video: production of composite roof tiles MetroTile

Advantages and disadvantages of composite shingles

Like any roof covering, composite shingles have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, this material has many more advantages than disadvantages:

  1. Long service life. Composite tiles will regularly serve from 30 to 50 years, subject to high-quality installation and proper operation.
  2. Resistant to rust and corrosion. The coating is resistant to corrosion and rust due to the application of a zinc-alumina layer on the metal base.
  3. Low weight. Composite tile is a fairly light material that does not exert large loads on the roof slabs.
  4. Fire resistance. A roof covering made of metal is, of course, self-extinguishing.
  5. A wide range of shapes and shades. In addition, composite shingles are almost indistinguishable from natural ones.

    Variety of colors of composite tiles
    Variety of colors of composite tiles

    To decorate the roof, you can choose any tones: both classic (red and brown colors), and more original ones - green, yellow, blue, blue and others

  6. Versatility. Due to the flexibility of the material, it can be used on any roof configuration.

    Round roof composite tiles
    Round roof composite tiles

    Due to the flexibility of the material, composite tiles can be laid on any surface

  7. Sound absorption. Thanks to the presence of a layer of natural stone, the tiles become impervious to sounds and noises.

    Coating of composite tiles with a layer of natural stone
    Coating of composite tiles with a layer of natural stone

    Leading manufacturers use different options for the mineral coating of the tile surface to protect the roof from rain and wind noise

  8. Resistance to temperature extremes. Composite shingles can easily withstand temperatures from -120 to +120 o C.
  9. Waterproof. With proper installation, water has no chance of getting under the roofing.

The disadvantages include:

  1. High cost.
  2. Complexity of installation. Composite tiles can only be laid by a qualified specialist, which will entail additional costs.

The disadvantages of composite shingles are associated only with financial costs. But, speaking of cost, this composite material should not be compared with traditional metal tiles, because initially more expensive raw materials and equipment are needed for its production. But due to the use of expensive and high-quality raw materials, you get a roofing material that has all of the above advantages.

In order for the roof to serve for a long time and without failure, it needs care. Although composite shingles are considered self-cleaning during rain and snow, you should not trust random factors to clean the roof. A conscientious owner, independently or with the help of specially hired people, should regularly inspect and clean the roofing. To remove dirt from such a roof, you only need a hose and a strong water pressure.

Composite Tile Roof Cleaning
Composite Tile Roof Cleaning

Any roofing requires certain maintenance, which must be done regularly

Scope of application of composite shingles

Due to the variety of colors and shapes, composite tiles are used on different surfaces and fit on any type of building, from civil to commercial.

Hotel with composite roof tiles
Hotel with composite roof tiles

Thanks to the protective coating, the color of the composite tile remains bright and saturated for a long time, since the material is very resistant to ultraviolet radiation

For any style of building, be it a classic or modern building, you can choose the appropriate shape and shade of tiles. Therefore, the design of the future roof will meet all your requirements. The roof covered with composite tiles will protect against all weather conditions, even in extreme climatic situations. After all, the material is resistant to strong gusts of wind and powerful precipitation.

House with composite roof tiles in the mountains
House with composite roof tiles in the mountains

Even a thin layer of stone chips can very effectively muffle the characteristic noise from rain or hail, which is inherent in metal surfaces

Photo gallery: composite roof tiles

Composite Tile Roof Pattern
Composite Tile Roof Pattern
Composite tiles are very compact - you can deliver all the required amount of material (with all the required additional profile elements) for installing the roof of a rather large mansion in a small truck
Two Tone Composite Tile Roof
Two Tone Composite Tile Roof
In terms of visual appeal, tiles are difficult to match with any coating
Rounded composite roof window
Rounded composite roof window
Composite tiles do not heat up excessively in the sun, do not accumulate either excess heat or cold, that is, their presence does not affect the comfort of the microclimate in the attic
Brown composite tile roof
Brown composite tile roof
Composite tiles weigh almost six times less than classic ceramic tiles
Multi-colored composite tile roof
Multi-colored composite tile roof
The metal has reliable protection against corrosion, and the decorative finish of the roof is completely covered with an acrylic transparent layer that is not afraid of aggressive chemical attack and mechanical damage
Roof with high slopes
Roof with high slopes
Another important difference between composite tiles and natural tiles is a very convenient size for installation: it is much more difficult and longer to lay a piece covering than to install sheets, each of which immediately covers about 0.5 sq. m
Two-storey house under composite roof tiles
Two-storey house under composite roof tiles
With a strong impact, a dent, a deep scratch, a violation of the integrity of the decorative dressing may appear on the composite tile, but there will be no through hole from such an impact
Blue composite roof tile
Blue composite roof tile
Leading manufacturers paint their products in the most unusual colors and provide a guarantee of their impeccable service for 30-50 years

Installation of composite tiles

Despite the similarity of composite tiles with ceramic and metal, their installation has very significant features. To work with this material, you need to stock up on certain tools, without which high-quality installation is impossible.

Required tools

So, for laying composite tiles you need to get:

  • a hacksaw for cutting wood or a jigsaw;
  • a hacksaw for cutting metal;

    Hacksaw for metal
    Hacksaw for metal

    A hacksaw for metal is required for sawing shingles

  • hammer;
  • scissors for cutting metal;

    Metal scissors
    Metal scissors

    Scissors are needed to cut off excess parts of the composite tile

  • a screwdriver or drill;


    The screwdriver is useful for tightening self-tapping screws when laying tiles

  • circular saw with a disc for cutting soft types of metal;

    A circular saw
    A circular saw

    The saw may be needed to cut large quantities of shingles

  • construction tape;
  • bending device.

    Metal bending device
    Metal bending device

    A metal bending device will be required for laying tiles on indirect surfaces

In addition to these, you will also need narrow-profile tools:

  • construction guillotine;

    Construction guillotine for metal
    Construction guillotine for metal

    With the help of a guillotine, you can evenly cut off the necessary fragments of metal, for example, in the production of additional elements

  • assembly gun;
  • template 37 cm.

Calculation of the required amount of roofing material

The number of shingles depends on the size and type of roof and the type of shingle. To calculate the required amount of material, you need to divide the roof area by the usable area of the tiled sheet and add 5% to the resulting number (stock for cutting and random errors). The resulting figure is rounded up.

Composite Tile Sheets
Composite Tile Sheets

The required number of tile panels depends on the area of the slopes, the shape of the roof and the type of tiles (different models have different usable area)

For example, take a roof area of 300 m 2 and tile sheets with an area of 0.46 m 2. We make the calculation: 300 / 0.46 + 5% = 684.8. We round the number to an integer, we get 685. This means that 685 shingles will be needed for a roof with an area of 300 m 2.

Roofing cake device

For arranging a roof made of composite tiles, it is necessary to have a high-quality roofing cake, consisting of:

  • waterproofing;
  • vapor barrier;
  • thermal insulation;
  • rafter system;
  • counter bars;
  • lathing.
Roofing cake for composite shingles
Roofing cake for composite shingles

Composite shingles are made of metal, therefore, it is especially important for them to correctly arrange the roofing pie with all the necessary ventilation gaps.

The angle of inclination of the roof slopes for covering from composite shingles must be at least 15 o.

Installation of crate

For composite shingles, the lathing is constructed from bars with a section of 50x50 mm with a rafter pitch equal to 1 m. The bars are packed onto a counter-lattice, starting from the eaves.

  1. The first block is laid with an indent from the bottom of the counter-lattice by two centimeters.
  2. The next bars are laid, moving upwards, at a distance of 37 cm from each other. In order to accurately maintain this size, a special template is used. The horizontal joining of the bars should take place on the crossbeams of the counter-lattice.

    Step of the lathing for composite shingles
    Step of the lathing for composite shingles

    Composite shingles are laid on a sparse sheathing, laid in 37 cm steps, which is convenient to support using a template

  3. The top lathing strip is mounted depending on the selected ridge. So, for a semicircular ridge, the gap between the extreme upper bars should be 150 mm, and for an edge one - 120 mm.

    Installation of the ridge strip
    Installation of the ridge strip

    To fix the ridge element, the lathing bars are placed on both sides at a distance depending on the shape of the ridge strip

Video: arrangement of lathing for composite tiles

Installation of additional elements

The roof needs the use of additional elements, which are used to form its ends, joints and breaks. They protect it from precipitation, natural phenomena and other external factors. Such elements include cornice strips, drip plates, end and ridge strips, snow holders.

Composite tile roof with additional elements
Composite tile roof with additional elements

Additional elements are designed to protect the roof from various influences and deformation

The cornice strip protects the roof rafter system from water ingress. The plank is installed before the tiles are laid on the roof surface.

Stages of arranging the eaves:

  1. We attach a 40 mm thick bar to the rafters.
  2. We install brackets on the bar to which the drain will be attached.
  3. We install the curtain rail on the bar, fix it with hardware.
  4. We mount cornice elements with an overlap of 100 mm.

    Eaves and gutter
    Eaves and gutter

    The drip bar provides drainage of moisture and condensate from the roof and from the under-roof space into the drain

The end strips are stacked from bottom to top. The lowermost bar is fixed with four self-tapping screws, closed with a plug and sealed with silicone.

End plate
End plate

End plate protects the roof edges from wind

The ridge elements are installed after the tiles have been laid. They are attached with nails and timber to the very top of the crate. For a roof with a small angle, a sheet of shingles can be used as a ridge, which is bent in half and fixed to the top of the roof with hardware.

Ridge attachment
Ridge attachment

The junction of two slopes serves as one of the important elements in the ventilation system of the under-roof space, so it should not be tightly closed

Installation of roof tiles

After arranging the lathing, you can proceed directly to the installation of composite tiles. The tiles are laid in the following sequence:

  1. The sheets are laid with an overlap, starting from the top and moving down.
  2. Each new bottom sheet is pushed under the previous one and fixed with roofing screws to the counter-lattice.

    Fastening technology for composite shingles sheets
    Fastening technology for composite shingles sheets

    The bottom sheet is stacked under the top one, and then fastened with self-tapping screws

  3. The installation is carried out in a checkerboard pattern with lateral displacement, that is, at the point of overlap, a maximum of 3 layers of tiles should be combined.

    Layout of composite shingles sheets
    Layout of composite shingles sheets

    Sheets of composite tiles are stacked from top to bottom with lateral displacement, with the installation starting from the leeward side

  4. At the end of the installation of the roofing, they equip the abutments of the roof to pipes, ventilation and walls.

After all the work done, it is necessary to cut off the protruding parts of the tile sheets, prime the cut points, as well as the heads of the roofing nails. If small areas of the tiles have been damaged, then they should also be primed and sprinkled with granules. After the primer has dried, it is covered with varnish compounds.

Video: instructions for installing composite roof tiles

Installation work cost

Installation of any type and brand of composite tiles will cost you 1.5-2 thousand rubles. for 1 m 2 of roof area. A decrease or increase in the amount may be associated with the volume and complexity of the work carried out, as well as with working conditions and the availability of a finished project.

Installation of composite tiles by professionals
Installation of composite tiles by professionals

The average cost of installing a composite roof covering is standard and is approximately from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles per square meter of surface

Review of popular brands of composite tiles

A large number of manufacturers of composite tiles are represented on the Russian market. Their products differ in some characteristics, appearance and price range. Below will be considered the most popular companies for the production of composite shingles.

Composite tiles from Metrotile

In any field of production there are leaders, among the manufacturers of composite tiles, this is undoubtedly the Belgian company Metrotile.

Metrotile Europe Factory
Metrotile Europe Factory

The plant, which employs no more than 100 people, is a highly efficient enterprise that produces composite tiles with the maximum degree of automation of all processes.

The company has been producing roof tiles for over 50 years and is constantly improving its technology. The composition of the modern roofing sheet from Metrotile:

  1. Steel sheet up to 0.9 cm thick.
  2. An aluzinc layer applied on both sides of the sheet.
  3. Acrylic primer, also applied on both sides.
  4. Metrotile acrylic layer. It is applied to the top side of the sheet. The composition was developed by the firm's specialists and its composition is classified.
  5. Basalt granules.
  6. Transparent layer of acrylic glaze.
Roofing sheet composition of Metrotile tiles
Roofing sheet composition of Metrotile tiles

Metrotile composite roof tiles are based on a sheet of steel produced in Luxembourg under the EC3 brand and have a very high degree of flexibility and elongation.

The shingles are heat treated for 70 minutes at a temperature of 110 o C.

Video: the structure of Metrotile tiles

Metrotile manufactures its composite roof tiles using modern automated equipment using only quality materials. The production has implemented a very serious quality control of products, equipment and materials used, so all tiles are guaranteed for 30 years.

The products are presented in the form of ten collections, among which there is something for every customer:

  1. MetroBond. The tiles from this collection have the traditional design of the classic tiles imitating natural ceramics.

    Composite tile MetroBond
    Composite tile MetroBond

    MetroBond composite roof tiles perfectly match a variety of architectural styles and designs

  2. MetroRoman. The collection was created in the tradition of the Romanesque style, the tiles have a semicircular shape.

    MetroRoman profile
    MetroRoman profile

    The MetroRoman profile belongs to the Romanesque style, has a special semicircular shape

  3. MetroShake II. The texture of the tiles from this collection imitates natural slate, which in the past covered the roofs of houses in England, France and Germany.

    Roof tiles MetroShake II
    Roof tiles MetroShake II

    The MetroShake II profile emphasizes the layered structure of the slate, ideal for classic architectural styles and for creating clear building lines

  4. MetroClassic. When creating the collection, modern design trends in architecture were taken into account. The roof tiles will perfectly fit into the look of houses built in the Hi-Tech style.

    Roof tiles MetroClassic
    Roof tiles MetroClassic

    MetroClassic roof tiles are ideal for Hi-Tech buildings

  5. MetroViksen. This collection is one of the most demanded among buyers. It is made in an environmentally friendly style and is ideal for wooden houses.

    Roof tiles MetroViksen
    Roof tiles MetroViksen

    The MetroViksen collection is the most popular among the owners of modern wooden houses

  6. Aquapan. The first full-size composite roof tile of its kind. Usually it is laid on country houses, garages, roofs with simple slopes. One sheet of such a tile is rather large - 112.3 x 89 cm, and the usable area is one square meter.

    Aquapan full size roof tile
    Aquapan full size roof tile

    Metrotile's first full-size Aquapan roof tile is the optimal solution for roofs with simple slope design - in country houses, gazebos, garages and other outbuildings

  7. Metrotile Gallo. The smooth wave pattern and low ridges resemble a natural roof in shape. Such shingles are commonly used to cover the roofs of luxury villas and cottages.

    Metrotile Gallo profile
    Metrotile Gallo profile

    The Metrotile Gallo profile allows you to transform your home into a villa, creating an irresistible charm and uniqueness for your roof

  8. Metrotile Mistral. The tile has a classic design in the best traditions of European architecture. The collection is in high demand among buyers.

    Roof tiles Metrotile Mistral
    Roof tiles Metrotile Mistral

    The Metrotile Mistral profile represents a typical European roof, remaining a classic for all time

  9. Metrotile Romana. The shingles have high volumetric waves with rounded shapes. It is this roof that adorns the villas built on the Cote d'Azur - in Nice, Cannes and Monaco.

    Profile Metrotile Romana
    Profile Metrotile Romana

    Metrotile Romana profile created in Mediterranean style using 21st century technology

  10. Metrotile Islate. The newest collection that takes into account all the latest trends in roof design. Due to the tight fit of the sheets to each other, an additional roof tightness is created. The sheet has dimensions of 134x43 cm and an area of 0.46 m 2.

    Roof tiles Metrotile Islate
    Roof tiles Metrotile Islate

    Islate vertical grooves provide additional airtightness to the roof

In addition, the company offers the elite collection MetroCooper, in which the tiles are covered with a layer of copper, which makes the roof sophisticated, respectable and original.

Roof tiles MetroCooper
Roof tiles MetroCooper

After installation, the MetroCooper roof retains its copper luster only in the first year of service, then the shade of the tiles changes to a deep matte brown tone, and over the years the copper oxidizes and becomes patina, acquiring a malachite green color

Metrotile tile manufacturers provide a wide range of colors - 24 shades.

Color solutions for composite tiles from Metrotile
Color solutions for composite tiles from Metrotile

The company offers not only one-color, but also two-color options for tiles.

Dimensions of tiles from Metrotile:

  • width - from 41 to 41.5 cm;
  • length - from 116.5 to 133 cm;
  • height - from 3.7 to 5.5 cm;
  • average leaf area 0.45 m 2.

The price for one sheet of tiles ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles. The most affordable option is Metrobond tiles, one sheet can be purchased for 494 rubles.

Composite tiles MetroBond on the roof of the house
Composite tiles MetroBond on the roof of the house

The traditional classic MetroBond profile creates the effect of a natural tile roof, being the cheapest option for Metrotile composite tiles.

Metrotile composite tiles are the most famous and demanded in Russia due to their large assortment and reasonable prices.

Video: Metrotile tile colors

Gerard composite roof tile

Gerard roof tiles are less common on the Russian market, but they also have a long history and a sufficient variety of composite roofing. Gerard is owned by AHI Roofing, a New Zealand company. The manufactured products are delivered to 120 countries around the world.

The structure of Gerard roof tiles contains the following elements:

  1. Steel base.
  2. Aluzinc and acrylic resin on both sides.
  3. A unique base layer that bonds the crumb and sheet for a long service life.
  4. Basalt crumb from volcanic stone.
  5. Acrylic glaze.
Gerard roof tile structure
Gerard roof tile structure

AHI Roofing was the first to use aluminum-zinc alloy for the production of composite roof tiles

The company's products are represented by six collections:

  1. Classic. The collection combines innovative technology and Old World charm.

    Roof tiles Gerard Classic
    Roof tiles Gerard Classic

    The Gerard Classic collection has an expressive and bold design

  2. Diamant. The creators of the collection were inspired by the most durable material known to mankind - diamond. This tile is particularly durable due to its low wave height.

    Roof tiles Gerard Diamant
    Roof tiles Gerard Diamant

    The coating offers an additional 10% area per sheet, which saves money and installation time

  3. Heritage. The tiles from this collection mimic the terracotta roofs of Mediterranean houses.

    Gerard Heritage Roof Tiles
    Gerard Heritage Roof Tiles

    Gerard Heritage roof tiles have a Mediterranean design and traditional waves

  4. Milano. The collection has a Roman design and is resistant to all weather conditions.

    Roof tiles Gerard Milano
    Roof tiles Gerard Milano

    The shingles have a symmetrical, discreet, gorgeous Mediterranean style

  5. Shake. The tiles from this collection recreate the image of a timber roof and embody the elegance of colonial times.

    Gerard Shake Roof Tiles
    Gerard Shake Roof Tiles

    Gerard Shake roof tiles reinterpret the classic wood roofing

  6. Shingle. The tiles are stylized to resemble wood plates that covered the roofs of houses a hundred years ago.

    Gerard shingle
    Gerard shingle

    Gerard Shingle has a style solution that is combined with both classical and modern architecture, gives the roof solidity and character

Average parameters of the Gerard composite tile layer: width 41 cm, length 132 cm. The price of any collection is 828 rubles per 1 m 2. The color palette is presented in 16 options.

Gerard composite roof color palette
Gerard composite roof color palette

Gerard composite roof tiles are available in 16 different colors

Gerard is completely confident in its products and provides a 50-year warranty on them

Composite tiles from the Luxard company

The foreign name Luxard hides the products of the domestic company Technonikol, familiar to many who are somehow connected with construction. Most of the components for the production of composite tiles are, of course, purchased from the West.

The structural composition of the shingles:

  1. It is based on a high quality steel sheet with a thickness of 0.45 mm.
  2. An aluzinc layer is applied from the top and bottom of the sheet.
  3. A protective coating is applied to the bottom of the sheet.
  4. The top layer is treated with an adhesive coating.
  5. Next, the sheet is covered with acrylic primer.
  6. Then a layer of natural stone granules is applied, which is protected with acrylic varnish.
The structure of a sheet of tiles from "Technonikol"
The structure of a sheet of tiles from "Technonikol"

Composite tile "TechnoNicol Luxard" is an alloy of classic roofing with modern technologies.

The roof tiles from the Luxard company are presented in two series:

  1. Luxard Classic. It has a classic shape, has the strength of metal and the durability of stone. The size of the tile sheet is 135x41.5 cm, the area is 0.47 m 2. The Luxard Classic collection is presented in six colors.

    Luxard Classic color palette
    Luxard Classic color palette

    The Luxard Classic collection is available in six classic colors

  2. Luxard Roman. The roof tiles will help to recreate the design of the roofs of Old Europe, they have a body wave shape. The Luxard Roman tile has a size of 133x43 cm and a usable area of 0.47 m 2. In addition to the Luxard Classic color palette, these tiles can also be made in two-tone versions.

    Multicolor palette of Roman panels
    Multicolor palette of Roman panels

    Luxard Roman roof tiles provide connoisseurs of impeccable style with an indescribable play of natural shades, smooth play and noble shape

Prices for Luxard shingles range from 400 to 450 rubles per sheet. The Technonikol company provides a 50-year warranty for its products.

Decra composite roof tile

The Decra brand belongs to the Finnish ICOPAL corporation. The tiles produced by this company are very popular among consumers, since the material copes well with the harsh northern climate, which is important for Russia.

The manufacturing technology of this composite tile is no different from the standard scheme; it is also based on a steel sheet, which is covered with protective layers and granules of natural stone.

Decra shingles composition
Decra shingles composition

The principle of production of composite tiles for all brands is approximately the same, the differences are only in the patented formulas of protective coatings and in some technological details

The brand has four collections in various shades.

  1. Classic collection. Has the traditional design of a classic ceramic coating. The tiles can be made in ten different shades.

    Decra Classic color palette
    Decra Classic color palette

    The Decra Classic series is designed with double grooves to match perfectly with any architectural style

  2. Stratos collection. The design of this tile imitates natural slate. The series is presented in three colors.

    Decra Stratos collection
    Decra Stratos collection

    The design of the Decra Stratos series resembles natural slate masonry, but has a much higher service life

  3. Collection Roman. Like other manufacturers, Decra also has a Mediterranean style collection - the Roman collection. The tile has a semicircular shape and a glossy coating that has two shades.

    Decra Roman collection
    Decra Roman collection

    Roofing elements from the Decra Roman collection have a semicircular shape, emphasizing the southern sun shine and sparkling character

  4. Collection Elegance. The tiles from this collection have a semicircular shape and a bright glossy or matte sheen.

    Decra Elegance collection
    Decra Elegance collection

    The Decra Elegance roof tile, thanks to its modern design and an unusually bright glossy finish, is the closest to glazed ceramic tiles.

The price for Decra composite tiles starts at 435 rubles per sheet. The manufacturer's warranty is provided for 30 years.

Composite roof tile KAMI

Swedish manufacturers of composite roof tiles KAMI Terra Plegel began to produce their products in 1976. Today they supply shingles to 40 countries around the world.

The composite tile of this company is the only one in the world that combines 12 layers. Its structure consists of the following components:

  1. Steel base 0.5 mm thick.
  2. A zinc layer, a passivation layer and a primer layer are applied on both sides of the steel sheet.
  3. A layer of polymer coating is applied to the bottom and top of the primer.
  4. On the top layer of the polymer coating, a polymer base is placed under quartz sand.
  5. Next comes a layer of quartz sand.
  6. The topmost element of the roof tile structure is the polymer coating.

Quartz sand helps to extend the life of the shingles by protecting the steel base from corrosion and fading.

The choice of composite tiles from KAMI is not as great as that of competitors, but it will certainly delight lovers of the Scandinavian style in architecture. The assortment is presented in two series:

  1. Dutch Style. The tile sheet is the most popular natural classic tile design. A sheet of such a tile has a width of 101 cm. The length of a sheet of KAMI tile can be different: they are produced in several modifications, the maximum size can reach six meters.

    Composite roof tile KAMI Dutch Style
    Composite roof tile KAMI Dutch Style

    The length of the sheet of KAMI Dutch Style shingles can be up to 6 m with a width of 101 cm

  2. Scandinavian Style. The profile from this series has a wavy design in the best traditions of Scandinavian architecture. Scandinavian Style shingles are 1 m wide and can be up to six meters long.

    Shingles KAMI Scandinavian Style
    Shingles KAMI Scandinavian Style

    Composite tiles in the Scandinavian Style profile are produced in sheets of various lengths, which allows 6-7 times to reduce installation time compared to one-size composite tiles

The color range includes classic shades.

Kami Composite Roof Tile Colors
Kami Composite Roof Tile Colors

Kami composite roof tiles can be ordered in any of six standard colors

All Kami products are guaranteed for thirty years. For one square meter of Swedish tiles, you will have to pay at least 600 rubles.

Testimonials from home owners and experienced builders about composite shingles

Composite shingles are modern and technologically advanced roofing materials. By purchasing it in a specialized store and entrusting the installation only to professionals, you will receive a high-quality, durable and attractive roof.
